March 31, 2025

Book review of: Just In Case, how to be self-sufficient when the unexpected happens.

Just in Case: How to be Self-Sufficient when the Unexpected Happens

Book Description from Amazon:

“Just in case disaster strikes, you need a plan to ensure your family’s safety and comfort in all eventualities. What would you do if the power went out for several days in a row? Or if your family had to quickly evacuate the area?

Kathy Harrison shows you how to set up a simple home system–covering food storage, alternative heating sources, toiletries and clothing, pet supplies, emergency communication plans, and more–that will allow your household to survive comfortably for several days, or longer, with no outside services at all. Harrison also explains how to create a detailed evacuation plan–where to go, how to meet up with other family members, what to pack, and how to protect what you leave behind.

Keep a cool head and plan well; your family will be able to settle in together, stay warm, and eat well when the unexpected happens.”

This book is my wife’s go-to book; her favorite book in our preparedness library. By looking at the table of contents, one would think the book has limited information. Paging through it reveals that it covers a very extensive range of topics. Kathy Harrison, the author, does a great job explaining topics in a clear and concise manner.

It goes into more detail on some topics than others but gives you enough information on all topics covered to make you familiar with the topic. She lists other, more detailed resources for some topics as well.

I think one of my favorite parts is what she calls “Stored Food Cookbook”, where she lists several recipes using commonly stored foods. She also has section on canning, dehydrating and other means of storing food.

I think this book is a good resource for those newer to preparedness, as it covers a wide range of topics related to the headings in the table of contents. Those who’ve been Prepper’s for a while will find nuggets of wisdom as well.

I give this book four stars.