May 9, 2024

A List of Things to do Before Winter

Here are just a few reminders of things that could be done at this time of year, before winter sets in.

  1. Change out the clothes in your BOB to warmer clothes with multiple layers.
  2. Do an inspection of all kits.
  3. Collect fallen leaves and bag them for using in compost in the spring.  Make sure no moisture from rain or snow can get in, or they’ll start to decompose.
  4. If you’re a hunter, make sure your gear is in good shape.
  5. If you live where it gets cold or snows, make sure to winterize your car. Here is what I carry in my car kit.
  6. Preserve food from your garden or a farmers market.
  7. Think about backup heat sources;  Do you have a means to keep your house warm if the electricity goes out or the gas supply shuts off (unlikely but possible)?

Can you think of any other things that should be done at this time of year?



What We May See at the End of 2012 that is not related to the Mayans

I’m not a prophet but I have gotten pretty good at watching pieces in different areas move and seeing potential threats.  Here are some possible things we might see late this year and early next year.



I see the potential for chaos no matter who gets elected.  If Romney gets elected there is a very good chance that a certain percent of Obama supporters will riot in protest.  What makes me think this?  The new Black Panthers intimidating voters at prior elections, the almost worship from a large chunk of his supporters, such as the “Obama phone” woman, and the racial tension in America which is covered below.

If Obama gets elected, he has nothing to lose and he could be even more progressive, pushing his agenda faster and farther than we have seen thus far.  In his first four years he was able to:  get homosexuals openly enrolled in the military, push through universal healthcare and appoint many radicals as czars that only answer to him, not to congress or the voters.  I could go on but you get the idea.  He did many things that could be argued as unconstitutional and he still had an election to win.  If he wins another term, all bets are off.   I can see him going after DOMA (defense of marriage act) and the second amendment to name just two.



No matter who gets elected we will have an economy that is in very bad shape.  We cannot sustain this debt and keep living like we have been.  I believe taxes will be raised on the middle class and up.  I also think we will see social programs cut, which could lead to the kind of protesting and riots seen in Spain, Greece and in London.

As I mentioned in When the Trucks Stops, due to a lack of truckers and rising diesel prices, among other reasons, the cost to have freight delivered is going up.  This cost will be passed on to the consumer.  Manufacturers have done some sneaky things the last couple of years, like making the package of certain items smaller but keeping the price the same.  They are trying to avoid raising prices, but soon won’t have a choice.

Here is an article from Comcast’s Xfinity finance news called Forbes: The Drought’s Impact on Food Prices.  The article explains why the drought will impact food prices and how it will impact certain foods such as dairy, chicken, beef and others.

There are also several municipalities declaring bankruptcy, from small cities, counties and soon, I believe, states.  California is the biggest and probably the closest to it.  Here is a Municipal Bankruptcies Map.  Watch it grow over the next few months.  People will lose their entire pensions and cuts will be made to services.  As in Oakland, for example, Police will no longer respond to certain crimes..  Others are doing things like turning off the street lights.  This is just the beginning.


Crime Rates

When social cutbacks are made, the poorest among us will be effected the most.  There is a certain percentage of that populace who will turn to crime to “supplement” their income.  One of the things I learned in my local police citizens academy is that criminals will often travel some distance to do their thieving, not wanting to “make a mess where they live” so to speak.  So suburbs with a relatively low crime rate could see more crime as social programs are cut.

I read a forum post by Ferfal, a gentleman who lived in Argentina until very recently.  He has two blogs, Surviving in Argentina and his newer blog, The Modern Survivalist.  In this forum post he made the point that the crime rate was so high that he always had multiple weapons on him, a knife, pepper spray, an ASP and a firearm.

The most important thing to always use is The Cooper Color Code and Situational Awareness.  These two can help keep you safe.  If you haven’t read The Gift of Fear yet, please do.  It will show you how to trust your instincts and keep you safe.


Race Relations

I have never seen racism.  I believe it exists and until a few years ago, (maybe I was naïve) I would have said it only existed in small pockets but that race relations in America were by and large doing fine.  Then two different things happened.  One, anyone who opposed the President was openly called a racist by many in the media, Hollywood and even some of our elected leaders.  The Tea Party was also called racist as well.

Then Trayvon Martin was shot in Florida.  When George Zimmerman was not arrested, he and his family had death threats made against them.  There were protests against the police, and some small rioting broke out.  There were also stories of white people attacked and told that it was for Trayvon.  Some of these beatings occurred outside of Florida.

Today, if asked, I would say that race relations in America are concerning.  I do believe that if Romney is elected, we will see rioting that makes the LA riots pale in comparison.  If people truly believe that anyone who doesn’t vote for Obama is a racist, losing to Romney will be seen as a far greater injustice than George Zimmerman not being arrested right away.  Any white person may be seen as a surrogate for the white person who did not vote for Obama, just like the white people in other states being beaten for Trayvon.


Civil Unrest

I have had several people email me about things they have seen or that they have been told by insiders.  I have also seen several news stories that point to state and federal government getting ready for civil unrest, from various police agencies being allowed to use drones, to police forces training with the military in urban operations.  Multiple federal agencies have purchased large quantities of ammo, totaling over 450 million rounds without any good explanations.  Then, Local Cops Ready for War With Homeland Security-Funded Military Weapons.

There is also the Air National Guard ordering several LRAD (Long Range Acoustical Devices).  The article also states:

“With this order, LRAD systems will be in use by every major force of the Department of Defense,”

These LRAD systems have already been put to use on American citizens, first at the G20 protests, which can be seen in the video.  Watch to see exactly how the LRAD works and how effective it is.



It was used again; San Diego Sheriff Gore deploys military sonic LRAD area denial weapons at political meetings.

The whispers people are hearing from insiders are vague but point to either something happening or being ready for something big to happen.  I usually take these kinds of whispers with a grain of salt, but like I said, I have had quite a few emails that, while not saying the same thing, have a similar thread.  Combine that with the drones being used to spy on Americans, the hundreds of millions of rounds and the police training in joint urban operations with the military and, well, you don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist to see that something is either going to happen or at least expected to.


Paracord; The King of Cordage

Make sure you see the end of this article to see how one of Prepared Christians sponsors, Camping Survival, is spreading some Paracord love with a discount and some free paracord for me to give away.

Paracord or parachute cord, or 550-cord is rope that is as useful as duct tape and something that I think belongs in every home, if not every kit.

What exactly is it and what makes it the king of cordage?  Paracord is a nylon rope that first saw use in parachutes in World War II.  It is made from seven two-ply threads shielded in an outer nylon jacket.  Paracord has a tensile strength of 550 lbs., hence the name 550-cord.  If needed, you can put two sections together, doubling the weight limit.  Its diameter is only 1/8”.  Paracord is also mildew and rot resistant, aiding to its versatility.



Now that you know what it is, what is it good for?



Either worn to make a fashion statement or as a means to always have some paracord close by.  Many people braid their own bracelets, but you can buy them online as well.



This is another option to make sure you always have some cordage nearby.  I also think that this is a perfectly acceptable reason to gain some weight.  You see, if you gain enough you’ll need new bigger pants, which will mean more paracord to keep them up!



This is a great way to have a small section with you.  I carry one attached to my keychain.  Sure it’s not a very long piece, but enough to tie someone’s hands together if needed or to make a bow drill.


Start a fire

Paracord is perfect for using as part of a bow drill.


Dog Collars and Leashes

Can’t find a leash the right length or the right color?  Paracord is your solution!


Fishing and Trapping

You can pull out the strands and use one as fishing line.  You can also use paracord to make snares for small game.


Handle Coverings

I have seen some people wrap paracord around the handle of straight edge knives.  I have also seen it wrapped around the handle of walking sticks.


In the Field

There are so many things it could be used for on a hike or while camping that I wouldn’t be able to list them all.  Here are a few:  Busted shoelace, broken backpack strap, a splint for a broken limb, temporary shelters (would work great with tarps), emergency stretcher, guide rope, babysitter (haha) and hoisting a cooler to keep it away from bears.


Camping Survival

Camping Survival is one of the leading paracord vendors in the market.  In fact, I purchased a 1000’ spool from them years before I started this site.  Their selection is almost unmatched.  They have a wide variety of lengths and colors available.  They also have some premade paracord bracelets and other items as well.


Special Pricing!

Camping Survival is currently having a sale on all ROTHCO brand paracord for 15% off, but they have offered a 5% discount on all other paracord to the readers of Prepared Christian.  For the 5% discount, just use the code preparedchristian at checkout.


Free Paracord!

To help celebrate the goodness that is paracord, Camping Survival has given me three 100’ sections to give away.  To enter, either send an email to Chris (at) preparedchristian (dot) net, with the subject line of “paracord contest” or fill out the form below.  Only one entry per person please, (I’ll just delete multiple entries).  Winners will have to provide your mailing address, which I will delete after I send the paracord.

Update!  I initially forgot to mention that I will select 3 random winners on Monday October 8th.

Final thoughts

Cordage is one thing that is difficult to make do without when you need it.  Sure, it’s possible to make from other things such as yucca plant for example, but it is just not as good as even a regular rope.  Paracord is so lightweight, strong, versatile and durable that I just can’t see a good reason not to have some in your kits.  And with the discounted prices, their availability and variety, I can’t see any reason not purchase it from Camping Survival.  I want to thank them for supporting Prepared Christian and you the readers with this give away as well as the discounted price.

