February 23, 2025

Keeping Cool Without AC

Keep cool without AC

Many people are surprised to find out how hot and muggy it can get in Minnesota. With temperatures of 90+ degrees and humidity levels of “AreYouKiddingMe”, it can get quite uncomfortable here. I also spent some time in the south when I was in the Navy. I can’t imagine dealing with 110+degrees, day after day.

In case you haven’t guessed, I don’t like the heat. I don’t tolerate it well. A/C is an easy fix, but what if you have to be outdoors, or if for some reason A/C isn’t available? Here are some tips for staying cool in the heat.

Wear loose fitting, light colored clothing.

It might sound counterintuitive, but wear long sleeve shirts and a hat. The sun directly on your skin will heat you even more.

Wear clothes made of cotton as it wicks heat away from your body. This is the reason the phrase “Cotton Kill” exists. When the phrase is used, it’s usually in cold climates.

If you wear a hat, get it wet and put it back on. A bandana can work for this as well.

In hot weather, you need to increase your liquid intake. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty. When you’re active, you should be drinking 16-32 ounces of water an hour.

If your urine is anything but clear, you are dehydrated and need to rehydrate ASAP.
Avoid beverages containing caffeine as it promotes dehydration.

Water is a great source to stay hydrated, but many people don’t like water. There are additives such as powdered Gatorade that can flavor water and add electrolytes at the same time.

Put a water bottle in the freezer. When you go outside, take it with you. As the ice melts, you’ll have cold water to drink.

Avoid using the stove, as it will just add more heat.

Eat cold foods; fruits and vegetables are a good idea.

Eat smaller meals but eat more often. The larger the meal the more metabolic heat your body produces to digest it. The same applies to drinking very cold water; it can actually heat you up because your body quickly reacts to warm the water to core temperature.

Eat copious amounts of ice cream. (Sorry about that, the little kid in me took over for a second.)
The Body

The body radiates heat from the head, hands and feet. Getting these areas wet will aid in cooling.

When I was in the Navy, on a cruise to the Gulf, they told us to eat more salt on our food, to help the body retain water. It’s true that we lose salt and minerals when we sweat. These salts and minerals need to be replaced. A sports drink will often work. Check with your doctor before going this route.

If outdoor work must be done, do it in the morning or evening. Avoid being out in the sun in the hottest part of the day.

Put a bottle of lotion in the fridge. Squirt some on and rub it into hands and feet. (I have never tried this, but it sounds like a decent idea.)

By placing a cool water bottle between your upper thighs or in your armpits, you will cool the blood. Don’t use ice cold as this could be a shock to your heart.

A similar principle is to get a bandana wet with cool water and wrap it around your neck, head or wrists.

Take frequent cool showers or baths.

Use a Chillow ® Pillow cooling device.
The Home
If you have a basement, the temperature there is often 10-15 degrees cooler. My home is a four level split. I would say each level is at least 5 degrees cooler than the one above it.

Keep your curtains or blinds drawn. If possible, have the outside of the blinds or curtains be light in color. This will reflect heat back outside. Dark colors will increase the temperature. This would be a good idea in the colder times of the year.

I have not done this but have heard that it works; hang a damp sheet in place of your drapes. To go with the drapes suggestion from above, use a light colored sheet.

Another thing that I have heard of but haven’t tried is spraying your roof with water. The heat evaporates the water, leaving the roof cooler. Here are several other passive cooling techniques.


Don’t Forget Your Pets
Keep plenty of cool water available.
Make sure they have shade available to lie in.
Some of our dogs love chewing on ice cubes.

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License Plate Security

This preparedness tip comes from my cities police monthly newsletter; I’ll paraphrase

With gas prices raising some, some nasty people have been known to steal other people’s license plates, fill their tanks at the gas station and drive off without paying. The surveillance cameras capture only the stolen plate number. To prevent Mr. Dirtbag from stealing your license plates, you can install security screws. They’re cheap, easy to install and available at most hardware and auto supply stores.

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Our Government is Watching

Instead of the article I had planned on posting today, I want to talk to you about something that The SurvivalBlog shared on Friday. James Wesley Rawles, the owner of The SurvivalBlog, made a post called The FBI’s Cookie Caper and the VPN Imperative.

Here is the first paragraph from that post:

“It has come to my attention that from August of 2011 to November of 2011, the FBI secretly redirected the web traffic of more than 10% of SurvivalBlog’s US visitors through CJIS, their sprawling data center situated on 900 acres, 10 miles from Clarksburg, West Virginia. There, the Feebees surreptitiously collected the IP addresses of my site visitors. In all, 4,906 of 35,494 selected connections ended up going to or through the FBI servers. (Note that this happened several months before we moved our primary server to Sweden.) Furthermore, we discovered that the FBI attached a long-lived cookie that allowed them to track the sites that readers subsequently visited. I suspect that the FBI has done the same to hundreds of other web sites. I find this situation totally abhorrent, and contrary to the letter of 4th Amendment as well as the intent of our Founding Fathers.”
My Take

This saddens me. I agree with Mr. Rawles that this is an infringement on the 4th Amendment. This is not the first time the government has spied on prepper’s. Some examples can be seen in the article FBI & Homeland Security Caught Spying on Prepper Sites.

My guess is that the government is viewing prepper’s as the “fringe” that might be in our niche. The truth is that the vast majority of us are not extremists, ready to take action against anyone or anything. Most prepper’s and/or homesteaders are simply people who want to be prepared to take care of their families in times of trouble. We are patriots who love our country and do not want to depend on our government.

Mr. Rawles gives some examples of things you can do to increase your privacy when on-line. I will be doing some, if not all, of these things. If you take his suggestion of using the “VPN”, it will be an added expense. I intend to look at it as another preparation and hope you will too.

I checked my analytics and found a few visits from The Department of Homeland Security, as well as a few other government agencies. PreparedChristian is a pretty small fish in the preparedness site niche, so I don’t know that any of you were tracked, but there is a chance.

Some of you may decide to go “off grid” and no longer visit preparedness sites. I decided before I started PreparedChristian that I might draw attention to myself. I felt called by God to start this site and will keep posting for those who want to read and keep this community growing.

Some of you might be thinking “So what? If you have nothing to hide, let them look.” I have heard this argument from many on other infringements before. I used to have a similar argument. I then studied our founders and the spirit that our nation was created under. Our founders rebelled against an over-reaching king. I am not saying we should rebel, but I am saying that this is over-reaching by our government. I also agree with Mr. Rawles when he says:

“How you vote and how you “vote with your feet” (physically or virtually) are both of tremendous importance. Pray hard. Choose wisely. Act accordingly.”

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Preparedness Tip: Armored Cars

If you pull up to a business that has an armored car sitting outside of it, the prudent thing might be to wait to go in until the armored car is gone.  If Mr. Dirtbag wants to rob said armored car, the most opportune time would be when the Guard is returning to the truck with the money.

Now you might be thinking that there are not that many armored car robberies.  According to this article on a recent armored car robbery:

“Nationwide, there were 47 armored car robberies in 2010, and 21 such robberies through June 30, 2011, according to FBI statistics…”

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Some of the Reasons People Don’t Prepare

Some of the Reasons People Don't Prepare

There are a few reasons that people could give for not being prepared that I could absolutely get behind (Not like you need my approval). If it is a stumbling block for your faith, by all means, do not prepare. If your finances are stretched so tight that you have no money to put up anything extra, while you can still make preparedness plans, I do not think you should try and stretch your finances any thinner.

However, for most people, those are not the reasons. Here are some reasons that I have heard people give for not being prepared, with names that I came up with, mostly because I think I am clever.
Birds and flowers Matthew 6:25-34

In these verses, Jesus is telling of how much the Father loves the birds, but that they don’t worry about food or clothing. The key here is the word “worry”. This verse isn’t against preparing but against worrying.
God Will Provide

There are some people who say that in an emergency, “God will provide”. I would like to ask them if they are trusting in the Lord to miraculously put food on their table today. If the answer is “yes” and He is, fine. If the answer is “no”, and He is not, I would ask what makes them think He will start in their emergency.

“If God gives you a watch, are you honoring Him more by asking Him what time it is or by simply consulting the watch?” A.W. Tozer
Not me and Not Here

People might not actually say this, but I know some believe it. Bad things only happen to other people, or in other places, not to them or in America. I think this type of thinking comes in large part from how blessed we have been as a nation. Aside from 9-11 and Katrina, most of us haven’t experienced a wide scale traumatic event and as horrible as those two were, not many of us were directly affected.

Another reason people don’t think they need to prepare is that they don’t want to think about the fallen-ness of this world. Seeing the evil we do to one another, day after day, in city after city and country after country can, for some people, be too much. It’s much more comfortable to keep the rose colored glasses on. But remember Proverbs 27:12:

“A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.”

By not being aware, Solomon calls them simpletons. There are days when the evil of this world has me homesick. At those times, I pray for those afflicted by the evil and ask God for strength and wisdom, but I still move forward, and stay vigilant.

Fear of Being The Boy Who Cried Wolf

There are some who do not want to seem like alarmists. They differ from the ostrich in that they might see a possible danger, but won’t sound the alarm in case they’re wrong. The catch is that the boy who cried wolf eventually met a real wolf.

The Anti-Doomer is afraid people might think they actually want the stuff to hit the fan. I have actually heard of a few people who think this of preppers, so I know it exists. I would ask them if they have car insurance. When they say “yes”, I would ask them if they want to get into an accident. No one wants the pain we think is on its way, we just want to minimize how much it hurts us.

I can’t afford it (but check out my new laptop)

If you truly can’t afford prepping, that’s one thing If you can’t afford it because you want “toys”, well that’s a completely different thing. It does take a financial commitment but that doesn’t mean you have to break the bank. I could build a decent kit for $20 at the dollar store. Would it be a great kit? No, but it would be a start.
I’m Not a Hoarder

Prepping is not hoarding. Prepping is what is done when there is plenty to be had, before an event. Hoarding is going to the store right before or during an event and buying more then you need. Prepping is actually a benefit to the system, because the people who are prepared are not a drain on the system.
Good Old Uncle Sam

Another argument is that the government will help take care of people in an emergency. The Government didn’t do so well right after hurricane Katrina. They didn’t do well at all. People went hungry and thirsty; many were taken to the Superdome. The conditions there quickly melted down; overburdened from too many people and not enough resources. Violence and rape broke out. There were days of lawlessness both in the Superdome and in the affected area.

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Giving the Gift of Preparedness

Giving the Gift of Preparedness

Here is an idea that my wife came up with. We haven’t actually done it yet, but we might. For all of the people in our lives who are ill-prepared, we would make a 3-day-kit. It doesn’t have to be expensive, just the essentials to get by. For food, a 50-lb bag of white rice can be purchased for less than $20 and a bag of pinto beans for about the same. Divide this up into Mylar bags, add a couple cans of Spam and put it in a food grade bucket with a lid.  Depending on your finances you could add a weather radio, a wind up flashlight and any other gear that might come in handy.

This could then either be given as a gift or given when someone shows up after it hits the fan.

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Sharing Preparedness

Sharing Preparedness

For those of you who share preparedness, here are some things I’ve discovered. If you have others, please add a comment and share with everyone. As far as sharing preparedness goes, I understand that some of you want to maintain Op-Sec and stay gray. For those who want to let your freak flag fly, here are some tips.
Start Small

When you talk to someone who isn’t a prepper about preparedness, start small, with examples of why you prepare. Make it about you to keep them from feeling attacked. If you bring up the possibility of an EMP attack from Iran, many people don’t know what to do with that, so they dismiss it. If you bring up something they understand, that they have dealt with, or at least are familiar with, such as a power outage, they can process it and understand why and how they could prepare.
Avoid the Tinfoil

Avoid giving examples that are far out, like FEMA camps, impending nuclear fallout from Fukushima or the government using Contrails. There are some things that are a little out there that I think might be true, but sharing this stuff with someone who doesn’t even see the reason to have more than a weeks-worth of food at home, is going to make them think you’re a kook.
Social Media

This might seem like I am being a little self-serving. Whether it’s this site, or another preparedness site you like, if you read an article you like, please share it. Most sites have the buttons for Facebook, Twitter and others at the bottom of the article. Feel free to “Like it”, “tweet it”, etc.

If you have a site “liked” on Facebook and a comment is made, click on “share” and add your two cents so that your friends can see it. If you make a comment on a post, only those who are fans of the page will see it, not the friends in your list.

Social media is a great way to bring attention to a site or an article you enjoy. It’s where the term “going viral” comes from. Personally, I would say that much of my traffic has come from links that are shared by visitors. I appreciate it when people share the site with their circle; it is a high compliment in my book.

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What is a MAG?

You may have come across the term MAG (Mutual Aid Group); some may just call it their group.   A MAG is essentially a group of likeminded people that form a community and under certain circumstances come together to share resources and workload. 

There are a couple ways that I am familiar with to set up a MAG; one is a designated BOL (Bug Out Location) that all members fall back to. Another way that can be done on a smaller scale is to have an agreement between one or two other people to store resources at one another homes and bug out to one another’s homes if conditions there are safer than they are at your home.

I have heard Jack Spirko from The Survival Podcast mention that sometimes a group will pool their money together to purchase a BOL. But often people do not agree what should be done on the property and this can cause a rift. Jack suggests in this instance, have the seller subdivide the property and the buyers each by a smaller plot; they can then do whatever they like on their parcel.

I have another unique option that will only work for Christian’s. We would follow the example of the first church as written about in the book of Act’s. In Act’s, everyone shared, for the greater good of the group. The twelve disciples were “in charge” and they submitted to Christ. The disciples created a subgroup to manage the care and feeding of everyone, so they could concentrate on spreading the word.

I say unique to Christians because in order for this type of MAG to work, everyone involved would need to go vertical to Christ instead of horizontal to each other, when frustrations or problems came up. I believe that when the church is forced underground into house churches, MAG’s will naturally form out of necessity.

There will be conflict, but we have been given ways to handle this; Mathew 18:15-17

“”If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over.

But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.

If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector.”

In the book of Revelation, it tells that believers will be persecuted and put to death. This is just me speculating, but I believe that because of this the church will go underground and house churches will form, which essentially are MAG’s.

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Preparedness Tip: Flashlights

Flashlights come in handy for many reasons, aside from the obvious. Here are some other uses for flashlights you may not have thought of.

  •  If batteries are kept in them, they may begin to corrode. One option for keeping batteries near the flashlight is to place them in a Ziploc bag and keep it attached with a rubber band to the flashlight.
  • You can use the aluminum reflector and dry tinder to start a fire by putting a small piece of tinder in the aluminum reflector and aiming it at direct bright sunlight.
  • According to the TSA prohibited items list a flashlight can be carried on a plane, there is a general tool stipulation that says tools must be shorter than 7 inches.
  • A flashlight can be used as a Kubotan, which is a self-defense implement that can be used to make a fist more solid and as a striking implement. There are “tactical” flashlights that have a beveled edge. This may or may not cause problems with the TSA. I will bring my flashlight on a plane the next time I fly. If they ask me why I am bringing it on-board, I will tell them the truth; If the plane loses power or has any other issue, I want to make sure I can see.
  • A flashlight with a high lumen count (the higher the lumen count, the brighter the light) of 90+ can temporarily blind or distract someone.
  • If you put a red lens in your flashlight and use it at night, you will not lose your night vision when you turn it off. When I was in the Navy, if we ran out of red lenses, we would take a red marker and color the clear one. That isn’t nearly as effective but it was better than nothing.

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Preparedness Tip: Keeping Food Cold Without Electricity

In the event of a power outage, here are a some things you can do to help keep your food cold, if not frozen;

  • During times when there is power, the fuller your fridge or freezer is, the longer the temperature will stay cold and the less the motor will have to run to keep it cold.
  •  If your freezer isn’t full, you can add frozen containers to fill the empty space. Any container will do, but 2-liter bottles are shaped well for stacking. (In writing this, I have a chest freezer in mind, but it should work for a fridge based freezer as well.)
  • When there is a loss of power, a full freezer will keep food frozen for approximately two days, a half full freezer for a day and a fridge for roughly four hours, if they remain closed.
  • If there is a power loss another good idea is to write down the contents of the fridge and freezer and post it on the outside. When someone is hungry, they can browse the list with the door closed, keeping the cold where it belongs.
  • If you have a generator, you can connect the fridge and freezer to it and run the generator once or twice a day, for an hour or so and that should be enough to keep things cold.
  • If the outage is going to be longer in duration, it is important to keep meat, poultry, fish and eggs refrigerated at 40 Fahrenheit and frozen things at 0 Fahrenheit. These would be good things to cook and eat first.
  • If you live in an area with snow, it’s not a good idea to place frozen food directly in the snow. The temperature isn’t controlled and things could thaw and refreeze. One possible solution might be to take a clean 30 gallon garbage can and bury it in snow, then place the food in it. If you bury it with snow nearly to the top and place the lid on it, this should keep things cold but probably not frozen, depending on the temperature outside.

If you have any other tips please add them to the comment section.
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