March 24, 2025

8 Easy Ways to Start a Fire

This article was written by Dan Sullivan from Survival Sullivan. Check out Dan’s blog, I think you’ll enjoy it.
8 Easy Ways to Start a Fire

How many ways of starting a fire do you know? No matter how many you answered, I’m sure you can learn a few more after reading this article. You never know when you’re out in the wild, desperately needing a fire and you realize your primary and secondary means of starting a one aren’t working.

Accidents will happen… your bug out bag could fall into a body of water, possibly compromising some of your stuff and, as you’re desperately trying to start a fire using your soaking wet matches, you begin to realize the severity of the situation.

Before we discuss all the different ways to start a fire, it’s worth mentioning you need have tinder readily available to quickly catch those sparks. Bark, dry glass, small sticks, cotton balls and even paper will do the trick. So, without further ado, let’s see all the various ways to start a fire.
Using an Obvious Fire-Starting Device

I’m not going to spend too much time talking about Bic lighters and waterproof matches. You probably have them in your bug-out bag (BOB) or your get home bag (GHB) already. Bic lighters are great but at some point, they will fail you, so be sure to check that they’re working from time to time. You can do this, for instance, right when you’re rotating your food stockpile, for instance.
Using the Bow Drill Method

When I think about starting a fire without matches, the thing that always comes to mind is the bow drill method. The reason it’s so popular is that it’s very effective. Not as good as striking a match, obviously, but works really well when all else fails. Under normal circumstances, it shouldn’t take you more than 5 minutes to get it going.

The most important thing is to have the right wood. You need dry wood and, ideally, you’ll want to make the spindle and the floorboard from the same tree, even from the same log for best results. Here’s a quick list of types of wood that work well with this method: white cedar, willow, alder, and maple. Willow will work best, particularly if you’re new at this.
Using the Hand Drill Method

If you don’t have the time or the right items to use the bow drill method, how about just using your bare hands to rotate the stick? It’s hard work but, with the right wood, tinder and your tireless hands, you will eventually get that spark.
Using a Pocket Knife, a Piece of Flint and Char Cloth

Char cloth ignites with the smallest spark and you can help starting it with your pocket knife and flint.
Using a Lens

There are a wide variety of lens available to help you start a fire. For example, a Fresnel lens is small, cheap, lightweight and fits just about anywhere in your bug-out bag or get home bag. Of course, if you don’t have one, you can use a magnifying glass, binoculars and even your eyeglasses to achieve the same result.

And if you’re really feeling lucky, you can use unconventional items such as a condom filled with water or even an ice cube. These can both focus the sun rays into a single point, raising the temperature and causing whatever tinder you have there to ignite.
Using Batteries

Batteries alone can’t do the job but, with the help of some fine grade steel wool or gum paper, it’s totally possible. You’re gonna need a 9V battery and the really good news is, this will work on all weather conditions… and it is fast. The moment the battery makes contact with the wool, sparks start showing up so make sure you have that tinder ready.
Starting a Fire with Water

First of all, I should say that the water needs to be contained in either a plastic bottle or a lightbulb. You will use them as makeshift magnifying glasses to focus the sun rays on one (or multiple) pieces of paper. If you have paper written in black ink, that’s even better, it’s going to ignite faster.
Mixing Chlorine and Break Fluid

When it comes to using chemical reactions to start a fire, one of the most popular ways is to use chlorine and break fluid. The reaction doesn’t happen instantly, it takes about 20 to 30 seconds and the flame doesn’t last for more than a few seconds. Use small quantities of each and, whatever you do, do NOT get too close during those first 30 seconds when nothing seems to be happening. Also, wearing a face shield mask is even better to decrease your chances of getting injured.
What’s next?

Practicing all the ways to start a fire is very important as you don’t want your first attempt to be during an SHTF situation, when your life is on the line. Make sure you have everything you need and keep trying if it doesn’t work the first time.

Now that you’ve got that fire going… how about learning how to cook? I’ve put together a comprehensive list of outdoor cooking methods, you can check it out right here and… I have a feeling you might like it!

Stay safe,
Dan F. Sullivan
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Practical EDC

We’ve all got items we carry every day, hence “EDC” or “Every Day Carry”. When I started prepping, I saw a lot of advice on what people should carry. Some of the items were neck or other types of knives, para-cord, cash, fishing gear (a few hooks, sinkers and line) and on and on. The trouble is, most of it just wasn’t practical to me. I’m not knocking anyone who carries a neck knife, but I hate wearing anything on my neck.

I think having a fishing kit is a good idea, in case one has an accident and goes off road in an isolated area and help isn’t coming quickly. However, while not practical for my EDC, I have one in the glove box of each car instead.

When it comes to EDC, carry what works and is practical for you! The following is what works for me.

My approach to EDC is to be modular, meaning I have smallish containers that I can trade in and out depending on my plans. For example, last weekend I needed to make a road trip to give a talk at a men’s retreat. I didn’t want to bring my whole kit so I grabbed the pieces I needed and combined them.

I keep my BOB in the car because the car isn’t ever very far from me. If I need to use it as a BOB, or GHB (get home bag) it is always ready. Because of this, I don’t need to carry gear like the fishing kit, and can just carry the things I will need to get through my day.

I hate pockets full of stuff, so I carry most of my gear in my laptop bag, which isn’t ever far from me either. My core gear, the gear I always keep on my person is: a folder knife, a flashlight, a money clip, emergency cash, and my phone.

In the laptop bag, I keep a small first aid kit with some OTC meds, a Swiss army knife, and lip balm, a thumb drive with important data, a pen and paper, and my kindle.

The purpose of EDC is to get you through your day and through possible and likely scenarios. If you’re carrying a small fishing kit on your person and, like me, don’t run the risk of going off road in an area where I would not be spotted, you might be okay leaving it as a piece of your car kit.

Again, I think you need to tailor your EDC to your life, carry what you use and works for you. If you carry around a bag of gear or pockets full of gear you never use, it might become cumbersome, frustrating and you might decide to quit carrying it all completely.

If you want to carry all kinds of gear, go with it, just don’t feel like you have to.
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Fifteen Ways to Reuse Two-Liter Bottles

Fifteen Ways to Reuse Two-Liter Bottles

Here are several ways to reuse 2 liter bottles. Please add your ideas to the comment section.

Water Storage

Wash them out by putting a drop of dish soap in, filling ¾ of the way with hot water and shaking. Rinse it out and let it dry. If it still smells like the previous contents you might consider keeping it for a different use. If it smells fine, you can fill it with water, and store it in a cool dark area.

Pack the Freezer

Fill with water and pack them in the freezer to take up empty space. This makes it so less energy is needed to keep the freezer at the optimal temperature. Also if the power goes out they will help things stay cold longer. Just leave a little room in the bottle so the ice can expand as it freezes.
Keep Things Cold

If you go on a picnic you can take a frozen 2 liter bottle out of the freezer and place it in the cooler to keep things cold. This would also be an option if power went out, take them out of the freezer and put them in the fridge to help keep the temp lower inside.
Stay Hydrated

On a hot day take a frozen 2 liter bottle out and drink the cold water as it thaws.
Chill Out

While probably not the most comfortable ice pack, it would stay cold longer than most I have ever used.

Food Storage

While I don’t think this is the best method, I have read of several people who store dry goods such as rice in 2 liter bottles for many years.
In the Garage


Remove the cap and cut the bottle in half. Use the top portion as a funnel.
Dry Material Dispenser

Carefully fill the bottle with sand, kitty litter, “melt away” for melting ice, etc. Leave the cap on for storage. Remove the cap and shake the contents out onto whatever is needed.
Plastic Bag Dispenser

Cut off the bottom and very top of the bottle, at its neck. Attach, upside down, wherever you would like the dispenser, using screws and a washer to attach it. Fill with plastic bags from the various stores you shop at!
In the Garden

Drip Irrigation

Poke holes in the 2 liter bottle. Bury the bottle next to a plant in your garden at planting time. Leave enough of the top sticking up so you can easily reach it and refill it with water as needed.

Mini Green House

If you plant your seedlings and get a frost warning, you can cut the bottom off and cover your seedling sticking the bottle deep enough in the dirt to form a seal, to protect it from the cold. You’ve just created a very small, one plant, green house.
Upside Down Planter

Have you seen those upside down planters? You can create one! Cut the bottom off a 2 liter bottle, place a layer of duct tape around the newly created rim for stability and poke holes. Thread rope through the holes so you can hang it! Now, take your seedling and gently insert it, leaves first, into the bottom, putting the leaves through the top. Fill the bottle with dirt, and hang it where it will get sun!
Vertical Planter

A vertical garden can be created by cutting a section from the side of a 2 liter bottle and attaching it to a privacy fence or other vertical space. Fill the bottle with soil and plant in it!

Bug trap

Remove the cap and cut the bottle in half, leaving the bottom 2/3 of the length. Place the top upside down so it is sticking inside the bottle and staple it in place. If there are any gaps along the seam, add duct tape so that the only opening is where the cap was. Create a mixture of sugar and water and pour it into the bottle, leaving one to two inches between the water and the inverted bottle. I have read that you can add ½ tsp of yeast, as the yeast feeds off of the sugar it gives of CO2, which will attract mosquitoes. To catch other bugs, replace the yeast with ½ cup of apple cider vinegar.

Minnow Trap

Remove the cap and cut the bottle in half, leaving the bottom 2/3 of the length. Place some rocks in the bottom to act as an anchor. Now place the top upside down, so it is sticking inside the bottle and staple it in place. Insert some bread into the trap and place it in the water.

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Ten Fall Preparedness Projects

Fall Prepper Projects

The leaves are turning beautiful colors, the temperatures are cooling, the air is crisp; this is my favorite time of year! This is also the time of year where we should take care of a few projects to square away our preps before winter sets in. Even if you don’t live in MinnesSNOWta, there are plenty of things to be done! Here are ten fall preparedness projects I came up with.

  1. Change out the clothing in your BOB from summer gear to fall/winter gear.
  2. Gather and save fallen leaves for next year’s compost. Along with kitchen scraps, a great approach is to add equal parts brown (fallen leaves) and green, (grass clippings). You can save the leaves in plastic bins, or in garbage bags, just make sure they are in a dry area; if they get wet, they’ll rot.
  3. Cover crop or mulch over your garden beds. One great method for this is mulching leaves as you mow, and dumping this on the beds.
  4. I suggest checking your smoke alarms twice a year on daylight savings, which is on November 2nd this year.
  5. Flash lights; if you keep batteries in your flashlights, make sure they haven’t started to corrode and make sure the flashlight still works. Another way to keep the batteries near the flashlight but not inside it is to put them in a plastic bag and secure the bag to the flashlight with a rubber-band.
  6. Winterize your car. By this, I don’t just mean the usual car care. Make sure you have cold weather preps in your car; Blankets, Heat for the gas tank, inspect ice scraper and jumper cables, replace if necessary.
  7. Make sure the medicine cabinet is ready for colder weather, especially if you have a little petri dish, err, sorry, I mean child in public schools. I swear as soon as the kids started back to school, we started in with the sniffles! I include cold and flu meds, cough drops and syrup, throat spray and also lotion for cracking itchy skin and Chap Stick.
  8. Get your heating system inspected and tuned up. Usually less than $100 can get you a good inspection.
  9. Consider your emergency heat and what you might do if power goes out for a few days.
  10. If you live where it snows, get your snow blower tuned up well before the first major snowfall. I see at least one story every year after the first major snowstorm on how there are no new snow blowers available, and small engine repair shops are backed up.

Can you think of any projects that can help us get ready for winter?
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National Preparedness Month Challenge

National Preparedness Month Challenge

This is the Month the federal government sets aside to talk about Preparedness. There’ve been conversations about their effort in other articles, but I don’t want to get into that. Instead, I want to challenge you with five tasks! All but one of them is free. If you accept and meet this challenge, even if it takes you longer than this month, you will be so much more prepared!

1. Create a Living Will

Make your end of life decisions now and have them documented. During that time, your loved ones will be under huge amounts of stress and very emotional. Please do not leave these decisions for them to make during that time. Trudee and I got ours done at Legal Zoom, where the price starts at $39.

2. Serial Numbers

Make a list of serial numbers and take pictures of all expensive items. If your house is broken into, damaged or destroyed, this information will greatly increase the speed of getting your insurance claim submitted. I created a Serial Number Recording Form for you. I also recommend taking pictures and storing those images with the list of serial numbers in a couple locations; a thumb drive in a fireproof safe, in any of the online data storage solutions and even on a thumb drive in your trunk!

3. Have Redundant Bug Out Plans

If you have a Bug Out Location (BOL), I suggest you document multiple ways to get there. If you don’t have a BOL, you still have options. One option is to have an agreement with a friend or relative that, if needed, you would head there. You could go one step further and ask to store some food and gear there so you have more than what you were able to BO with.

Another option is to pick small towns; one north, one south, one east and one west of your home. We picked towns that are 30-60 miles away, had a population of around 5,000 and, if possible, a small hotel. You don’t have to stay at the hotel but it can serve as a rally point. Another reason for the hotel is that if you and your family don’t bug out together but agree on which direction to take, if someone is delayed, they can call the hotel and ask to leave a message for your family member who is on their way and will be checking in.

The reason I like this idea is that you have a plan to execute and won’t have to try and figure out where to go if things start going sideways. I like the idea of four directions because you don’t know what direction things might be melting down. For instance, many Minnesotans might think about heading ”up north” because there are many lakes, woods and plentiful wildlife. There is a nuclear power plant along one “up north” route for us and a state penitentiary along another. In a worst case scenario such as an EMP, there is no way I want to go near the nuclear plant and I’d like to keep my distance from the prison as well. It might be easier to just go east instead.

4. Meeting Location

Have a location outside of your neighborhood designated as a meeting place that everyone in your family knows about. If something happens at your home or very near your home, and people cannot get into the area, everyone should know to meet here.

5. 90 Days

Have a plan in place to be self-sufficient for 90 days. I believe that in 95% of situations, battening down or bugging in are better options than bugging out. I believe that 90 days is a moderate goal that we should all be working towards, and when we get there, we should set it out another 90 days!

This can be a lofty task, so planning it out is a great idea. Decide what you will need to provide all of your basic needs; water, food, shelter, energy and security for 90 days. Storing 90 days’ worth of water isn’t realistic if you don’t own a pool, so a water purifier would suffice.

If you are in debt, then getting out of debt should be step one of your plan. One aspect of this plan should also include saving up and stocking away enough money to pay all of your bills for three months.

If you get to a point where you could provide clean water, food, shelter, heat and security for your family, plus pay your mortgage and any other bills for 90 days, you will be better prepared than the overwhelming majority of people.

Preparedness Club

Prepping isn’t cheap, but I can help it cost less. Members of the Preparedness Club get permanent discounts to 20+ supporting companies. Infidel Body Armor and Hesperian Health Guides are the two newest. But even if you don’t want to join, please swing by before you make any purchases! We have subscribed to over 100 companies’ newsletters and post the best preparedness/hunting/tactical/fishing/homesteading deals we can find every day, free of charge!

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Entertainment Kit

Before I get to todays topic, I have a quick personal update. As many of you know, I have been unemployed for quite some time. I was just offered a position doing something very similar to what my last job was. Because the job is so specialized, and because I have previous experience, they offered me 12% more salary then what I asked for.

I know many of you have been praying for me over the last year. I want to let you know how much I appreciate you! I thank God for this position opening up and for all of you.

Entertainment Kit

“RSN”, an active Prepared Christian Forum member, made a thread on the forums that she called Holiday and disaster doldrums pick-me-up’s. It’s about some different things she keeps on hand for entertainment just in case the stuff hits the fan. I think this is a fantastic idea, and thought it would make a good post! At first glance, it might not make sense to have fun things to do when life throws us a curveball. I would argue that it is when we need these things the most!

Depending on how things are going sideways, there could be a significant amount of downtime. If you don’t have something to soak up that downtime, you run the risk of dwelling on the situation and compounding the negativity you feel.

I made it through two 6 month cruises through the Gulf on the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln and even when things weren’t falling apart, having downtime with nothing to do makes the time crawl by. I can’t even begin to count the number of Hearts and Spades games I played.

Having things to keep people of all ages occupied is important. Entertained children are not going to be as focused on what is going on, which in turn should decrease their fear.

Here are some things you might consider.

Pocket Bible
Decks of cards
Books on how to play various card games
Board games for multiple ages
Pens, pencils, crayons and paper
Tinker Toy’s
Yard games
Word finds
Art and Craft things to do
Hand held electronic games, with extra batteries.

You get the idea! I think having a deck of cards and a travel game or two stuffed in a BOB is a great idea, just in case you’re forced to bug out.

When I am stressed, having something to do that engages my mind can often help me calm down, and help clear my head. In turn, it helps me think clearly when I go back to what it was that was stressing me out to begin with. I personally get bored easily and even more so when there is a lot of stress. I strongly recommend having a variety of things to do!

I would love to hear your ideas of things to add to an Entertainment Kit!

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Five Must Have Items, Each Under Five Bucks

Five Must Have Items Each Under Five Bucks

Stocking up on preparedness items can get expensive, so I thought I would give you a list of five items that you should have in your supplies that are less than $5 each. Remember though that “two is one, and one is none.” Even if you have one of these items, for the sake of redundancy, you might consider getting another.


We only use bleach for the occasional load of laundry and to clean the kennel from time to time. However, bleach can be used as a disinfectant and could be used for cleaning in a survival situation.

It isn’t my first choice as a water purifier, but unscented bleach can be used to do so.

If tap water is clear:
1. Use bleach that does not have an added scent (like lemon).
2. Add 1/8 teaspoon (8 drops or about 0.75 milliliters) of household liquid bleach to 1 gallon (16 cups) of water.
3. Mix well and wait 30 minutes or more before drinking.
If tap water is cloudy:
1. Use bleach that does not have an added scent (like lemon).
2. Add 1/4 teaspoon (16 drops or 1.5 milliliters) of household liquid bleach to 1 gallon (16 cups) of water.
3. Mix well and wait 30 minutes or more before drinking.

Keep in mind that this will only kill bacteria and virus and will not remove any other harmful chemicals.

Duct Tape

Duct tape is one of the items I don’t think you can have too much of. It can be used: to close small cuts, to repair a BOB, as impromptu handcuffs, to temporarily patch a broken window, for temporary automotive repairs and on and on.

In short, if it is moving or is leaking and it shouldn’t be, duct tape is often a solution.


Pack of Lighters

Obviously an item used for baking. (Chris has a nasty sweet tooth at times. ~Trudee) Ok, for starting a fire. Sure having the knowledge of starting a fire without a lighter is a good idea. However, while a bow drill, flint, and the other multitude of ways for making flame are effective, they are not nearly as efficient as a lighter.

I think there should be a lighter in each vehicle as part of a car kit, in each BOB and a few around the house.


Manual Can Opener

If you have commercially canned food in your pantry, you would be wise to have one or two of these around. They are not all made equal. I have used several and only think one or two were worth owning.

As with making flame, there are other means of opening a can. I have seen people use a hammer and screw driver, a concrete median and other ways, but in a grid down situation, a manual can opener is the most efficient way to get the job done.


Petroleum Jelly

This is another item that has many uses. It can be applied to very dry skin to moisturize, to keep skin from chaffing and it can be applied to exposed skin in cold or windy areas to protect it against the elements. When applied to a cotton ball it can be used to pack a bloody nose, or to start a fire!

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Become More Proficient With Your Gun Without Firing a Shot

Before I get to today’s article I have a quick personal update. I am having arthroscopic surgery to correct an impingement on my left hip early tomorrow. I have no idea how I’m going to feel the rest of the week. If there isn’t another article this week or an email response or if I am slow to respond to a comment or email, now you know why.

Become More Proficient With Your Gun Without Firing a Shot

Even though ammo prices have come down some, shooting can be a very expensive hobby. Being proficient with your gun involves more than just shooting. Today I am going to give you some exercises you can do for free or with minimal investment in the safety of your home, without firing a single shot.

For the sake of safety, I recommend you practice these things with an unloaded firearm. Be sure to double check.
Dry Firing

Dry firing simply means that you practice all of the mechanics of firing a firearm with either an empty chamber or some type of snap cap, which is a plastic dummy round. Dry firing is fine with most firearms. Check your manufacturer to be sure. I know you should not do so with a .22, as it can damage the firing pin.

The benefit of dry fire practice is that it can help correct bad habits, such as anticipating recoil. If you anticipate the loud bang and the gun bucking in your hand, you can pull down and left (for right handers). If there is no loud bang, you can practice steady hand control, and do it enough times that when you do go to the range you are in the habit of not pulling down and left.

Another way to find and correct bad habits is to stack a few pennies or dimes on top of the slide. If they fall when you squeeze the trigger, you can tell if you’re pulling one way or the other by the direction and timing of when the stack fell.

Yet another way, this time with a cost, is to buy a laser. Nebu Preotec lasers are fairly inexpensive, at around $50. The one I have now is accurate enough to use for aiming at something I actually wanted to hit. It is very easy to tell if you are pulling one way or another.

Drawing From the Holster

It’s a fact, many ranges will not let you draw from the holster. The problem with this is that if you’re ever out and have to draw from the holster, you’re going to be much clumsier under stress than if you had practiced.

If you combine this with dry firing, you can practice an entire self-defense cycle. I know some people love the buzz timers for practicing and I think that is great if you’re practicing for IDPA or another competition. I don’t like the idea for self-defense training though. If you’re out on the town and you hear a loud noise, you’re not going to pull your gun and start shooting. No, if you hear a loud noise, you’ll orient yourself to the direction of the threat, look to see what is going on and then you’ll determine if you need to draw or not.

Instead of a buzzer, use a TV show or a movie. Since no one in the show is actually going to be a threat to you, pick a character, and every time they come on the scene draw and fire. Or pick one color shirt, say red, and every time someone comes on the screen wearing a red shirt, you draw and fire. If two people are wearing red shirts, scan and dry fire at them.

If you get a new holster this is something you should do. For instance, my gun sits very differently than I was used to in the Crossbreed holster I got last summer. Also practice re-holstering without looking. If you are ever forced to shoot, you’ll want to keep your eyes on the attacker and the ongoing scene without looking for your holster.
Drawing From a Concealment Garment

Drawing from the holster is great, but make sure you add in doing so with the clothes you wear when you are carrying it. If you use a CCW purse, practice with it.

Adding in the one extra movement, that of clearing your garment before you can draw, can really foul things up and slow you down.

Practice Without Looking

As I explained in Changes in the Body During a Critical Incident, many people experience time distortions during a critical incident. For this reason, I recommend you learn to reload without looking. The reason for this is that if you look at your hands, you may perceive that you’re reloading much to slow, and then speed up when you were going at normal speed. The problem is that if you speed up, you might make a mistake.

Do you have any tips you can give that can help us be more proficient without firing a shot?


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Brrr Its Cold Outside

Brrr Its Cold Outside

In the last week or so, we have seen record low temperatures across most of America. I may be a week late, but I thought I would give a reminder about cold weather preparedness. Here in Minnesota temps are hovering around zero with wind chill around -20, but we’re used to it. I have seen reports of snow and ice in Texas and other southern states that might not get to 0, but that is still far colder than they are used to. Here are some things for you to keep in mind no matter where you live.

Hypothermia occurs when your body loses heat faster than it can create it. Normal body temperature is 98.6 and hypothermia sets in when the body temperature drops below 95 degrees. It is most often caused by exposure to cold air, water or even cold wind. Many people have a misconception that it needs to be frigidly cold to get hypothermia, but it can happen from long exposure to temperatures of less than 50 degrees as well. The elderly and infirm are more susceptible to hypothermia indoors at cold temperatures than younger and healthier people.

Some of the symptoms of hypothermia are:

  • Shivering ; constant shivering is a key sign of hypothermia
  • Clumsiness
  • Slurred speech
  • Apathy; lack of concern for one’s condition
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Drowsiness

The treatment for hypothermia depends on the severity of it. For mild cases of hypothermia getting out of the cold environment and using blankets and heaters to raise the body’s temperature can be effective. Moderate to severe hypothermia is best treated in the hospital where special treatments can be used to warm the body’s core temperature.
Dress in Layers

The reason one dresses in layers when out in cold temperatures is to make sure you’re warm enough and to give you the option of removing layers if you begin to sweat. For example, here in Minnesota the temps can get to -20, not including wind-chill. If I have to go out to shovel, I’ll normally wear a white t-shirt, thin long sleeve shirt, a sweatshirt and my winter coat, along with long underwear and jeans, wool socks and good winter boots. I’ll also wear a hat, the hood of the coat and a scarf. Even though I’m not in a survival situation, shoveling Minnesota snow can be a workout. If I start to sweat, I’ll take off the sweat shirt and put the jacket back on and maybe lower the hood. I think you get the idea. If you are in a survival situation in cold weather and are sweating, you are in danger and are increasing the odds of hypothermia. Take off a layer or two and give yourself a rest.
Cotton Kills

This is often mentioned in forums. What it means is that cotton wicks your body’s heat away from you when it’s wet. Wool on the other hand will retain your body’s heat even while wet. If you live where it gets cold, having some good wool winter gear is a good idea. Since cotton wicks away your body’s heat, it may be preferable in hot climates.
Driving in Snow and Ice

Here in Minnesota, we can have snow 5+ months out of the year. People still forget how to drive in it, so I can imagine what it must be like in places where you don’t frequently get it. Here are just a few tips that may help keep you safe.

  • Have a car kit. Follow the link to see what is in mine.
  • Leave with plenty of time to get to your destinations. During a snow storm here, it can take 2-3 times longer to travel.
  • Don’t make fast corrections. Don’t slam on the brakes, brake slowly. Before anti-lock brakes, we were taught to pump them. Don’t pump anti-lock brakes.
  • Don’t make sudden turns.
  • If you happen to get stuck, coarse kitty litter or sand can be poured under tires to give some traction.
  • Have the number for a tow truck or AAA in your phone.

If you have any other tips, please add them to the comment section. Stay warm everyone!


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Five Free Practices You Can Do To Be Better Prepared

Here are Five Free Things you can do to be Better Prepared

Have you ever seen someone post a “What have you done to prepare this week?” thread on a prepper forum? I enjoy reading them, both to see how people as my friend, the Survival Sherpa, would say are “doing the stuff” and because there is a sense of accountability. Iron Sharpens Iron.

Money has been tight since I was downsized from my last job, but just because we can’t buy new things, or even replace food storage, that doesn’t give me a pass! I’ve had to get creative in the “What have I done category”, and here are five things you can do for free!


The single most important preparation one can have is knowledge. If deserted on an island, I would take five people who had a depth of knowledge on surviving over five people who had no knowledge and a weeks’ worth of supplies.

There is a saying, “knowledge is power” and it is! We are blessed to live in a time where you can learn about anything and everything, within just a few keystrokes. Of course, we need to use discernment and be wary of our sources but finding reputable sources on any subject is not a difficult task.

Practice Skills

After knowledge, I think skills are the next important item. Having book knowledge is great, but to read about starting a friction fire is much different than doing it. There are plenty of skills one can master for free or a very small investment.

Teach Others

Teaching someone else about something you know helps you to understand it in much greater detail. This website is just over three years old. In that time I have learned new things and I have a much deeper understanding of the topics I have written about.

You don’t need a blog to teach someone else. You just need someone willing to listen and learn. I talked to my son about learning how to change a tire years ago and he was never interested. Maybe I should have made him sit through it but I doubt he would have paid attention. However, a couple weeks ago he called and said he was not far from me and had a flat tire. I drove to where he was, explained what to do and watched over his shoulder as he loosened the lug nuts. I showed him where to place the jack and how to go through the rest of the motions. He was very grateful and I was glad I could pass on the skill. I know he paid attention and will be able to do it on his own in the future.

Examine and Take Stock of Existing Preps

If you have been prepping for any length of time, you’ve got who-knows-what, stashed who knows where. I had things scattered in many different places and decided to put it all together and redo the BOB’s. I had forgotten that we owned several items and was able to build a couple small kits out of the gear I’ve collected over the years. I also found some items that I need to replace when money permits.

Research Future Purchases

When you’ve gone through your existing preps and find those items that you need to replace, or items you might need, thoroughly research them. Read both the positive and the negative reviews of the item you’re considering, and also for its biggest competitor. This will ensure that you make smart purchases when you do have a bit of extra money.

Do you have any other ideas that a person can do to prepare that are free?

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If you would like to repost this article, feel free to do so, please just mention that it was written by Chris Ray and provide a link back to this page.
