February 22, 2025

Finding Joy in the Darkness

The LORD is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving. Psalm 28-7


This article is going to be about finding joy when everything around you defies it.  I truly believe that this is a survival skill, the ability to find joy and hope, when we’re faced with times of pain, loss and uncertainty.  Because this is a skill, it is something we need to practice now, so when there is a disaster, we can find joy and be a light to others.  Jesus promised us we would see tribulation and persecution ahead, but He also said we should:

“Be happy about it! Be very glad! For a great reward awaits you in heaven. And remember, the ancient prophets were persecuted in the same way.’ Mathew 5-12

It’s not easy is it?  In fact, some days it’s nearly impossible.  We’re to be in this world and not of it, but we still get some on our shoes as we journey through.  I’m not talking about true depression, which is a medical condition.  I’m talking about when life is just beating you down.  The events that take place can affect us and some days nearly break us.  It’s hard to find joy when children and their teachers are slaughtered at their school.  It’s hard to find joy when there is job loss, loved ones with cancer or other illness and stress everywhere we turn.

But if we let this world bog us down, we are in danger of being like the world;

“You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless.” Mathew 5-13


Finding Joy

I am, by no means, an expert in this.  In fact, I often have a difficult time with it.  You see, I have Asperger’s Syndrome, which is a form of Autism.  While I am high functioning, I do have trouble understanding and relating to certain emotions.  I don’t mean to say I am Danny Downer, my emotions are often muted, kind of a plain gelatin, if you will.

I am also a blogger who talks about preparedness and spends a lot of time thinking about dark subjects and how we can mitigate them.  Spending as much time as I do on the hard realities and the harsh possibilities can sometimes take its toll.

Because of this, I have researched happiness and joy from an analytic point of view.  That might seem like an oxymoron, learning about emotions from an analytical manner, but it’s what works for me.  What I have found is this; joy is a decision.  It is an ongoing skillset that must be practiced.  Where most people make the mistake (myself included) is when they let circumstances dictate how joyful we feel.  Instead, we can make the decision to look for bright spots in the darkness; to see the glass as half full.

My wife, who is much better than I at this, has an example; she lost her first born son after just three days.  Sure it hurt and was horrible to go through, but she didn’t let it define her.  She feels privileged that she got to have him for those three precious days.

Like I said, joy is a skillset that has to be practiced, just like shooting, canning, driving or any other skill.  We have to make the decision any and every time life starts to kick our butts.


Happiness is a Serious Problem

One of my favorite radio talk show hosts is Dennis Prager.  Mr. Prager wrote a book called Happiness Is a Serious Problem: A Human Nature Repair Manual.  In it, he explains that happiness is actually an obligation; an obligation we all owe to those in our lives.  He says that to be happy we often have to fight against our nature.  He explains that it is our expectations that often lead to our unhappiness.  For an example, if I have a job interview that I think I am perfect for, and I feel comfortable that I will get it.  If I don’t get the job, I may feel let down, sad or even depressed.  If I was to go into the interview with no expectation of being hired and am offered the position, I can be thrilled.  If I’m not offered the position, I had no expectation of getting it, so no harm done.

Every Friday, Dennis dedicates one hour of his show to the subject of happiness.  One Friday he actually said that for Christians and Jews, unhappiness is a sin.  He said that through scripture we are commanded to have joy.  Do a search for the words “joy”, “happy” and “happiness” at any online bible website.  Blue Letter Bible is one of my favorites, but there are many others.  You might be surprised at how many times those three words are brought up.  A very good example is Mathew 5-12; being happy when we’re persecuted.  I don’t think that is a suggestion, I think it’s a command.

If you have a hard time finding joy or being happy, I really recommend reading Happiness Is a Serious Problem: A Human Nature Repair Manual.  In fact I think it’s time I read it again.


What can we Do?


Make Room For Fun

One of the things I have recently learned is that I need to make room for fun. You see, between working full time and this website, there have been days when I woke up at 4:45am, started work at 6:30am, got off at 3:00pm and worked on the website until 8:00pm. I don’t have quite the same schedule now, but there are still days when it’s close. I enjoy working on the website. I feel blessed that I get to do so and that people actually come back to read the next article. To avoid getting burned out, I have recently learned to make room for fun. I like to play video games, so I am now making time each day just to play.

When you feel like you’re losing the battle, having something to look forward to every day makes things easier to handle. Fun and joy aren’t necessarily related but fun can chip the armor of darkness so the light of Joy can start to shine through.



Have you ever had a day…or a week where everything was a battle?  That person in traffic cuts you off, your co-workers are making your job harder, and things at home are unpleasant?  You can’t wait to climb into bed so the day can just be over?  The point I am attempting to make is that there are times when things are going against us even if we’ve done nothing to bring it on.

I often think that these times can be attributed to the enemy.  I read on a forum once where someone said they knew they were being attacked.  They said “If satan or his minions are busy attacking me, they can’t be out attacking someone else”.  They took on an attitude of someone doing battle and fighting back, not just being attacked and taking it.

In these times we can go vertical and get out of the horizontal.  In other words we can get out of this world (the horizontal) and go vertical to take the problem to the King.  There have been days when this works, and others where it hasn’t.  Sometimes I need to add worship music and more prayer.

In the last month or so, I have had the same story about the happiest man alive cross my path at least three times. It is about a Buddhist Monk.  Scientists have connected 256 electrodes to his head and asked him to meditate on compassion.  The article reports that:

“Ricard’s brain produced gamma waves, linked to consciousness, attention, learning and memory that were “off the charts”. It also showed excessive activity in the left prefrontal cortex. This demonstrated Ricard’s massive capacity for happiness and low levels of negativity.”

Meditation on compassion is simply getting out of the horizontal, standing in the gap and praying for others.  So, by praying for others, we can actually increase our happiness.  It also intervenes in another’s life and lifts them up to the Father.  Prayer is a mighty weapon!  Jesus said in Mark 9:20 “This kind can be cast out only by prayer”.  Imagine that!  A demon so strong that even the Messiah had to pray to the Father to intervene.

I posted a comment on another article recently about the word “Maranatha”. It is an Aramaic word which, loosely translated, means “Come quickly Lord”. I have had days when it feels like I am treading water just to keep my nose above the surface and people keep putting stones in my pockets. On these days, when the yoke of this world is too heavy for me to carry alone, I try to pray, but those prayers seem so feeble. In those times, I utter this one word prayer, “Maranatha!”

I prayed this prayer when I heard of the Sandy Hook shootings. Thinking of those terrified children and teachers, of all those grieving in such terrible pain. My words were to small, the burden to heavy, the only thing that could heal that hurt is our God, so Maranatha, come quickly Lord to those in pain.

Prayer is a mighty weapon that I don’t feel I wield well.  This is something I am making a resolution to get better at this year.  If you have any requests, large or small, that you would like a prayer warrior in training to take before the Living God on your behalf, just post it in the comments or send an email to Chris @ preparedchristian.net and I will add you to my prayer journal.


These are just a few examples of how you can find joy, if you have others please share them in the comment section.


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Dreams, Prophecy and Promptings

“‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”

This verse comes from Joel 2:28 and again from Acts 2:17.  It is a promise from God that He will pour out His spirit, which will give visions, dreams and cause some to prophecy.  Since starting Prepared Christian I have been blessed to receive emails from several of you who have shared dreams you have had or prophecies that have been given at your church or from ministries you interact with on the Internet.  I want to take some time to discuss this with you.

I think this is important because I know that some of you have been led to preparedness by a dream you have had or a loved one has had, or by prophecies given by someone you trust.  Sometimes we feel prompted by God to take an action to be more prepared.



The word dream is mentioned in scripture 65 times; all but seven of those are in the Old Testament.  Dreams are clearly one way that God chooses to speak to us; I think this is for various reasons.  Dreams bypass the logical part of our brain that can quash the still small voice.  Dreams can also be used to introduce things that we are not yet familiar with.  They can be used to push us to take action on something we may or may not fully understand.

Scripture lists dreams given to people that were a concrete example of what would occur, examples of this appear in Mathew 1:20, when an angel appears to Joseph in a dream and tells him that the child Mary caries was conceived by the Holy Spirit.  Again in Mathew 2:12 the three wise men receive a dream that warns them not to go back to Herod.  An angel comes to Joseph again in Mathew 2:13 to tell him to take Mary and Jesus and escape to Egypt.  Joseph was visited in a dream again in Mathew 2:19, telling him of Herod’s death.

More often, dreams from the Lord are far more abstract and need interpretation to understand.  For instance; the dream God gave to Pharaoh that is explained to Joseph in Genesis 41:15 of the seven fat cows, then seven scrawny and lean cows that Joseph interpreted for him to mean seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine.  Another example is found in Judges 7:13.  Gideon overhears a man telling of a dream that a round loaf of barley bread tumbled into the Midianite camp with such force it collapsed a tent.  The man listening to this dream interpreted it to mean that the loaf of bread was the sword of Gideon son of Joash.  Gideon used this knowledge to invade and conquer the Midianite camp.  Again, in Daniel 2:30, King Nebuchadnezzar has Daniel interpret the dream of a giant statue, King Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4:11 has Daniel interpret the dream of the giant tree.

Sometimes the meaning of a dream may be abstract, even if the dream itself is not.  An example of this could be the dreams given to Joseph in the book of Genesis.  In these dreams, Joseph interpreted his brothers and parents bowing down to him.  While Joseph became second in command, only lower than Pharaoh, God, at one point, had Joseph thrown into a cistern, sold into slavery and put in prison before interpreting Pharaohs dream and being given much power.  He used this power to save his family.

The point I am trying to make is that sometimes the dreams we have are from God.  Some of those dreams will actually happen exactly like they did in the dream, as it was many times with Joseph.  Some dreams might show us symbolic events, with the end result being similar to the dream, as it was with Joseph and his dreams of his family bowing down to him.  The dream could just be used to spark you into taking action, like Gideon did when hearing of the interpreted dream.

I have received e-mails from people who say they have had dreams of the economy crashing and violence everywhere.  I have received emails foretelling of the electric grid going out and society falling apart.  I have also gotten an email where the person dreamed that a large volcano (I assume it was the caldera in Yellowstone) erupted, destroying much of America and covering much of the US is ash.  I have also read prophecies from my church and other ministries that speak to some very difficult times ahead.  If all of these are true and come to pass, not only America but much of the world will suffer greatly.  In fact, if the caldera in Yellowstone erupted, it very well could be an ELE (Extinction Level Event).  I suppose it is possible that all of these things could happen, but even one happening is a very low possibility, let alone all three.



Prophecy is something I find interesting and have studied.  I have read Biblical prophecies and some by modern day prophets.  The modern prophecies that I have read are often a little vague.  Maybe the prophet is only allowed, as John the Revelator was, to show certain things, keeping some things hidden.  Maybe the entire sequence of events was not revealed to the prophet, or maybe the prophet is afraid of being too specific, fearing the events will not unfolding as they said.

I have visited forums where current events were forced into prophecy.  I have also seen very godly men led to believe a false prophet.  I learned a lesson when I started studying prophecy; if a prophet is wrong even once, they are not a prophet sent by God.  God is never wrong.

If I met a prophet who was always right, who lived a godly life and loved the Lord, I would listen and heed his words.  Until then, I will listen and put their words to the tests of scripture and time to see if they’re right.



Most of the time, I have a very difficult time knowing if a prompting is from the Lord.  There are other times when I have no doubt.  I’m going to share something personal with all of you and I hesitate to do so, partly because I am very private, and partly because I think it could invite some conflict.  I think it is a good example of how sometimes God prompts us and uses things we understand at the time, only to have events unfold differently than originally thought.

Years ago I had read all of the Left Behind books and really studied the book of Revelation and other prophecies in the Bible.  This is also around the same time I started prepping.  I remember feeling like God was asking me to stay behind after the Rapture to help new believers learn about salvation, and to help them survive the coming judgments to the earth.

Years later I began to feel the Lord stirring again.  This time it was to help believers to learn that preparedness is Biblical and how to get better prepared now.  I wasn’t sure how to do this and sat on it for another couple years.  I finally started writing some pretty awful articles and emailing them to friends.  Then, God used Jack Spirko from the Survival Podcast to spark me into starting the Prepared Christian blog.

My point here is that even though all of the promptings were from God, in the beginning I did not have enough knowledge to teach others about preparedness.  Knowing I would need that knowledge, I began my research and better preparing my family.  Through writing those awful letters to my friends, I hopefully have gotten to be a better writer.  I still didn’t know how to “get the word out” until I heard Jack Spirko that day.  That began my research into blogging and using the Internet.  I now believe God used my understanding of things in the beginning to get me to take the action needed to do what I am doing now.  It was my understanding of things that changed, not Gods plan.


Final Thoughts:

Though God does use dreams, prophecy and promptings, they may not always mean what we think they mean.  Don’t cling so tightly to your understanding that God can’t unfold His plan.  Yes He is more powerful than you, but He loves you enough to yield to your free will.


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The Future Leaders of the Church

I have said a few times that I think the Church in America will eventually go underground and resemble the first church or the modern church in other countries.  People will gather for worship in smaller congregation’s in house churches.  This poses an interesting problem.  Currently, hundreds, even thousands, show up at individual churches across the USA.  These churches have between one and a small handful of pastors that minister to the many.  What happens when people form small house churches out of necessity? For example, if your church had 500 worshipers on a Sunday and house churches formed, each having 20 people, you would need 25 leaders for the house churches, one leader per group.

I wrote last week that “Christians should be preparing” so they can be a shining light in the darkness that may be coming.  Could it be that the Lord is preparing us Prepared Christians to be a light in our home churches and to lead them?

That would be no big deal for some of you, as I know you are leading home churches or small groups now, but for me, due to Asperger Syndrome and my rock solid (sarcasm) people skills, a conversation about the weather can be awkward.  The thought of leading a small church doesn’t thrill me.  I’m sure some of you might feel similarly…but Lord your will not mine be done.

One constant theme through all of scripture is that God frequently picks those who’re not perfectly suited for the task to complete it.  I mean come on; he made use of an ass on Palm Sunday (lol).  I believe this is so that we can see Him working in us and give Him glory for it.


But I Didn’t go to Seminary!

Just because you didn’t go to seminary doesn’t mean you aren’t able to lead a small house church.  I don’t believe any of the twelve disciples had any formal training, though they had the ultimate on the job training.  Jesus was frustrated with their lack of understanding many times through the New Testament.   Paul, who wrote the majority of the New Testament, did have formal schooling as a Pharisee.  It wasn’t until he came to Christ that he truly understood God.  My point is that you don’t have to be trained as a pastor or priest to be an effective leader in a church.  Don’t misunderstand, I am not discounting seminary, I’m just saying it is not needed to be a useful instrument before God.

There are some things that you will need to have a grasp on and be comfortable doing.  Below are some examples.



You will need to understand how salvation works; saved by grace, repentant of sin and welcome Jesus to come into your life.  It sounds so simple, but it is a lot more complex than repeating a small prayer.  Explaining why someone would give their life to Jesus, how to become saved and what that means for the rest of their life are important to understand.

I first came to the Lord as a preteen, I backslid in my late teens and had a loosely held faith until recommitting my life in my early thirties.  Since then, I have really sought the Lord and His word.  I could have explained at any time in my life what salvation was, but it wasn’t until a few years ago that I really grasped it.  Then I really understood grace and the sacrifice made in my place.  As I read the Word, I continue to see a deeper meaning to this life altering gift.



Praying out loud in front of people can be challenging.  For me this is much harder than even talking in front of people.  Part of the reason this is difficult for people is because we put a lot of pressure on ourselves.  I don’t know, maybe we want to come off like a prayer superstar like Billy Graham, but God doesn’t need you to be a Billy Graham, He just needs you to be willing.

To get used to praying out loud I started praying out loud before family meal time.  I also pray with my wife, Trudee, before bed each night and, at times, just throughout the day.  It was a little clumsy at first, but over the years I have gotten more comfortable.   I have had a few opportunities to pray with others, either one-on-one or in a small group, and I know that praying out loud with those closest to me has helped.  I also believe that prayer with Trudee before bed has brought us closer together.  If we have had a rough day with each other, we go vertical to the King and don’t let the sun set on our anger.

Your prayers do not need to be eloquent; they just need to be from your heart.  There are times when I knock it out of the park and times when I stumble through.  I know God doesn’t judge me, He just wants to hear from me.

When I can’t think of anything to pray, I pray The Lord’s Prayer.


Knowing the Word

I really think that in order to be a leader of a small group or house church you have to be in the Word often.  When I came back to the faith I read the Bible off and on and didn’t understand what I was reading.  I decided one day that I would read one chapter every morning before I got ready for work.  I think making that commitment and sticking to it is what it took for God to open my eyes.  It still took a while before I understood much of what I was reading, but I really grew in my faith after I made the Word a priority.

If you have a hard time, there are several programs that will help you read the entire Bible in one year.  You can do an Internet search for “read the Bible in one year” and take your pick.  If you need help understanding events and different cultural things, a concordance is something you might want to look into.

If you find the timeline confusing because it jumps back and forth, you might like The Story, NIV: The Bible as One Continuing Story of God and His People. As the title says, it is one continuous story.  You won’t have to try and figure out which events happened when.  For example, in all of the Gospels, it follows the life of Jesus from beginning to end.  In The Story just has one flowing narrative.

I personally don’t think you need to be able to quote chapter and verse at the drop of a hat.  I don’t have the kind of mind that can remember things verbatim.  But I can remember key points and themes just fine.  I think having a grasp on concepts is more important than memorizing passages word-for-word.  In order to do that, you still have to read it and let the Spirit open your mind.


Other Ways to Grow

Some people like daily devotionals.  Some people like groups that meat each week and share faith.  When I drove to work every day, I would listen to a Podcast of Chip Ingram and Living On The Edge.  Chip is on many radio stations, but I downloaded them on iTunes.  You can also listen to them from Living On The Edge.  They have a HUGE amount of material geared at helping small groups.  I have to admit that this area isn’t my strong suit.  I found what worked for me and quit looking.  If any of you have other great resources to help others grow in their faith, please list them in the comment sections.


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Why Should Christians, Specifically, Be Preparing?

I have written previously “Is preparedness a sin?” and “Scripture related to preparedness” , explaining why preparedness is allowable and even seen as prudent by the Lord.  I have never explained why Christians should be preparing.  Of course, they should be preparing for the same reasons as everyone else, but they should also be preparing for at least one specific reason that is theirs alone.

Jesus tells us in Mathew 5:14 that You are the light of the world.  While true that this statement isn’t about preparedness, it is about being a light to the world.  Whether it is economic hardship, war, terrorist attacks, pandemic or any other man made or natural disaster, our world is fallen and we are to be a light to it.  Jesus didn’t prerequisite that with “unless food is limited or very high priced” or with “You can pause on being light to the world when events around you become uncertain or dangerous.”

To me, it is those times when we MUST be the light to the world.  After 9-11, many churches were filled to capacity.  Sadly, it often takes a large event to break people and have them turn to the Lord.  If there is another large scale disaster (Katrina or 9-11) and someone only has a few days of food for their family, they will be focused on taking care of and providing for their immediate family.  They may not be concentrating on spreading Gods love and being His hands and feet to another needy family.

My wife and I, as well as many from our church, have taken CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) training, so that if there is an event in our local area, we can give aid. In the class, they made a point to say that you make sure your family is safe first and then go help if you’re able. Their reasoning is the same as mine. If things are not prepared for at home, if you have to worry about your family’s safety or whether there is food, you will be ineffective in the field.
Jesus told us in Mathew 24:6 – 8 (NIV) that:

“6. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.  7. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.  8. All these are the beginning of birth pains.

I can’t know if we’re living near the end times, but I do know all of those things are happening now, and Jesus said that they were just the beginning.  That means that more and probably worse will follow.


Many Christians have a misunderstanding of scripture, they will quote Matthew 6:25-34

“25. Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?  26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?  27 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?…

They don’t understand that this verse is not about preparedness or the lack thereof, it is about worry. Let’s face it, believing that God will take care of our every need is comforting, but our God is not a genie from a bottle.  He gave us free will and logic and the ability of forethought.


As I mentioned above, Jesus said some pretty bad stuff would happen and Proverbs 27:12 says:

“A prudent person foresees the danger ahead and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.”

When you put these three verses together, we’re told that there will be some difficult and dangerous times ahead.  We’re told not to worry because Jesus is Lord our God, but to be wise and prepare for those dangers that lie ahead.

So, if you want to be prudent before the Lord, then being prepared to be the light He said we are, and ready to face what He said is coming seems like the only decision.  Some people will have a hard time with this.  As I mentioned in Survival Psychology: Cognitive Dissonance, holding two opposing views is called “cognitive dissonance” and will cause mental stress and discomfort.  But looking at all of the scripture where we’re shown that God told people to prepare, which I cover in “Scripture related to preparedness”, and as I listed above with Proverbs 27:12, anyone who wants to be prudent need just look for dangers and take action to mitigate them.  One can make the logical and prudent choice and move out of cognitive dissonance.


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Introducing the eBook Why Should I Prepare and is it Biblical?

I’m excited about releasing my first eBook today, called “Why Should I Prepare and is it Biblical?”. It’s a free gift to anyone who signs up for updates via email. Those of you who are already subscribers, thank you so much for subscribing previously. You should have received an email containing the link to the download page.  If you subscribe to the RSS feed and would like a copy, send an email via the contact page, letting me know you would like the link and I’ll send it to you.

This eBook explores some of the rational reasons I believe we should prepare, from the economy to natural disasters. The second half of the eBook explores some of the questions my wife and I had when we began to explore preparedness, such as “Is it a sin?” and “Does it show a lack of faith?” I also cover the verses I have found where God clearly tells us it is prudent and our duty to be prepared to care for our loved ones.

This eBook is free. Please feel free to share it with anyone you feel may be blessed by it and/or benefit from it. I simply ask that you not modify it in any way. If you send it to someone new or to someone who is on the fence about preparedness, I also link to the Getting Started to give them some first steps.

I have become a better (or possibly just lengthier) writer since I first posted “Is Preparedness A Sin?” and ”Scripture Related To Preparedness”. I have updated those articles with the text from the eBook.

To those of you who sign up for updates, thank you. I hope you enjoy the eBook as much as I enjoyed writing it.

May God bless you all,



God’s Law vs Man’s Law

Over the last two days in A Short Prepper Civics Lesson and in The Future of America. I have detailed that the founders stated what our God given rights are. I have also given some possible scenarios where those rights may be restricted, if not completely taken away. How then should a Christian respond?

Romans 13:1
A few years back I decided to read one chapter of the Bible every morning. There were some things I didn’t understand. I spent some time researching them. One of them was Romans 13:1. This verse differs greatly depending on the version of the Bible you have. I’ll post two.

King James:
“Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.”

Many other versions are similar to this NIV version:

“Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.”

The reason this was difficult for me is that there have been some truly awful governing authorities throughout history. I questioned whether a loving God would want us to subject ourselves to their authority. Like I said, this didn’t make sense. On a side note, there have been bad governments that have used this verse to keep Christians in line, claiming your God tells you to submit.

I did a bit of digging and thinking and found an article called Spiritual Authority and Romans 13. I don’t agree with everything the author says but he does make it clear that Paul was not telling us to be subject to the worlds authority, that we were to be subjected to our spiritual authorities. That made this verse more clear for me, as some of man’s laws absolutely contradict Gods law.

But let’s say that the verse actually means that we should submit to government. Does that mean even when it goes against God’s law?

God’s law vs. Man’s Law

As a general rule, Christians make excellent citizens. By living as Christ did and loving our neighbor as ourselves, we tend to stay out of trouble. There are many times when man’s laws and God’s laws are the same. For example, many of our current laws are based off of the Ten Commandments. Until recently, they were displayed in many court rooms across the country. In some places they still are.

There are times when there is a law that man uses to infringe upon our Christian liberties, such as taking a cross down from a national park or a city stopping a church from ringing a bell. At times like these I am reminded of Mathew 5:41:

“If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.”When a Roman soldier would ask a Jew for directions, Jews would often give them the wrong ones. To stop this, a law was created that said when a Roman soldier asked for directions, the Jew had to walk with him for the first mile.

When our Christian Liberties are infringed upon, I think we should still make a stand, do battle in courts, protest or by other means voice opposition. But in the end, I think, since it does not go against Gods law, we must accept it and “walk the second mile”.

But then there are times when man’s law absolutely goes against God’s law. What should we do then? Following are a few examples of when God’s people rebelled against man’s law and followed Gods.

Daniel 1:8
King Nebuchadnezzar has requested among others that, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah be put in his service. They are given wine and fancy foods to eat. Daniel and company refused to defile themselves with the royal foods and asked to be allowed to eat just fruit and vegetables for ten days.

Daniel 3:1
This is the story of King Nebuchadnezzar building a 90 foot tall statue of gold and demanding that everyone bow and worship it. When Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused, they were thrown into the furnace.

Daniel 6:7
There is a law passed that anyone who prays to any god or man for the next 30 days would be thrown into the lion’s den. Daniel prays to God and is thrown into the den.

Esther 4:11- 7:3
It is forbidden to enter the kings chambers without invitation. Violation of this is punishable by death. Esther enters and is welcomed by the king. She later asks for her people to be spared and the king grants her request.

Mathew 2:16
King Herod orders the murder of all male children, aged two and younger. Joseph and Mary flee to Egypt.

Jesus tells Pontius Pilate he has no authority over Him, essentially saying God is permitting Christ’s death.

The book of Acts
There are many examples of the Sanhedrin telling the 12 apostles to stop preaching about Christ.

These are just some examples I was able to find. Thank you to Mike for the assistance. God’s law should trump man’s law every time. There is almost always a cost; loss of reputation, financial penalty and, for some, even to this day, martyrdom.

When man’s law contradicts Gods law, how you respond is between you and God. I am just here to point out that there is biblical precedence for going against man’s law and government to keep the laws of God.

This article is from a series of three, they are:

A Short Prepper Civics Lesson
The Future of America
God’s Law vs Man’s Law


The Future of America


In this article I want to go over just some of my concerns for America and what it might mean for our future.  I’ll briefly touch on prophecy and what role it will have in America’s future.  But I will also use our recent history as well as the recent history of some other countries to see where we may be heading.


Concerns for Our Nation

No country is perfect, nor is any administration.  That being said, the last four years have seen a real infringement on the constitution, damage to the economy and so many other concerns too numerous to name.  The following is a short list.

Passing laws that are thousands of pages long, without reading a single one, Nancy Pelosi actually said the following about the healthcare bill in 2010 “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of controversy.” 

The DHS allows the TSA to molest people at will.  I have heard of a grandmother in a wheelchair with a colostomy bag, a child in a wheel chair and multiple others that are disgraceful.

The authorization of using drones on Americans to me is stomping on the fourth Amendment, which protects us against unreasonable searches and seizures.  If you have probable cause, get a warrant but, to my understanding, that is not a requirement the FAA put on the multiple police agencies that now have permission to use them.

God has been chased from our schools, courthouses, some national parks and if some had it their way, from every other aspect of our lives.

Our economy is being propped up and I fear the final nails are being added to it.  The fault for this lies with both parties, one used a hammer and nails, the other a pneumatic nail gun.

Heroes coming home from serving their country are labeled as potential terrorists by the DHS.  They retracted it but it was said nonetheless.

We have a President that “forgets” to say God in a few different addresses and has said we are no longer a Christian nation.

They granted power to “shut down” the Internet in times of crisis. This would effectively shred the first Amendment and shut down free speech. 

There have been multiple rumors at potential gun grabs.  This is one of the reasons gun sales skyrocketed after our President was elected and why ammo was so hard to find.  Are they true or not?  I don’t know, but it would not be an easy task.

The constitution was designed with checks and balances, to keep any one side from becoming too powerful.    Our current President has stated numerous times that he’ll “do it with or without” Congress or the Senate.

The federal government has grown vastly under both political parties, to such a behemoth that in some months the unemployment rate dropped because of employees hired by the government, as was the case with the census. 

This President and congress have ignored the Constitution and the Bill of Rights on several occasions; creating Czar’s that are outside the three branches of government and using obscure rules to pass laws that could not pass by a majority vote such as “Obamacare”.

As I said, I could go on and on. 


The Future or America (prophetic)

I am not a prophet, but have studied it for years.  I am not saying whether we are in the end times or not but, Christians in America are aware that America is not mentioned in the end times.  While true, many nations are not mentioned the end times.  This doesn’t mean that they don’t exist or are destroyed; it just means that they are not key players. 

I am a patriot.  I have served my country and love it dearly.  I do believe that America will decline from the worlds one super power to a nation of less prominence. This is not something I look forward to.  It is a bitter pill to swallow.  Christ wasn’t looking forward to the cross, yet He said not His will but Gods be done.  I’m not saying we just lie down and let our values continue to be trampled but that we be ready and expect things to change.

Right now we are the worlds’ police force and the chief reason some nations don’t outright attack Israel but instead launch rockets from surrogate organized thugs who’re backed by Iran and other nations.  We’re told in the Bible that the entire world will turn against Israel.  I believe that for God’s will to be done, America must be removed from being the sole super power and Israel’s protector.  That does not mean we Christians turn our hearts from her or stop praying for Israel.

America has been a key player, if not the only super power since World War II, if not earlier.   Whether the end times are upon us or many years from now, America has changed and will continue to change.  I cover some of what I think will happen in our future below.  Some of it will be mild and some could be extreme, but this is part of why we prepare.

I have read that some people claim America will be destroyed.  Others claim that America is actually the New Babylon and others state that America will be broken up into smaller sections.  Like I said, I’m not a prophet, I don’t know what the Lord has planned for America, but His will be done, whether I like it or not.


The Future of America (Secular)

Even if the end times are hundreds of years from now, America will change. The following are some of the things I think we may see.  As I mentioned above, I’m not a prophet.  I am getting these ideas from looking at the current and recent past of world and national events.

While we could be attacked by an EMP or an all-out assault from another nation, or a variety of other things that originate from outside our borders, I believe, more likely, we’ll do it to ourselves.

With the colossal amount of debt we have, we will eventually come to the point where we are forced to make cuts.  The military is a popular place for making cuts, especially on the left.  If cuts are made deep enough, we will pull out of the many countries we maintain bases in.  (The argument could be made that this should be done now.)  Once we have less of a presence around the world, cuts could be made to the size of the military.  We would then have little to no presence in foreign countries and a much smaller force at home.  The once “most powerful military the world has ever seen” is now rendered, more or less, irreverent.

Before Argentina’s economy collapsed, it was on par with America’s.  Once it did crash, inflation climbed almost as fast as the crime rate.  It’s been a decade and they are not even close to where they once were.  Japans economy collapsed and they call it “Japan’s lost decade”.  They were still working their way back before being ravaged by earthquake, tsunamis and nuclear reactor problems.

Cuts will also have to be made on public services that many people have come to expect as rights.  When this was done in Spain, the people rioted.  When it was done in Greece, people rioted.  There were also anti-austerity riots in London in 2011.  The point I am making is that when we reach that point where we must make cuts, I think we may see riots worse than we have seen around the world; rioting so bad that people will beg for the government to step in and stop the riots and looting.


Martial Law and the Suspension of Habeas Corpus

In a large scale riot, many police departments could soon be pushed to their limit.  Local or federal governments could invoke martial law and suspend habeas corpus.

Before going any further, let me define a few terms.  First is Martial Law; Wikipedia actually has a very good definition of what Martial Law is, so I’ll just copy it here.

“Martial law is the imposition of military rule by military authorities over designated regions on an emergency basis—(usually) only temporary—when the civilian government or civilian authorities fail to function effectively (e.g., maintain order and security, and provide essential services), when there are extensive riots and protests, or when the disobedience of the law becomes widespread. In most cases, military forces are deployed to subdue the crowds, to secure government buildings and key or sensitive locations, and to maintain order.[1] Generally, military personnel replace civil authorities and perform some or all of their functions. In full-scale martial law, the highest-ranking military officer would take over, or be installed, as the military governor or as head of the government, thus removing all power from the previous executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government.”


Here is the definition of Habeas Corpus offered by Cornell University Law School:

“Latin for “that you have the body.” A writ of habeas corpus is used to bring a prisoner or other detainee (e.g. institutionalized mental patient) before the court to determine if the person’s imprisonment or detention is lawful. In the US system, federal courts can use the writ of habeas corpus to determine if a state’s detention of a prisoner is valid.  A habeas petition proceeds as a civil action against the State agent (usually a warden) who holds the defendant in custody. It can also be used to examine any extradition processes used, amount of bail, and the jurisdiction of the court.”

The reason these two terms are important is that they could be used to quell any out of control rioting or violence.  Suspension of habeas corpus means you can be detained without going before a court to see if it is merited.  This could be indefinitely in a time of “crisis”.  If martial law is declared, the constitution has effectively been replaced with military rule, thus suspending your God given rights.

Martial law has been declared a few times in American history; Andrew Jackson imposed it in the war of 1812.  In 1892 it was imposed to quell a rebellion from striking miners who blew up a mine.  It was used again in 1914 to stop another miner uprising.  In 1934 the Governor of San Francisco used martial law to stop rioting during a dock worker strike.  Hawaii was placed under martial law in 1941 after the attack from the Japanese on Pearl Harbor. There is some confusion if martial law was declared after Hurricane Katrina.  I have seen reports saying that it was not declared.  However, this statement says that the Mayor of New Orleans did in fact declare it.

There have been people claiming that the government has been just waiting for an opportunity to implement martial law and throw people into FEMA camps.  I’ve never really bought into that line of thought.  Looking back at the freedom the founders wanted for us and how much the last two administrations have grown the federal government as well as how much the current president has sidestep the constitution to get more and more power, I’m convinced that this president, more than any before, would be willing to suspend habeas corpus and install martial law on a semi broad scale.  I say “semi broad” because it would be nearly impossible to enforce martial law in a large area unless all of our troops are pulled home as a result of cuts and closing foreign bases I mentioned earlier.

Even if martial law isn’t declared, there will be financial cuts made and liberties will continue to erode.  That is, unless and until a majority of American’s wake up and demand that we move back to what the Founders had intended for us.  Smaller government, people empowered to pursue life, liberty and happiness on their own, not expecting Uncle Sam to hand it out to them.

This article is from a series of three, they are:

A Short Prepper Civics Lesson
The Future of America
God’s Law vs Man’s Law


Review: Tactical Bible Stories: Personal Security Tips from the Bible

Personal Security Tips from the Bible
By Rob Robideau

Today I am going to review a book authored by a reader.  Make sure to read the end to see how, for one day, you can get a free copy of this book.


Description from Amazon:

 “Tactical Bible Stories” takes the most important aspects of personal security and uses Bible illustrations to make them fun and easy for anyone to understand, remember, and apply.

Did you know that the Bible has examples of tactics, concepts, and ideas that are still used and taught by modern security professionals?

Tactical Bible Stories” will help you learn how to prepare for, avoid, and deal with violent confrontations.


My Take:

Navigating self-defense and Christianity can be tricky but Rob does a very good job.  He introduces topics using scripture and paints a picture of how this self-defense principle was being used at the time the scriptures were written.  This book is aimed at someone who may have some understanding of self-defense concepts but, as Rob puts it, “was written for the readers that may not be a part of the typical “self-defense circles”.”  I consider myself fairly tuned in when it comes to self-defense and Rob still made a few points that I either hadn’t considered previously or had seen from a different perspective.

He explains that there is far more to self-defense than shooting, fighting or using any tactical gear. He covers training and gear, but also covers awareness, mindset and touches on avoidance and de-escalation as well.  However, he makes it clear that your goal is to keep you, your family and friends safe; avoiding a fight if possible, but finishing it if it is brought to you, to meet your goal of keeping your loved ones safe.

If you or someone in your life is new to self-defense concepts or has some doubts about it being biblical, this would be a good book to read.

“Tactical Bible Stories” will be launched on June 5th and Rob will be giving away the Kindle version free all day.  He will be selling the paperback version at his cost.  You don’t need to own a Kindle to read a Kindle e-book, there are free versions available for PC, Mac, Smart Phones and Tablets

What Can We Do When People Won’t Listen?

This week I want to talk to you about sharing preparedness; how to share and how not to, what to do when people won’t listen and some of the reasons why they don’t listen. I’ll even share some ideas about what you can do when you hear the dreaded “If it ever hits the fan, I’ll just come to your house”.
What Can We Do When People Won’t Listen?

It is human nature to want to share something we believe in with people that we care about. When there is something that we know is important, that we know is good, whether it’s our faith, preparedness or anything else. Why they don’t see things as clearly as we do can be confusing, frustrating or even heartbreaking.

I have had a couple of e-mail conversations with people asking different versions of the same question; “Why does God ask some people to prepare and not others?” and “My family thinks I’m crazy because I want to prepare. How can I get them on board?”

First let me ask; who can truly know the mind of God? I don’t claim to. I have been thinking about this and going over scripture to see if there are any examples I could draw from, trying to glean His wisdom from other areas to see if they fit this topic as well. Some of the things you’ll read in this article you might not like, while others you might find peace in. Please know that I say them all out of love.
Different Parts of the Body 1 Corinthians 12:12

“The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ.”

Paul tells us that we are all different parts of the body, each with different gifts. We all know God gives us different kinds of gifts (besides spiritual gifts). Some people are athletic and some are intellectual. I think God asks some of us to live each day waiting for manna to eat, yet others He asks to prepare. The plan that He has for your life could be drastically different than a loved ones, but in the end it might all be for His glory.
Pearls Before Swine Mathew 7:6

“Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.”

Jesus told the disciples not to throw the pearls (of wisdom) before the swine because they wouldn’t understand. Did you ever read the Bible before you were a believer? I did and it didn’t make sense, not until I took that step of faith and gave my life to Him.

Along the same line, some of the people you share preparedness with just won’t see the reason until something happens to open their eyes. If someone resists, you might save yourself some grief and just let it go, which brings me to my next point.
Shake the Dust From Your Feet Mathew 10-14-15

“If any household or town refuses to welcome you or listen to your message, shake its dust from your feet as you leave. 15 I tell you the truth, the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah will be better off than such a town on the judgment day.”

These two verses are important and something I am trying to live by more often. Jesus said that the people in the homes or towns would be worse off than Sodom and Gomorrah for not welcoming them, let alone not listening or refusing the good news. Jesus loved the people that were in the towns that might dismiss the disciples, but they were not more important than the mission He had sent the disciples on.

To be clear, I am not saying that the people who won’t listen to your reasons for prepping are doomed to hell. What I am saying is that if they won’t listen, maybe you should just move on and shake the dust from your feet.

God is calling many of His people to prepare; I see them find this site every day. Seek Him, if He is calling you to prepare, prepare with these people in mind if you must, but keep your actions to yourself. Bringing your actions to light could compound the negativity. Do not let their negativity or scoffing stop you. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. If you are obedient, any guilt or shame you feel is from the pits of hell.

God gave us the ability to tell Him no and walk into danger. We may want to choose differently for our loved ones, but maybe we should follow Gods example and let them find it on their own, even if it means some pain in the process.

(By trying to live more like this, I mean that I stand up for what I believe in, but if someone is antagonistic, a scoffer or pig-headedly resistant, I just shake the dust and go back to what I was doing.)
Easier Said Than Done

I realize this is easier said than done if it is a member of your immediate family or someone you love. When I first brought the idea of preparing to my wife, she was a little reluctant. We had a few conversations about it. I began searching scripture and we eventually got on the same page.

If she would have stood her ground and said “no”, I would have taken that to the Lord. If He continued to press preparedness, I would have prayed that she be open to me moving forward. I would have told her that I believed the Lord wanted me to do this, and that I have to be obedient.

My wife supports me, even if she doesn’t feel called to do something. If I feel called, she’s behind me. If she wasn’t behind me, I would still ask that some money go toward preparedness every week and assure her that I would not be over-buying. I would continue to prepare but always remain respectful of her feelings.

The best thing we can do is go to the King and ask for guidance and for His will to be done.

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What is a MAG?

You may have come across the term MAG (Mutual Aid Group); some may just call it their group.   A MAG is essentially a group of likeminded people that form a community and under certain circumstances come together to share resources and workload. 

There are a couple ways that I am familiar with to set up a MAG; one is a designated BOL (Bug Out Location) that all members fall back to. Another way that can be done on a smaller scale is to have an agreement between one or two other people to store resources at one another homes and bug out to one another’s homes if conditions there are safer than they are at your home.

I have heard Jack Spirko from The Survival Podcast mention that sometimes a group will pool their money together to purchase a BOL. But often people do not agree what should be done on the property and this can cause a rift. Jack suggests in this instance, have the seller subdivide the property and the buyers each by a smaller plot; they can then do whatever they like on their parcel.

I have another unique option that will only work for Christian’s. We would follow the example of the first church as written about in the book of Act’s. In Act’s, everyone shared, for the greater good of the group. The twelve disciples were “in charge” and they submitted to Christ. The disciples created a subgroup to manage the care and feeding of everyone, so they could concentrate on spreading the word.

I say unique to Christians because in order for this type of MAG to work, everyone involved would need to go vertical to Christ instead of horizontal to each other, when frustrations or problems came up. I believe that when the church is forced underground into house churches, MAG’s will naturally form out of necessity.

There will be conflict, but we have been given ways to handle this; Mathew 18:15-17

“”If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over.

But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.

If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector.”

In the book of Revelation, it tells that believers will be persecuted and put to death. This is just me speculating, but I believe that because of this the church will go underground and house churches will form, which essentially are MAG’s.

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