May 8, 2024

Survival Fishing

I haven’t fished much since I was a kid, mostly because I just don’t have the time.  I’m not going to cover the basics of fishing.  Instead, I want to go over some tactics for survival fishing.  Some of these ways to fish may or may not be legal in your area.  Check your local laws.  These are good things to have an understanding of.  If you find yourself in a survival situation, legal or not, you’ll do what you need to do survive.



I keep a mini kit in an Altoids Tin in my car.  In it, I have 25 feet of fishing line, some small sinkers, multiple hooks and some rubber minnows.  If I were to go hiking or find myself in a remote area, I would carry the kit with me.  I also carry a 100’ hank of para cord and a pocket knife.  I could make cordage and make a hook.  To me it makes more sense to carry those things, as they are so small and light weight.



Looking for bait should be fairly easy in non-frozen areas.  Turn over rocks and pieces of wood to look for worms and insects that you can put on a hook.  I have even read where people have successfully used flowers as bait.  Once you catch a fish, parts of it can be used for more bait.  One problem that might become an advantage is litter or trash.  If you have or can find a plastic bottle, you can turn it into a minnow trap.  The link shows bread for bait but worms or bugs should work as well.  Here is a link that shows how to make a lure out of a small section of paracord.


Trot Line

In a survival situation, there are a lot of things that need to be done.  While you could use traditional fishing methods, with a pole, line, hook and bait, that means you need to be there to watch the line.  With a trot line, once you have it set up, you’re free to go do other things.  As you can see from my very pretty (hand drawn by yours truly) image below, a trot line is basically one long strand of line with many smaller lines attached along its length and a hook at the bottom of each.  In my drawing, I have the line staked at shore, with one anchor in the middle keeping it all from floating to the surface and an anchor and float at the end keeping the line taut. You’ll need to bait each hook and keep them from getting tangled.  Leave it set for a few hours, when you start to “reel” the line in, hopefully you’ve caught more than one fish.

Trot line


This comes from the Army field manual on survival; FM 21-76.

“A stakeout is a fishing device you can use in a hostile environment (Figure 8-18). To construct a stakeout, drive two supple saplings into the bottom of the lake, pond, or stream with their tops just below the water surface. Tie a cord between them and slightly below the surface. Tie two short cords with hooks or gorges to this cord, ensuring that they cannot wrap around the poles or each other. They should also not slip along the long cord. Bait the hooks or gorges.”

Figure 8-18


If you have the cordage, you can also make a net.  Paracord would work perfectly for this!  Take off the outer shielding, which gives you seven thinner threads.  I’ve never made a net, but below are some instructions from the Army field manual on survival; FM 21-76.  Granted, making a net is fairly labor intensive, but once it is made you can set it and check on it periodically.

“Gill Net

If a gill net is not available, you can make one using parachute suspension line or similar material (Figure 8-19). Remove the core lines from the suspension line and tie the easing between two trees. Attach several core lines to the easing by doubling them over and tying them with prusik knots or girth hitches. The length of the desired net and the size of the mesh determine the number of core lines used and the space between them. Starting at one end of the easing, tie the second and the third core lines together using an overhand knot. Then tie the fourth and fifth, sixth and seventh, and so on, until you reach the last core line. You should now have all core lines tied in pairs with a single core line hanging at each end. Start the second row with the first core line, tie it to the second, the third to the fourth, and so on.”

figure 8-19

“To keep the rows even and to regulate the size of the mesh, tie a guideline to the trees. Position the guideline on the opposite side of the net you are working on. Move the guideline down after completing each row. The lines will always hang in pairs and you always tie a cord from one pair to a cord from an adjoining pair. Continue tying rows until the net is the desired width. Thread a suspension line easing along the bottom of the net to strengthen it. Use the gill net as shown in Figure 8-20.”

Figure 8-20

Here is a video showing how to make a net.



Fish Traps

Another option, trapping, is fairly labor intensive as well.  Again, once it is made you can set it and check on it periodically.  Here is some information, also from the Army field manual on survival; FM 21-76.

“You may trap fish using several methods (Figure 8-21). Fish baskets are one method. You construct them by lashing several sticks together with vines into a funnel shape. You close the top, leaving a hole large enough for the fish to swim through.”


Figure 8-21
“You can also use traps to catch saltwater fish, as schools regularly approach the shore with the incoming tide and often move parallel to the shore. Pick a location at high tide and build the trap at low tide. On rocky shores, use natural rock pools. On coral islands, use natural pools on the surface of reefs by blocking the openings as the tide recedes. On sandy shores, use sandbars and the ditches they enclose. Build the trap as a low stone wall extending outward into the water and forming an angle with the shore.”

Here is a site that shows you how to make a fish trap, not quite step by step, but many more pictures than what the Army manual has.



Also from the Army field manual on survival; FM 21-76.

“If you are near shallow water (about waist deep) where the fish are large and plentiful, you can spear them. To make a spear, cut a long, straight sapling (Figure 8-22). Sharpen the end to a point or attach a knife, jagged piece of bone, or sharpened metal. You can also make a spear by splitting the shaft a few inches down from the end and inserting a piece of wood to act as a spreader. You then sharpen the two separated halves to points. To spear fish, find an area where fish either gather or where there is a fish run. Place the spear point into the water and slowly move it toward the fish. Then, with a sudden push, impale the fish on the stream bottom. Do not try to lift the fish with the spear, as it with probably slip off and you will lose it; hold the spear with one hand and grab and hold the fish with the other. Do not throw the spear, especially if the point is a knife. You cannot afford to lose a knife in a survival situation. Be alert to the problems caused by light refraction when looking at objects in the water.”

There is a type of spear called a “frog gig” that I actually like better than the one described.  Below is a picture.  Clicking the picture will take you to a video that explains how to make it.

Frog Gig

Cooking Fish

Also from the Army field manual on survival; FM 21-76.

“You must know how to prepare fish and game for cooking and storage in a survival situation. Improper cleaning or storage can result in inedible fish or game.

Do not eat fish that appears spoiled. Cooking does not ensure that spoiled fish will be edible. Signs of spoilage are–

  • Sunken eyes.
  • Peculiar odor.
  • Suspicious color. (Gills should be red to pink. Scales should be a pronounced shade of gray, not faded.)
  • Dents stay in the fish’s flesh after pressing it with your thumb.
  • Slimy, rather than moist or wet body.
  • Sharp or peppery taste.

Eating spoiled or rotten fish may cause diarrhea, nausea, cramps, vomiting, itching, paralysis, or a metallic taste in the mouth. These symptoms appear suddenly, one to six hours after eating. Induce vomiting if symptoms appear.

Fish spoils quickly after death, especially on a hot day. Prepare fish for eating as soon as possible after catching it. Cut out the gills and large blood vessels that lie near the spine. Gut fish that is more than 10 centimeters long. Scale or skin the fish.

You can impale a whole fish on a stick and cook it over an open fire. However, boiling the fish with the skin on is the best way to get the most food value. The fats and oil are under the skin and, by boiling, you can save the juices for broth. You can use any of the methods used to cook plant food to cook fish. Pack fish into a ball of clay and bury it in the coals of a fire until the clay hardens. Break open the clay ball to get to the cooked fish. Fish is done when the meat flakes off. If you plan to keep the fish for later, smoke or fry it. To prepare fish for smoking, cut off the head and remove the backbone.”


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Preparedness Club

Suffering From Burnout Before and After the Fan

burnoutBurnout; noun;  Also, burn-out; fatigue, frustration, or apathy resulting from prolonged stress, overwork, or intense activity.

Have you ever been burned out?  I’m talking about being so tired of the “every day” that the thought of more of the status quo has an almost physical or very physical effect on you.  This is not a good place to be.  It can make one apathetic, bored, frustrated, depressed, angry and just all around unhappy.  This is a danger now, when our lives are normal, and a potential danger in a long term survival situation.


News Burnout

When you have your eyes opened and see what the world situation is, the constant bombardment of bad news can start to make you feel burned out and numb.  Shutting it all out might be ok for a small time, but we Watchmen (and Women) need to be alert.


Job Burnout

Suffering from occupational burnout is probably the worst kind.  We often work for/with people we might not associate with under other circumstances.  We might feel like we’re not where the Lord called us, and trapped because we need to make ends meet.


Prepper Burnout

This can be a blend of news burnout and partly from trying to fill all of the seemingly endless holes in our preparedness.  We never seem to have enough time to learn everything we might need one day, and we never seem to have enough money to purchase the items we need or want.


Post Fan Burnout

Most survival situations will be short in duration.  However, when faced with a prolonged survival situation, the stress, boredom and one day looking much like the next, among other circumstances can lead to burnout.


What can we do?

There are many other types of burnout, but you get the idea.  Suffering from burnout can be dangerous.  When you’re burnt out, you can become lackadaisical and your efforts in the area in which you’re burned out suffer.  But here are some ideas to help.


Take 5

If it is possible, take a small fast from what is causing the burnout.  This is great if you’re suffering from news, social media or other related kinds of burnout.


Add in Some Fun

Find fun things to do and take advantage of them.  Life can be hard!  Adding fun can help ease the burnout.  Plan fun activities so you have something to look forward to, and sprinkle smaller fun things to do until then.  When you’re really burned out, it might take a day or two of fun to help (if time permits).  Even when there is a lot of work to be done, you need to take time to have a little fun, or productivity, mood and other things begin to suffer.


Change of Scenery

If you are burned out and it is feasible, completely changing your circumstances can cure it.  This is much more in depth than just taking a 5.  This could involve changing jobs, a relationship, church or any other area where a more drastic change is needed.  I recommend discovering the reason why you are so burned out and trying the other items before going this drastic.  Sometimes, “Out with the old, and in with the new” is the only solution that can cure severe burnout.


What Can We do Post Fan?

In a long term survival situation, avoiding getting burnt out will be crucial.  Adding in some items to help break the monotony can help with burnout.  Fun games and contests or gatherings can be helpful.  In the book Lights Out, which is one of my favorite books in the survival fiction genre, they had a neighborhood potluck and dance.  In the book, it gave everyone something to look forward to, as well as something to remember going forward.


Prayer, Praise and Worship

There are times when God has called us to do something and no matter how hard we try not to, we get burned out. Taking 5 or a changing scenery isn’t an option, and adding fun doesn’t cure it all.  In these times, I pray, thank God for the chance to serve and give Him praise and worship.  In my last job I would often listen to worship music while I worked.  That seemed to help renew me for the day.

What tips do you have for either avoiding or curing burnout?  Share with everyone on the comments section.


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Tidbits One

I occasionally have a couple ideas for articles that are too short for me to post by themselves and I don’t want to send more than one email on an update per day, to keep you from feeling spammed.  When this happens, I’ll just string them together and make one blog post, with one email going out.


Preparedness Club

I mentioned last week that I would be launching a premium membership that I’m calling “The Preparedness Club”.  Today, I want to give you a little more information about it.  This will be one way to support the Prepared Christian Ministry.  I’ve been asked a few times about a donation button.  After careful consideration and prayer, I have decided to include one, but I also want to have the Preparedness Club as an option to give something back to you.

This is where the cool part comes in; I have approached companies that offer goods and services in the preparedness market place and so far, 17 have offered discounts.  My goal was to try and get you a discount on any product that you might want to buy and I’ve come close!  From ammo, many kinds of food storage, water purification, paracord, first aid, and books; if you purchase items from the companies who have offered discounts, the Preparedness Club will save you money.

The Preparedness Club will have one giveaway a month, minimum.  Some of the items so far are: a Midland weather radio, the Total Home Prep Now DVD’s, books from Paladin Press, and more.

For those of you not interested in The Preparedness Club, I haven’t forgotten about you.  I have some giveaways planned for you as well.  I hope to launch the Preparedness Club next week, or the week after at the latest.  To celebrate I am going to give away a one year membership, to enter either fill out the form below, or send an email with the subject of Preparedness Club to chris (at) preparedchristian (dot) net and let me know that you would like to enter.


Keeping In Touch With Prepared Christian

If you’re someone who uses Facebook or Google Reader to stay up to date, you might need to make some changes.  It seems Google has decided to shut down Google Reader on July 1, 2013.  If you use them to read my RSS or any RSS feed, you’ll want to find another reader.

Over the last months, Facebook has changed how updates are received.  They want to charge companies for advertising, so only a small segment of people actually see my updates via Facebook.  For example, as of the time of this writing, my last two posts have only been viewed by 101 and 185 people, respectively.

To make sure you see every update, it has been recommended that you create an “interest” list.  I’ll give the steps below.

First, go to the page you want to create an interest list for.  For this example, I went to Camping Survival.


Hover over the “like” button and click on “New List”.




Click the “Next List” button on the bottom right.




Name the new list and click “Done”

create list


Your new Interest list will show up on the left hand side of Facebook.




Bulletproof Mind

I have recently discovered something some of you might already be familiar with; The Bulletproof Mind from Lt. Col. Dave Grossman.  Lt. Col. Grossman travels 300 days a year, giving The Bulletproof Mind lecture but it is also available on DVD.

Here is what is mentioned about Lt. Col. Grossman and the Bulletproof Mind on the USCCA website, where you can also watch a video and purchase the Bulletproof Mind DVD.

Most of the people in our society are sheep.  They are kind, gentle, productive creatures who can only hurt one another by accident.” I mean nothing negative by calling them sheep. To me it is like the pretty, blue robin’s egg. Inside it is soft and gooey but someday it will grow into something wonderful. But the egg cannot survive without its hard blue shell. Police officers, soldiers, and other warriors are like that shell, and someday the civilization they protect will grow into something wonderful. But they need warriors to protect them from the predators.

Then there are the wolves, and the wolves feed on the sheep without mercy. Do you believe there are wolves out there who will feed on the flock without mercy? You better believe it.  There are evil men in this world and they are capable of evil deeds. The moment you forget that or pretend it is not so, you become a sheep. There is no safety in denial.

Then there are sheepdogs, and I’m a sheepdog. I live to protect the flock and confront the wolf.

If you have no capacity for violence then you are a healthy productive citizen, a sheep. If you have a capacity for violence and no empathy for your fellow citizens, then you have defined an aggressive sociopath, a wolf. But what if you have a capacity for violence, and a deep love for your fellow citizens? What do you have then? A sheepdog, a warrior – someone who is walking the hero’s path – someone who can walk into the heart of darkness, into the universal human phobia, and walk out unscathed.”

I had read the above years ago, but wasn’t aware of The Bulletproof Mind.  I will be attending the seminar this fall.  I cannot wait!  If you consider yourself a fellow sheepdog, you might consider checking out the seminar or buying the DVD.  You can see Lt. Col. Grossman’s bio here and his calendar here.  As I mentioned, you can find out more about the DVD at the USCCA website.

I will be giving my thoughts on the seminar afterward.  Did I mention I was really looking forward to this?!


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Government; the Good the Bad and the…What are They Planning

As I thought about writing this article, a couple different sayings came to mind; “don’t throw the baby out with the bath water” and “where there is smoke there is fire”.  Before you read any further, I feel the need to give a couple disclaimers.  First, I do not consider myself a conspiracy theorist.  In fact, I tend to dismiss the vast majority of subjects in the realm of conspiracy, unless there is enough smoke to hint at fire.  At those times, I get as much evidence as I can and use my rational, logical brain to decipher it.

Second, I am not anti-government.  I am just very pro-citizen.  When I say “government”, I mean government as a whole, not just one administration or party, unless otherwise specified.  I actually like idea of government the way it was intended very much; to protect the citizenry and do what it can to encourage “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”.  Personally, I believe our local, city, county and state government should have a larger role in our lives than federal government should.  I do not believe that the Founders had the behemoth that has become of the federal government in mind.  There are many quotes from the Founders that evidence this.  Here are just two from Thomas Jefferson:

“When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.”

“My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.”

Don’t throw the Baby out with the Bath Water

In case you’re unfamiliar with this idiom, it means: don’t throw out something good when trying to get rid of something bad.  I have noticed a pattern with people who have seen government, over the years, do things that do not align with their beliefs who then become bitter toward government.  These people tend to “throw the baby out with the bath water”, and either forget or overlook that there are some very good things that come from government.

Our taxes are used to fund the strongest military the world has ever seen.  This isn’t to say I am pro war.  I actually wish we would never see another war, ever!  But since there is no chance of that, I want to make sure the hero’s in our military receive the highest training and are as well-equipped as possible.  I also think those who are injured while serving our great nation should be taken care of once they come home.  Taxes also fund the heroes who serve us locally, in police and fire departments all across the nation.

The Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) takes a lot of flak.  Some of it is deserved but not all of it.  Some of the biggest complaints against FEMA came after hurricane Katrina when people claimed that FEMA took too long to respond.  Many people are not aware that the federal government needs to be invited in by the local government.  That invite was slow to come after hurricane Katrina.

“FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from and mitigate all hazards.”

I think FEMA’s mission is admirable.  However, I think there is some failure in the execution of that mission.  I have gotten a small glimpse behind the curtain to see how FEMA and local governments work together.  I have seen multiple trailers waiting for possible flooding, ready to go into action if needed.

FEMA also puts out a huge amount of information related to individual preparedness and encourages citizens to have a kit (albeit not enough) and a plan.  I am subscribed to some FEMA emails and have seen many seminars offered online that any citizen can attend for free.

I think one of the best things to come out of FEMA is the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT).  Trudee and I went through CERT, which I wrote about here. CERT was created because of the huge response from citizens wanting to help after 9-11.  The training in CERT equips citizens to be able to act in local emergencies and assist authorities.  In Minnesota the CERT team in the county I was trained was activated for the 35W Bridge collapse.  The team was activated again when there was a Minneapolis police officer murdered.  They were activated to form a perimeter and keep people out of it.  The team has also been activated for floods that happen in the spring as well.

I have caught flak for supporting CERT and for having a widget on the right side of the blog so that people can find training near them.  I chock this up to individuals throwing the baby out with the bath water.  The training and knowledge we gained can’t be attained by regular citizens any other way.


Where There is Smoke, There is Fire (or at least enough heat to pay attention to)

This may not be the best idiom for this because, while there is definitely smoke, I’m not sure there is fire.  Something is causing the smoke.  The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has done some things in the last few years that are concerning, especially in the last twelve months.

This portion of the article was very difficult to write about.  Covering things that are often seem as being topics of conspiracy theorists while maintaining an objective position and yet saying that there are some things that are concerning isn’t easy.  I have typed and deleted more sentences than I can count.  I debated even writing this portion, but I think these are things you should be aware of.

I get emails now and then about the government getting ready for martial law, FEMA camps, drones and other type things.  When the rumors of these things started, I blew them off, but in the last year the smoke has gotten thicker.  I’m not going to say “the President and DHS are coming for us”, but the smoke is too thick for me to outright dismiss it.  If you’re one of the people that send me this type of information, please understand that I am not making fun of you at all.  I appreciate it, as some of the articles you send are things I wouldn’t normally get to see.  Please keep them coming!

There is a lot of information that is presented as fact, when it looks like the author is drawing conclusions based on a few pieces of information.  Because of that, I’ll say now that I will only cover topics that I have verified to the best of my ability and I’ll only provide the information and give my opinion of it.  You draw your own conclusions, even if that means you dismiss it.  Like I said, I dismissed it until fairly recently.
FEMA Camps, Internment Camps, Labor Camps, Prison Camps

This is one of the items I have dismissed for years but it keep popping up.  There are two documents that are concerning.  The first is “R210-35 Civilian Inmate Labor Program”.  I was able to authenticate this as a real Army training manual.  I wasn’t able to authenticate FM 3-39.40 “INTERNMENT AND RESETTLEMENT OPERATIONS” as a real training manual, although the website Foreign Policy explains that the document is, in fact, real.  It isn’t quite the inflammatory document some make it out to be.  Both documents were created prior to President Obama being elected the first time.  One was written in 2005 and the other has a date of 2010.  I believe that is when it was most recently updated, though I could be wrong.

From “R210-35 Civilian Inmate Labor Program”, its purpose is:

“This regulation provides Army policy and guidance for establishing civilian inmate labor programs and civilian prison camps on Army installations. Sources of civilian inmate labor are limited to on– and off–post Federal corrections facilities, State and/or local corrections facilities operating from on–post prison camps pursuant to leases under Section 2667, Title 10, United States Code (10 USC 2667), and off–post State corrections facilities participating in the demonstration project authorized under Section 1065, Public Law (PL) 103–337. Otherwise, State and/or local inmate labor from off–post corrections facilities is currently excluded from this program.”

This document is obviously for American citizens.  It speaks about existing prisoners from federal prisons.  It doesn’t look like this document was created for prisoners during martial law.

FM 3-39.40 “INTERNMENT AND RESETTLEMENT OPERATIONS” was largely written for use overseas, but does speak a bit about use on the homeland.

“2-39. Civill support is the DOD support to U.S. civil authorities for domestic emergencies, and for designated law enforcement and other activities. (JP 3-28) Civil support includes operations that address the consequences of natural or man-made disasters, accidents, terrorist attacks and incidents in the U.S. and its territories.

2-40. The I/R tasks performed in support of civil support operations are similar to those during combat operations, but the techniques and procedures are modified based on the special OE associated with operating within U.S. territory and according to the categories of individuals (primarily DCs) to be housed in I/R facilities. During long-term I/R operations, state and federal agencies will operate within and around I/R facilities within the scope of their capabilities and identified role. Military police commanders must closely coordinate and synchronize their efforts with them especially in cases where civil authority and capabilities have broken down or been destroyed.”

The document does have information on how the prison should be set up, where to put towers and the like.  I suppose that information could be used if Posse Comitatus was enacted, which “R210-35 Civilian Inmate Labor Program” references in the “Related Publications” section.


National Guard Training For Riot Control, Mass Detentions

Here is an article from SHTF Plan that covers information I have read other places as well. It details how some National Guard troops are being trained to deal with Civil Unrest. Below is one picture from the article, make sure to make note of the sign that reads “Food Now”.

Vigilant Guard


My Take

I have read that these camps do exist but are not related to FEMA.  FEMA does not employ enough people to run the camps.  The camps are said to be on military bases.  This way there is already an element of security and prying eyes can’t see inside.  “R210-35 Civilian Inmate Labor Program” does speak about using multipurpose buildings.  This would mean an active base could be turned into a prison camp in short order.

Do they exist?  I hope not.  If there are no active prison camps waiting for civilian inmates, I do believe there are bases picked and plans in place to make prison camps on short notice.  This isn’t conspiracy theory.  The government has plans for just about everything.
Police Equipped Like the Military and Training With the Military

There are many cases of joint “Urban Warfare Training” with military and local police agencies.  This brings up many questions, some of which are; since the police and military have different objectives, why are the two training together?  SWAT is usually the premium tactical police unit.  Why would local police agencies need this type of training for other officers?  Since we’re spending millions of dollars a day on a foreign war, why not train there with equipment that is already there?  Why would the military need to train on American soil?

Several local police agencies have used DHS funds to acquire military style equipment.  This also brings up questions.  I can understand some border towns or towns with a high gang population needing some heavier firepower, but the article states that Fargo, North Dakota spent $8 million on equipment that at one time was reserved for military only.
Over a 1.5 Billion Rounds

In the last year, DHS has ordered over 1,500,000,000 rounds of ammunition to be delivered over the next five years.  It was reported on that:

“Congressman Timothy Huelscamp revealed this week that the Department of Homeland Security has refused to answer questions from “multiple” members of Congress regarding its recent purchase of huge amounts of weapons and ammunition.

“They have no answer for that question. They refuse to answer that,” Huelscamp said.

“I’ve got a list of various questions of agencies about multiple things. Far from being the most transparent administration in the world, they are the most closed and opaque,” the Congressman added.”

DHS said that it is for their 100,000 officers for use over the next five years.  Some quick math shows that will give each officer 15,000 rounds each, to use over the next five years.  That breaks down to 3000 rounds a year or 250 rounds a month.  That settles it, I want to become a DHS officer!  I also know, from going through our local Citizen’s Academy and other sources, most law enforcement agencies don’t go through that much ammunition in a year, let alone a month!

I don’t remember the year drone attacks started being used on foreign soil, but it was a year or two later before Anwar al-Awlaki, an American-born member of al-Qaeda was killed by a drone strike in 2011.  I remember there was a lot of debate on whether or not the President had the authority to order the assassination of an American citizen without that citizen having due process.

To be honest, I had mixed feelings at the time; it’s not like we could send police to his American address to arrest him.  If we asked Yemen to hand him over, we would have been told to hold our breath.  On the other hand, it is a slippery slope, which recently has gotten a lot slipperier.

The Telegraph recently published an article called Barack Obama ‘has authority to use drone strikes to kill Americans on US soil’

Eric Holder argued that using lethal military force against an American in his home country would be legal and justified in an “extraordinary circumstance” comparable to the September 11 terrorist attacks.

“The president could conceivably have no choice but to authorize the military to use such force if necessary to protect the homeland,” Mr. Holder said.

This is a completely different ball game.  If the offending terrorist is on American soil, we should make every effort to capture them and facilitate due process.  We could send beefed up local law enforcement that has the military style gear and has been training with the military. (tongue-in-cheek)

Seriously, summarily killing an American citizen on American soil without a trial or any due process sounds a lot like Stalin’s Russia when people feared a knock on the door in the middle of the night.  We should do better!
Final Thoughts

There are a few other things that I didn’t include because I couldn’t find a source I trusted enough.  If those things are true, then we’re in a lot worse shape than I thought.  If I can confirm them, I will let you know.  I don’t know what all of this means, but there is just too much for it to simply be dismissed.  I’ve spoken before about cognitive dissonance, a term coined by psychologist Leon Festinger in 1954, which is a psychological phenomenon that refers to the discomfort felt at a discrepancy between what you already know or believe, and new information or interpretation.  These are often two opposing views.  The things mentioned in this article created cognitive dissonance for me.  The commonly held belief for me is the country I love and served.  The competing viewpoint is what it looks like it might be becoming.  I do not just blame President Obama.  President Bush gave us DHS, among other things.

Add it all up and it’s easy to see why people “throw the baby out with the bathwater”.  It can be hard to remember the good sometimes.

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