March 13, 2025

Hiding your Emergency Supplies from Strangers

Before I post todays article I have two announcements.

One of my sponsors, Ready Made Resources is having a huge sale on Mountain House foods now until May 14th. 25-60% off, with free shipping when you order 6 or more cans.
Life is so very busy lately that I don’t have much time to write. Because of this I have gotten permission from some great bloggers to repost some of their articles and will be posting them a couple times a week until I have more time to write.

Today is the first day I’ll be posting one of their articles. It was written by the Apartment Prepper and originally posted here, and is being reposted with his permission.

Hiding your Emergency Supplies from Strangers


Living in an apartment, you frequently have strangers coming to your space: the “once a year” inspection, fire and smoke alarm inspection, pest control and let’s not forget the maintenance guy coming in to change vent filters and what not. Apartment dwellers are not the only ones who have visitors, anyone can have pizza delivery, cable installer, plumber and other repair technicians may enter your house.

Emergency supplies are your own business, and you don’t need anyone else checking them out and wondering what’s all that stuff. People will form conclusions about you such as:

– You’re a nut.

– You’re loaded and have lots of “goodies” all over

I’m not saying anyone is out to get you, but all it takes is a word or two said to someone else in a friendly conversation and before you know it, word has spread. At the very least, you’ll want to avoid any questions like “What’s all this?”

What do you do if you have an apartment inspection or other strangers coming to your house?

◾Know your rights. When you are informed of an apartment inspection, reread the terms of your lease, your rights as well as what the manager can do and cannot do.

◾If you object to an inspection be very nice about it and you just may get what you want.

◾If possible, try to be at home during the inspection. Follow the inspector around so you know what he or she is looking at. We once had a guy looking in one of our closets. I was right behind him so I asked him, “What are you looking for?” He said “The smoke alarm.” But I knew there never was any smoke alarm in the closet.

◾Hide your supplies in places that are not obvious: under the dining table covered by a long table cloth, under the bed, in an unused closet, in a laundry hamper etc.

◾Spread out your stash, so it does not look noticeable.

◾Use your closet wisely: store some long dresses in front of your five gallon buckets, collect empty shoe boxes and use them for smaller supplies such as flashlights and batteries, first aid kits, etc.

◾If you know you’ll be having a lot of foot traffic in your home, say you are selling your home and have an open house planned, consider moving some of your gear to a trusted friend or relative’s home, or storage facility. I know of a couple who had lost valuable items during an open house, as thieves were able to roam freely among the lookie-loos.

◾If you were to consider a storage facility to keep your supplies, make sure it has 24 hour on site management, is climate controlled, and most of all, easily accessible to you. Preps won’t do any good if you can’t get to them when the need arises.

Finally, if your supplies are noticed and commented upon, be matter of fact about them and just say you were cleaning out a closet or going through your hurricane (or other risks in your area) emergency supplies. No need to elaborate nor give additional details.

Oh, It’s Just a Thunder Storm!

Oh, It’s Just a Thunder Storm!

If I asked you if you had a plan for pandemic, an EMP strike, extended civil unrest or a complete economic collapse, I bet you would say you did for some, if not all of those listed. Now let me ask you this; have you ever said “oh it’s just a thunder storm”?

The number of people that die each year due to pandemic, EMP, extended civil unrest and complete economic collapse is a big fat zero! However, hundreds of people in America every year are killed and billions of dollars in damages are caused by severe weather. Here are some quick facts:
Causes an average of 55-60 fatalities and 400 injuries each year
Occurs with all thunderstorms
Costs more than $1 billion in insured losses each year
Lightning can strike up to 20 miles away from the parent storm.
Based on the speed of sound, if you can heat the thunder clap, you are within 20 miles.
Cause an average of 60-65 fatalities and 1,500 injuries each year
Can produce wind speeds in excess of 200 mph
Can be 1 mile wide and stay on the ground over 50 miles
Straight-line Winds
Can exceed 125 mph
Can cause destruction equal to a tornado
Are extremely dangerous to aviation
Flash Floods and Floods
Are the #1 cause of deaths associated with thunderstorms, more than 90 fatalities each year.
Can be larger than a softball (5 inches in diameter)
Causes more than $1 billion in crop and property damage each year.

Stay informed
There are a few different ways we can stay informed, one is to alert us of the weather (if we’re not outside in it), the second is more detailed information when we are aware of it. A couple of great ways to get alerted to severe weather are weather alert radios and having a text sent to your phone.

We have a couple different types of weather alert radios, each serving different purposes. I would recommend either. The first is a Reecom R-1630 and works great as a stationary base.

You can program it for single or multiple counties and it has different sounds for watch vs. warning. It has a screen that will tell you the type of alert and the time it expires.

The second weather alert radio we have is a Midland HH50.

It has fewer features but is great for times when you’re out and about. It can be set to alert you if either a watch or warning is declared but also has a radio feature so that once the alert has sounded you can find out what is going on.

Another way to get informed about oncoming severe weather is to have a text message sent to your cell phone. I don’t use this service but I wanted to find an example in case this would be of interest to you. The Weather Channel provides this service but it tends to be buggy because it is new. I am sure there are others.

Shelter from the Storm

There are millions of people who live in areas that are subject to severe weather, who don’t have the option of having a basement. Know where your closest community shelter is. If there is not one or you don’t have time to get to it, a room with no windows is the safest place to be. Ideally this would be the bathroom, as you can get in the tub and use a mattress or couch cushions to cover you. A closet is also an option. If there is no room in the closet, overturn the couch, push it against a wall and crawl into the void.

Taking the Storm Seriously

Granted, there are times in life when we’re thrown into a situation completely out of our control. But I have to wonder how many people die each year needlessly because they weren’t being prudent. How many people felt inconvenienced by the storm and drove through it? How many people were attracted to the awesome, dangerous beauty of the storm? How many people attempted to drive though a “little water on the road”? How many of them said “Oh it’s just a thunderstorm”?
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A Practical Look at Bug Out Vehicles

A Practical Look at Bug Out Vehicles

When you see the term “Bug Out Vehicle (BOV),” what comes to mind? Is it a pre-1980’s vehicle without a computer that would be EMP proof? Or possibly a vehicle tailored for bugging out that might be impractical but very, very cool, like the “Survivor Truck”?

While I would love a vehicle like that, it isn’t in the budget or practical. So, I view the vehicle we drive every day as our BOV. While it might not survive an EMP, if we look at Disaster Probability, an EMP is one of the least likely events that we would actually need to bug out for. Let me take a step back and remind you that I am of the opinion that 95% of the time, we would be far better served to stay at home and batten down than to bug out. Because that 5% exists, I think we need to have a plan to do so, and the chances that our vehicles will be running is quite high. I prepare with that in mind.

I do think that there need to be some steps taken to make a vehicle a BOV. First take a look at the area you live in; the terrain and possible routes. If you live in Texas, having chains for your vehicle doesn’t make sense. However, if you live in Idaho, it might make better sense.

We have two vehicles; an SUV that my wife drives and a car that is better on gas mileage that I use for commuting to work. You can see what I keep in my car kit by following the link. If I am home and the need to bug out arises, we’ll take the 4 wheel drive SUV. Because of that, the truck has more gear in it than I keep in the car. Depending on how much time we have to bug out, we’ll add more gear, and could even load up the trailer.

One rule that every prepper should keep for all of their vehicles is that, when it comes to the gas tank, half is the new empty. When your tank gets to half, fill it back up. This will ensure that you’ll have at least a half a tank to get you out of the immediate danger zone if you need to bug out. Letting your tank get too low can actually cause damage to your vehicle as well.

Because the need to bug out comes unexpectedly, that means your BOV needs to be well maintained; oil changes when they’re needed and engines serviced when it is required. Don’t place duct tape over blinking lights or turn the radio up to cover the sounds coming from under the hood.

Car kit

I think each vehicle should have at a minimum the gear pictured here, it is:
• Flares
• Ice scraper
• Small tool kit
• Goggles (to keep rain or wind out of your eyes)
• Wool blanket
• 4-way tire iron (I won’t carry any other kind, this is a must IMHO)
• Metal Folding Shovel
• Tarp
• Garbage bag(‘s)
• Emergency blanket
• Paracord (this is hard to see, but it’s a 100ft section in between the flares and the garbage bags)
• Fix A Flat
• Jumper Cables
• Map (not pictured)
• Jack (not pictured)

I also think you and your spouse should know how to use fix-a-flat and how to change a tire using the jack you have. If possible, have a full sized spare tire. A 55 mile an hour spare is not meant for a bug out.

You might be thinking that you don’t have a place to bug out to, so you don’t need a bag out plan. I disagree. In bug out myths, I not only explain why I believe everyone needs a bug out plan, but I also give you a great way to make 4 separate bug out plans, even with no owned location to go to.

“The majority of preppers don’t own a separate piece of property that they consider their BOL. The truth is, you don’t need one. Sure, it might be ideal, but it isn’t needed. Below is a way to develop multiple locations. That way you have four routes out of your area. First, if you have a relative or friend outside of your general area, consider asking them if you could head there.

If you don’t have another location to go, I recommend finding a town that’s big enough to have a hotel but small enough to be inconspicuous, which is thirty to sixty miles away. I say “large enough to have a hotel” because that is the landmark. If they have a room available, stay if you like. If you want to continue on, do so. Do this going north, south, east and west. Now develop a couple different routes to each location and label the routes “1” and “2”. We purchased plastic foldable maps and have one in our BOBs and one in the vehicle.

I think each car should have a map and the directions to each location. If you’re at work and your spouse is at home when you need to bug out, you can send a text or email that says “North, route 2”. Now you know where they are going and the route they’re taking to get there.”

At the time of this writing, gas is under $4.00 a gallon and is not being rationed. I can envision several scenarios where gas could be far more expensive and much less readily available. Because of this, you may choose to store fuel.

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City Survivalists

Today’s post was guest written by Lee Flynn

As history has repeatedly shown, disaster can strike at any moment and without warning. Whether the event is natural or man-made, it carries the potential to stir chaos. Many people feel that, for survival purposes, there’s no better place to be than a rural area. However, it’s not a feasible option for everyone. For one reason or another, a huge portion of the country’s citizens are stuck in densely-populated urban areas. Although this is one of the worst places you can be during an catastrophe, there are things you can do to protect yourself, your home and your family.


Stockpile Ammunition

The most dangerous aspect of living in the city during a crisis is people. When disaster strikes, there is no shortage of people who are willing and eager to take everything you have for themselves. This is why firearms are called “the great equalizer”. Even if someone is bigger and stronger than you, if you have a gun, those features are meaningless. However, you need ammunition to make it work. In the city, you’re going to need lots of it. It’s a good idea to keep an 9mm ammo box full of the appropriate rounds tucked away someplace safe and discreet.

Unfortunately, many states have imposed regulations that limit the types and quantities of ammunition you can purchase. That said, gun shows are still largely immune to these regulations, so consider attending ones in your area whenever possible. Plus, it presents an opportunity to learn new information and make some wonderful friends and allies.


Store Food

Of course, in any SHTF situation, you’re going to need a reliable source of food. Let’s face it, your local grocery store isn’t going to be receiving new stock, and venturing out into a lawless war zone isn’t something to make a habit of. Fortunately, it’s easy to stockpile a large supply of food storage even in a relatively small space. Stock up on things that keep well, such as dehydrated foods and canned goods. Keep them in a cool, dark and dry location, and preferably inside of tightly-sealed and pest-resistant food storage containers. Military MREs are another good option, and you can usually find them in bulk at military surplus shops.


Collect Medical Supplies

In a disaster, the likelihood of receiving emergency medical care is nil. Even in this situation, it’s important that you’re able to take care of yourself and your loved ones, so medical supplies are critical. Ideally, your stock should contain things like antibiotics, painkillers, a stitching kit, surgical tweezers, antiseptics, syringes, gauze, bandages, medical tape and anti-anaphylactics. Most of these things can be legally purchased by anyone from medical supply warehouses or pharmacies. Like with your food supply, keep these items in a cool, dark, dry and secure location.


Gather Essential Tools

There’s nothing like an emergency to remind you of the usefulness of certain tools. Indeed, many of them can even save your life. Some important tools to have on hand include a multi-tool or Swiss army knife, duct tape, rope, saws, screwdrivers, wrenches, a hammer, a hunting knife, files and flashlights. Any number of these objects can help you get out of a difficult situation and help keep important equipment operable.


Fuel and Batteries

In some bizarre twist of Murphy’s Law, it seems that large-scale emergencies nearly always come with a loss of electrical power that lasts for an indeterminate amount of time. This sort of event is more than just an inconvenience. More often than not, it’s the cause of civil upheaval. No electricity means no light, communications, water or heat. That’s why the person who can generate power has the advantage. It’s strongly recommended to maintain a store of batteries for radios and flashlights, and fuel for your generator, vehicle or gas-powered tools.


Hold Onto Your Valuables

The loss of electricity typical of serious emergencies also cuts off access to your bank account. Unfortunately, currency is still important in these situations, so it’s recommended to hold onto anything valuable you might have. Gold and silver coins, fine jewelry, gemstones and cash should be hidden away in case of such events. These can represent considerable purchasing and bargaining power later on.

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How to Protect Your Emergency Supplies From Moisture

Todays article was written by Lee Flynn

How to Protect Your Emergency Supplies From Moisture

Heat and moisture are the two worst enemies of long term emergency supply storage. These two things go hand-in-hand when keeping your supplies viable. From tools to food, you must keep things cool and dry in storage so that when the time comes to use them, you don’t open your emergency kit and find rust and ruin.

Storing Your Tools and Weapons

We’ve all heard the Oliver Cromwell quote, “Keep your faith in God, but keep your powder dry.” In other words, expect the best, but be prepared for the worst. Guns and ammunition must be kept in a cool, dry place, preferably air-conditioned. The same goes for tools. Rusty, dull tools are useless, so keep them stored properly, sharpened and cleaned so they will be ready to go if the time comes.

Camping Gear Storage

Keep your tents and camping gear in vermin-proof containers so they aren’t destroyed while not in use. Rats will chew through thick plastic, so a metal container is best. Inside the metal container, keep your gear in waterproof, airtight bags so they aren’t damaged by the elements. Use and trade out any propane canisters and fire extinguishers from time to time.

Food Storage

All long-term food storage should be raised no less than six inches above the floor to prevent damage from flooding. The best place to store emergency food is in an air-conditioned area. Don’t store food next to pipes or exterior walls. Moisture is your biggest enemy in food storage, so air-tight, waterproof bags are essential.

The best way to bag food is in mylar bags with a sealer. Bag sealing systems aren’t expensive and can be bought at most major retailers and online. When you are sealing the bags, you must first remove all the oxygen. The most convenient way to accomplish this is with oxygen-absorbing packs. The dry-ice method is good for removing oxygen from larger containers.

An effective way to keep moisture out of your food is with silica, but be careful, because you don’t want your food to be contaminated by a broken silica pack and become inedible. Once your food is bagged, put it into a bucket or other container with a sealing lid to keep out other contaminants. Although food stored like this can last for years, it’s best to rotate your food supply out by using and replacing items to keep it as fresh as possible. There are hermetically sealed larger containers of survival food available that are good for ten years, but normal canned food is easier to rotate out on a regular basis.

Storing emergency supplies properly is the key to effective preparation. Keeping the moisture out is essential for long-term gear and food storage. Rotating your supplies by using and replacing them on a regular basis ensures that if there is a moisture breach in some storage, it is discovered and dealt with. Learn and practice proper food storage techniques to ensure your supplies are air-tight and dry when you need them.

Surviving in the Land of Cubicles

Surviving in the Land of Cubicles

As I mentioned in a recent article, I found a new job and have headed back to the land of cubicles! For those of you who’re unfamiliar with this place, I will give you a brief explanation of this land so you can appreciate the preparations those of us in the Land of Cubicles must undertake. (Yes, some of this article is written tongue in cheek)

What is the Land of Cubicles?

This is a place to which many travel to make a living. It can be a land of many dangers that one must be prepared for! It can be a hostile land, filled with obstacles that hinder your progress in achieving the goals set for you in making the living you set out to gain. It can be a germ-infested place, sometimes only second to the public education system. Quite often, those who venture into the Land of Cubicles are stripped of any means of self-defense. The Land of Cubicles has also been known to have a draining effect on those who enter it; draining the energy, happiness and life out of those who enter, replacing them with frustration and gloom.

Like I said, some of this is presented entirely tongue in cheek, but all of those things are real. Below are some ways I prepare for the Land of Cubicles.


We all have various obstacles that can make life in the Land of Cubicles challenging. Finding ways to mitigate them is important. I drive further than I care to, and when the weather is even slightly poor, it can take hours to get to or from the Land of Cubicles. To minimize the frustration of traffic, I listen to podcasts or dictate notes for ideas on articles. Another obstacle for me noise. I think people forget that cubicles are not a soundproof box. To overcome this obstacle, at times I will listen to music. Yes, it’s still noise, but it drowns out the personal conversations that I really don’t want to hear.

Many companies have started to tell their employees that if they’re sick, to stay home. Not everyone listens, so making sure one washes their hands often, as well as having some hand sanitizer available, is a good idea. I had a coworker once who kept a can of Lysol at his desk. Anytime anyone coughed near him, he let it fly!

Weapons Free Zones

Here is something to consider; if you take away domestic violence, the vast majority of violence happens at someone’s place of employment. If you go to a mall, there are shoppers there, but the clerks and cashiers work there. If you go to a school, there are students there, but the teachers and administration work there. I could go on and on, but you get the point.

Most companies are weapons free zones. For liability reasons, I can understand why. I just started at my current company and I have no idea if the person I am replacing was fired and left angrily. There is also always a chance that a past or present employee can become disgruntled or that domestic violence could break out at work by an angry spouse who came to visit. Because of this, I have made a point of knowing multiple ways out of the building. I have also made note of things I can use as impromptu weapons, like scissors, fire extinguishers and others.
Soul Draining

Ok, maybe “soul draining” is a little overboard, but spending too much time locked away in a cubicle is not healthy. To make the time in the Land of Cubicles bearable, I listen to music, and actually take lunch breaks. I don’t just eat while I am working. Some people personalize their work space, by bringing in photos from home. This really isn’t my thing, not because I am not proud of my wife and family. Heck if it wasn’t for Trudee I probably wouldn’t have anything on the walls at home either. The point is, do what it takes to make your time in the Land of Cubicles bearable. I normally eat at home or bring in my lunch, but one thing I have done is treat myself with breakfast or lunch out on Friday’s to celebrate having made it through another week!


I usually keep a good sized car kit in the car, just in case I need to make my way home with it, or if I had to stay put at work for an extended time due to an emergency. I do, however, keep some special preps for use inside the building. Here are some items I keep with me that I use more frequently than the kit that stays with the car.

• Lip Balm
• Smalls bills
• Spare change
• Hand sanitizer
• Water bottle
• Swiss Army Knife
• Over-the-counter meds
• Small first aid kit
• Eye drops
• Reading material
• Music and headphones

Do you spend time in the Land of Cubicles? If so, what do you do to survive there?

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Preparedness Foundations

Preparedness Foundations

This review was written by my beautiful wife Trudee.

Preparedness Foundations

In helping Chris out, I thumbed through a book that was sent to him.

This is a “Participant Workbook”, designed to go along with a class on preparedness that you might see held in your own church! Of course, since Chris and I have briefly been a part of our preparedness class at church, this really piqued my curiosity!

I have to admit, I wish we’d have come up with this! It’s EXCELLENT! The authors, Clayton Whitson and Jonathan Coussens have done a beautiful job compiling a lot of information with useful check lists without overwhelming the reader. This book is 76 pages! That’s it! It’s colorful and very well-written in non-threatening terms!

There are sections of “homework” that are designed to help get class participants thinking and moving on preparedness. The contents and chapters are easy to get back to if you find yourself wondering about a specific topic you covered in class. There are colorful pictures and great explanations of them!

Trudee’s Take:

I find myself wishing I could sit through this class with these instructors, and I’ve been prepping for a few years now! This book is fantastic! I don’t know where they’re holding classes but, given half a chance, I’d be there in a heartbeat!

P.S. I checked out their website. A husband and wife team?! No way! What are the odds?!?! The book can be purchased in PDF format here, be forewarned, it is on the pricey side.

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The Survival Summit

Before I get to today’s article I want to let you know about a great sale on Lindon Farms from Ready Made Resources, and a 24 hour free shipping event on everything in stock from Camping Survival, on orders over $150.
Ready Made Resources

For the first time Lindon Farm’s is allowing Ready Made Resources to have a 40% off sale. You can save in Entrees, Vegetables, Fruits, Meats, even Beverages. The sale will run from January 12 – 24. If you’re in the market for freeze dried foods, this could be a great opportunity to stock up.

Camping Survival

Camping Survival is offering free shipping on orders of $150 and over until 12:01AM Saturday.


The Survival Summit

I recently found something pretty cool that I want to bring to your attention! There is a “Survival Summit” being held online! It is absolutely free and will run from January 20th, 2014 – January 25th, 2014. It features 25 preparedness/survival experts, many of whom I have followed for some time.

Many of you will be at work or busy and won’t be able to attend. While I don’t have all of the details yet, they will be offering some or all of the videos of the presenters for purchase. In the interest of full disclosure, while the live presentations are free, if you’ve registered through Prepared Christian and make a purchase, I will receive a commission for the sale. If you plan to attend, I would greatly appreciate it if you sign up through the images below. That way, if you decide to make a purchase, you’ll receive an informative video and be supporting Prepared Christian at the same time!

The following is a list of the presenters for the various days. You can go to the Survival Summit to get more information on what the speakers will be covering. Many of these are interesting to me and I’ll attend as many as I can!
Day 1 – January 20th 2014

  • Training Your Mind To Think Clearly In Life Or Death Scenarios – Travis Haley
  • How To Grow All Your Own Food, Without Irrigation… Even If You Live In A Dry Climate – Paul Wheaton
  • Locating The Perfect Survival Retreat or Homestead – Marjory Wildcraft
  • Top 10 Off-The-Grid Cooking Solutions In A World Without Power (Indoors & Outdoors) – Tess Pennington
  • How To Survive A Nuclear Event & The Spreading Fallout – Dr. Hubbard

Day 2 January 21st 2014

  • How To Make Your Own Biodiesel When The Fuel Pumps Stop Working – Graydon Blair
  • Off-The-Grid Food Preservation Techniques For When Your Stove & Freezers Stop Working – Lisa Lynn
  • Urban Foraging: How To Search A City For All The Food & Medicine You’d Ever Need – Nicole Telkes
  • How To Fortify Your Home & Property From Looters – Jim Cobb
  • Top 5 Bug Out Mistakes Everyone Makes And How To Not Fall Victim To Them – Jeff Anderson

Day 3 January 22nd 2014

  • How To Escape From Unlawful Restraint & Evade Capture – Chance Sanders
  • Two- And Four-Man Tactics for Repelling Armed Gangs – James Yeager
  • Trapping Strategies For Harvesting Creeks, Streams, & Woodlands For All The Wild Game You Can Eat – Bruce “Buckshot” Hemming
  • How To Treat Burns, Breaks, & Traumatic Injuries When The Paramedics Aren’t Coming – David Pruett
  • How To Grow Enough Protein To Feed 22 Adults A Year… In A 20×20 Foot Space – Nick Klein

Day 4 January 23rd 2014

  • 47 Tips, Tricks, & Inventions For Developing An Off-Grid Water & Energy Plan – Scott Hunt
  • When The Medicine Is Gone: How To Use Herbal Medicine As A Replacement For Many Drugs & Prescription Medications – Sam Coffman
  • The Darker Side Of Self Defense: Protecting Your Mind From The Effects Of Traumatic Violence – EJ Ownens
  • The Battle Tested Gear You’ll Want With You In A Post-Collapse Gunfight – Jake O’Dell
  • Grow All Your Family’s Food While Spending Less Than 1 Hour Per Day In The Garden – Marjory Wildcraft

Day 5 January 24rd 2014

  • How To Survive In An Urban Environment After A Societal Collapse – Kevin Reeve
  • Constructing A Bullet-Resistant Safe Room – GM
  • How to Store and Generate Emergency Power for your Home – Steve Harris
  • DIY Methods For Heating Your Home With 1/10 The Wood Or Even NO Wood… Even In Northern Climates – Paul Wheaton
  • Alternative Dentistry: How To Care For & Treat Dental Problems In Regions Without Dentists – Doug Simmons

Day 6 January 25th 2014

  • The 2nd Most Important Item In A Bug-Out Bag And How To Use It To Build 10 Life Saving Items In A Pinch – Joe Nobody
  • How To Find Like-Minded Group Members For Your Retreat – Charley Hogwood
  • Extreme Composting: How To Turn The World’s Most Foul & Nasty Things Into Black Gold – David Goodman
  • How To Legally Make Alcohols For Fuel & Barter – Josh Bayne
  • How To Build and Use a Root Cellar for Crisis-Proof Food Storage – Steve Maxwell


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Have We Been Warned to Flee America?

Have We Been Warned to Flee America

We normally prepare for possible future events. For Christians, those possibilities should always include the biblically prophetic. That said, if you knew that a major, nation-changing, prophecy-fulfilling event were to occur in your lifetime, an event that would forever change America and alter the course of the world, would it change how you prepare?

Trudee and I recently read a book called The End of America. It is my opinion that every Christian should read this book and do their own study, pray on it and see if they come to the same conclusion as the author John Price has.

I have received many emails over the years, commenting on how America is not mentioned in the Bible. I usually say something to the effect that many nations are not mentioned, that for America to be unmentioned only means that it’s not a key player in the end times. When I look at the world as it is today, I wonder what would it take for the world’s only superpower to be absent? One thing I have considered is that something would have to be done to remove the USA as a defender of Israel from the armies and allies of Gog and Magog. This book offers a very plausible explanation.

The book covers so much information that there is no way I can touch on everything. I will cover key points and give my take on a few things. I also want to say that while I do read the Bible every day, I did not attend seminary and have an intermediate level of understanding. For this reason, I have a favor to ask; join with me in a study of this subject. In the words of Ronald Reagan, “Trust but verify.” I think it is prudent to study the topic John Price brings to light. While Mr. Price has done most of the legwork, it’s absolutely essential that we all verify through study and prayer how this translates to our lives.

I don’t want this study to go on in the comments of this blog post. It would get too cluttered and hard to follow. I have created a new section on the Prepared Christian forum, called “Have We Been Warned to Flee America?”. It requires people to sign up and I have to manually approve each membership. This makes things a little slower to get rolling, but it is the only way I can keep the spammers and hackers from posting their filth. Your membership will not be approved immediately, but I will be keeping a close eye on the forum this week to approve memberships. If I reject your membership, please send me an email to let me know. I have roughly 50 spammers creating accounts every day and sometimes I reject a legitimate membership by accident. You will need to log into the forum to be able to see the “Have We Been Warned to Flee America?” forum, once logged in you will find it under the Preparedness forum. You can get to the forum by clicking on the link above.

Mr. Price offers a lot of material on his site, the One item he offers is called PROPHECY 101: A Brief History of Prophetic Interpretation and another is Hebrew and Greek Annotation about the Daughter of Babylon verses.. He also offers a study guide, which I didn’t know about until we were almost finished with the book, that he gives away. He has given me permission to host a copy, which you can download by clicking here. If you need the study guide as another file type, please email me at Chris (at) preparedchristian (dot) net, and I will take care of it.

I have asked John Price if he would be willing to answer questions on the blog post and on the forum. He has agreed to do so. If you have a question for him, please ask and he may answer.

The Kindle version of The End of America is available for $.99 and should be affordable for most of us. You don’t need a Kindle to read kindle books, Amazon offers free Kindle software that allows you to read it on your PC. Click this link to download a free copy of the kindle software.

Here are some things to keep in mind as you read this article: I am a skeptical by nature. I like to have things proven to me. I like to see how people come to their decisions. When people make claims about the Bible or prophesy I scrutinize them even more. There are just too many false teachers who want to tickle ears to take anything on face value without scripture to support it. Mr. Price gives scripture to back up his findings. It is up to us to verify and see if we come to the same conclusion. He also gives several verses from the Koran when he explains the “religion of peace”.

The End of America

The book starts off looking at prophesy, specifically those dealing with the end times. It touches on Israel, and the timing of the Jews again entering the Holy Land in the form of their own nation, Israel.

Mr. Price explains that Israel getting its homeland back as well as the revived Roman Empire (the European Union) are two key prophesy events pointing to us being in the end times.

The Religion of Peace

In chapter two, entitled “The Religion of Peace”, Mr. Price gives a brief history of Islam. He follows the history of Muhammad and the creation of Islam, following the roots of Jihad through Wahabism, which is the dominant form of Islam in Saudi Arabia. What the Wahabists believe is explained and many examples of worldwide terrorism are given.

Muslim End times prophesies are given. I have studied these a bit from other sources as well. When you consider them along with the Christian End times prophesies, it is as if you’re looking at two sides of the same coin. The Twelfth Imam or the Mahdi is their Messiah, and is a great political and military leader. Mr. Price makes the connection, calling the Twelfth Imam the Antichrist.

The Caliphate is also spoken of. The Caliph is the united religious leader of all of Islam. It was abolished in 1924 by Turkey. However, there have been calls from some countries to have it restored. This would greatly help in establishing a one world religion.

The Mystery and Identity of the Daughter of Babylon

I have received emails about the possibility of the United States being the Daughter of Babylon. It is a topic that has interested me but is something I haven’t had time to research. There are several prophesies from both the Old and New Testaments listed, giving the Greek definition of some words to better understand the verse. In fact, here are (–LINK Hebrew and Greek Annotation about the Daughter of Babylon verses.–) (Warning: There are 223 verses on 69 pages).

There have been many claims as to what the Daughter of Babylon is. I have heard claims of the ancient city of Babylon, Rome and even the Catholic Church or New York City. Mr. Price gives 23 clues and the scriptures for each as to what the Daughter of Babylon is. Here are just a few:

• Is the Daughter of Babylon the same as the Mother of Babylon?
• The Hammer of the Whole Earth
• A Latter Day Nation
• A Nation of Wealth and Luxury
• You who live on many waters
• Center of World Commerce
• The Great Voice
• They are Mad Upon Your Idols
• Where other Nations Gather
• She Has Been Proud Against the Lord

The above list is only 10 of the 23 clues. Mr. Price goes into these clues in detail, explaining why he believes America fits the description as the Daughter of Babylon, and why these verses rule out other countries and entities. These clues are very helpful, as is his explanation of how various scriptures just can’t be applied to certain places like ancient Babylon or Rome. If you believe that the Daughter of Babylon is in fact ancient Babylon, Rome or some other place or entity, please read his book and see how his arguments stack up.

How Does God View The Daughter of Babylon?

In this chapter the immorality of the Daughter of Babylon is mentioned, they are:

• Abortion
• Pornography
• Adultery/Divorce
• Same Sex Marriage
• Violence
• Drug Culture
• Witchcraft
• Sumptuous, Self-Indulgent Lifestyles
• Other Abomination

Summarization of the Future of America

This article is getting a little long, so I am going to summarize a few key points that need to be made. Mr. Price mentions a book called Eye to Eye, Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel. This book lists several times over the last twenty years where America has tried to force Israel to give up land and explains how God has judged us each and every time, usually within a single day. These are natural disasters, from Katrina to the economic crash in 2008. I’ve heard these claims before and was skeptical, but when we ask Israel to give up land twenty times and each of those twenty times, we face historic weather events and economic ruin, well, let’s just say I’m more of a believer now.

There is prophesy starting in Ezekiel 38, where Gog and Magog along with a host of other nations attack Israel. I’m not going to go into great detail, but Mr. Price describes how Russia, Iran and many other nations may attack Israel, and how America will turns its back on her, ignoring the treaty we’ve had for many years.

Because of this, God curses America, lifting the protection He has provided for so many years. Mr. Price goes on to explain that the Jihadists have asked for and have been granted permission from their clerics to use nuclear weapons on Americans. They have also attained a nuclear Fatwa, which is added as attachment A to The End of America. He also explains that Jihadists could seek nuclear weapons from Pakistan, Iran, North Korea, Libya and Russia.

In Revelation 18:8 we’re told:

“Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her: death, mourning and famine. She will be consumed by fire, for mighty is the Lord God who judges her.”

Mr. Price explains how from scripture he believes that multiple nuclear detonations on key American cities including:

• America’s national capitol – Washington DC
• America’s financial capital – New York
• America’s major oil refineries
• America’s cultural pollution capitol – Hollywood, Las Vegas, Los Angeles
• For good measure the major centers of commerce, Chicago, Seattle, Houston, Atlanta, Miami, Boston and so on.

As he points out it, it would take more than just a few nukes to bring down America, so he believes there will be an EMP as well. While true terrorist groups don’t have the missile capabilities to put a nuclear tipped missile into the American ionosphere, they could purchase missiles easier than they could the nuclear bomb to arm it. Both could be purchased from countries that are not friendly to America and, as I have covered in other articles, the nuke doesn’t need to be launched from a country thousands of miles away. They could load the nuke on a specially fitted cargo ship and launch it a hundred miles off of the coast of the USA. He says that this could result in millions of deaths during and immediately following the attack. Those not killed will face radiation sickness and a lack of food.

Mr. Price spends a chapter explaining that God demands an accounting for innocent blood. He notes that in the 38 years since abortion was legalized, there have been roughly 700,000 homicidal deaths, and in that same timespan there have been roughly 53,000,000 (or 75 babies for every person) murdered.

He makes note that God says in Numbers 25:33:

“Do not pollute the land where you are. Bloodshed pollutes the land, and atonement cannot be made for the land on which blood has been shed, except by the blood of the one who shed it.”

He makes the point that because of the innocent blood of millions of babies, God demands an accounting and we could lose just as many American lives.

Warning to Leave the Daughter of Babylon

Mr. Price says there are nine separate warnings to flee and lists the verses for them. Seven of them to Christians and nine to Jews, commanding His people to flee the Daughter of Babylon.

He also explains that the “religion of peace” will give the rest of the world a warning to accept Islam or suffer the same fate as America. Mr. Price explains how Christians will be executed in the last days and asks who beheads people in the modern day? That’s correct, the “religion of peace”. Mr. Price then gives a brief history explaining why Muslims behead people.

We are given a history of Christians and Jews immigrating to other countries to flee religious persecution. Mr. Price spends a chapter covering what a Christian might look for in a new homeland.

John Price is not a prepper. In emailing, he said he sees it as something contrary to following Gods command to flee. I happen to disagree with John. I believe that God has called many of us to prepare. Even if I come to same conclusion Mr. Price has, deciding to leave America, I will still prep where ever I live. I’m not preparing just for the downfall of America, I prepare for the myriad of things that can and do happen every day, up to and including unemployment, floods and wildfires.

My Take:

Trudee and I spent a lot of time talking about the possibility of America being the Daughter of Babylon, and the implications from it. I knew early on that this was something I wanted to talk to all of you about. To be honest, while I think my Biblical knowledge is above average, it isn’t deep enough to answer the important questions I have. I know I need to study this material and I am hoping some of you will be willing to read the book and study it along with me.

If we come to a different conclusion than Mr. Price did, we’ve only wasted a small bit of time and will gain Biblical knowledge. If, however, we come to the same conclusions, there are some very, very big implications we must face.

I love America. I thank God frequently for the privilege of being born here. The thought of moving to another country saddens and overwhelms me. I honestly have a hard time wrapping my mind around it. However, while I have a very hard time hearing God’s voice in the moment, there have been two times where I have clearly known He was telling me this: “Do not put your love of country before me!” The first time was a few years ago, the second was while reading this book.

Are we considering moving? We want to be obedient. If further prayer and study tells us that the USA is in fact the daughter Babylon, yes, we’ll consider it or more.

Trudee and I were talking about the implications of this book and decided that we first needed to make sure we came to the same conclusions after study and prayer. We decided if we came to the same conclusion, we had to make the choice to leave or face the coming destruction. I felt convicted. When the God of the Universe tells you to do something, there isn’t an “if you want to” attached to it. It is a command!

If the scriptures on the Daughter of Babylon and the commands to leave are, in fact, aimed at America, the commands are no different than the commands God gave the Jews when taking them to the Promised Land. Remember what happened when they disobeyed?

I have studied prophecy and I have spent considerable time researching, thinking about and writing on what effect various threats may impact America. I have seen quotes by numerous American leaders, some in very high positions saying that it is not “if”, but “when” America is attacked with nuclear weapons (conventional or dirty bombs).

I believe it is very possible, if not probable that nuclear weapons could be smuggled in via ship, as only 3% of cargo is inspected. They could also be brought in through our ridiculously porous borders. I also know that EMP is a very real concern and is something our government is worried about.

There are some consequences to a nuclear attack that were not mentioned. The main one is the damage to nuclear power plants. They have generators that will run the cooling systems, with enough diesel to run for two weeks. If, after those two weeks, the power is not restored or more diesel brought in, we will see multiple Fukushima’s all over the country.


I hope you’ll get a copy of this book and join me in the forum to study and pray over these issues. If you join in reading this book and the study of the related scripture, please continually be asking for the Fathers guidance and wisdom for us as a group.

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Ham Radio | How to Get Your License

This article was written by my friend Pj and posted on her blog Survival For Blondes, and you can find the original article here, and is being posted with her permission.  I don’t have  my HAM but want to eventually use this info to get it.  This is the one medium of communication that can’t be completely controlled.


Ham Radio | How to Get Your License
Ham radio is trending … and Preppers know why. During a disaster, normal communications can fail and cellphone towers may get jammed. Your ham radio will keep you in contact with ham operators all over the world, even with astronauts in space.

But before you delve into the world of handhelds, transceivers, amplifiers, and antennas … you need a license. Technically, you don’t need one to listen, and in an emergency who’s gonna check your license, but you might as well do it right.

The FCC license is free, with about a $15 fee to take the exam. Your own budget will determine how much you spend on online courses, books & study aids.


Here’s how to get ready for the exam:

1) Get a book from the library | We love Technician Class by Gordon West. The ARRL (Amateur Radio Relay League) recommends The Ham Radio License Manual. Both are available on Amazon if you want your own.

2) Pick a study method (included in each of the above books) | There are only 35 questions on the exam; you must get 26 of them right. But there’s a pool of 394 questions, so plan on doing some studying.

3) Find An Exam Session on the ARRL website

4) Take the exam | Worst case is you don’t pass and you have to take it again.

5) Join a Local Radio Club | Once you have your license, you’ll have lots of questions. This is the place to start asking them.


For more information:

The Survival Mom on Getting Licensed

Ham Test Online

Free Ham Study Tools

One of things that helped us alot was a free iPhone/iPad app called Ham Radio Exam – Tech. It works like interactive flashcards. This one was of several ham radio study apps, so see if there’s one you ilke better.

We also lucked out and found a great online course taught by Mitch Stern – – and followed it up with Mitch’s all-day study session and exam in New Hampshire. Check online to see if there’s anything like this in your area. You might start with your local ham radio club.

Amateur radio operators are some of the friendliest, and most helpful, folks you’ll ever meet. If you still have questions, ask if you can attend one of their meetings.

We can’t even begin to describe the sense of accomplishment we felt upon seeing our call sign in the FCC database. And in the Prepper World … it’s good to have skills!!