January 31, 2025

Terrorism: Dirty Bomb

In America alone there have been nineteen terrorist attempts that have been stopped since September 11, 2001. Terrorists have stated time and time again that they will attack us here at home and our interests abroad. The question is; will they be able to? Out of the nineteen attempts some were stopped by good police work, some were successful to one degree or another and the majority failed due too the incompetence of the terrorist.

I’m going to cover three terrorist attacks that I think are possible and some advice should you find yourself near one. In this article I’ll cover the dirty bomb.
Dirty Bomb

A dirty bomb is not a conventional nuclear explosion. It uses conventional explosives (such as dynamite) to spread radioactive material. The damage and casualty rate would be much lower then a conventional nuclear attack. The goal with this type of attack is fear. Any death or injury caused by it is an added “bonus” to the terrorist. Remember how long things were shut down after 9-11 and how badly the economy suffered? If they can scare people and get them to pause long enough, it will do much more to hurt our way of life than any damage they may have caused.
Is this a real threat?

I see this as a two-part question. One; is this something that terrorists would like to do? I think the answer, without question, is yes. Terrorists like “grand” event’s, whether it be the size or multiple, well choreographed, events. A dirty bomb could be a pretty big event. The second question is; Can they pull it off? This isn’t as easy to answer. I think if they had the ability now, they would use it. However, there are more and more unfriendly and pseudo-friendly countries chasing nuclear “power”. Since a dirty bomb doesn’t require weapons grade material, any of these countries could make a fair bit of money off some of their nuclear waste.

You might remember the nuclear summit held in Washington last April; here are two quotes that I think are pretty important:

“A leading nuclear expert says it is only a matter of time before terrorists launch an attack using so-called dirty bombs.” From an ABC News article

“The White House has warned state and local governments not to expect a “significant federal response” at the scene of a terrorist nuclear attack for 24 to 72 hours after the blast, according to a planning guide.” From a USA Today article

So what do you do if caught near a dirty bomb explosion? Here is a scenario for you:

You’re at work and you hear sirens, you look outside and you see a mushroom cloud. You know that a mushroom cloud doesn’t mean a nuclear explosion; it could just be a large conventional explosion…

Before I cover the things to do after the explosion, let me cover some things that you can do before. A GHB (Get Home Bag) can be kept in your car. It is a bag stocked with enough supplies to get you home. Many people plan for walking home, in case of an EMP. I also recommend having a get home plan consisting of at least three totally different routes.

I have seen it recommended to get and stay indoors. Personally I don’t think that is the best advice in all situations. There are too many variables that could come into play; there may have been radiological, chemical or biological agents mixed in with the conventional explosion. As I mentioned above, terrorists like “grand”, so there could be more bombs. Oh and then there is the statement from the White House that local governments would be on their own for up to three days after the blast.

Now you need to make a judgment call, depending on how far away from the blast you are. If you are indoors, that might be the best place to be. (As for me, if I can see it, or hear the sirens for it, I am leaving.) In order to make a judgment call you’ll need as much information as you can get, as quickly as you can get it. Local radio and TV are good, but it’s going to take a while before they’re on scene. Police and other first responders will have the most current information. There are free police scanners on line such as this one. If you have an iPhone, there is an app called 5-0 Police Radio, this app lists 100’s of free police radio feeds. I’m sure there are similar apps for other phones.

Back to what to do after…

First, know that the most deadly part of a dirty bomb is the initial explosion.

This is where you’ll need to make a judgment call. If you work near the explosion, you might want to take the rest of the day off. If you live near the blast, start thinking about bugging out and which route in your bug-out plan is the best. If you decide to stay indoors, close any open windows and turn off the air conditioning or heat.
Outdoors or In Your Car

In a large explosion there is a lot of dirt and debris in the air that you will risk breathing in. You can cover your mouth and nose with a cloth, or pack an N95 mask in your GHB. Outdoors is possibly the worst place to be. Seeking shelter or running for your car and heading for the best route in your get home plan might be the best idea. If you are in the car put the windows up and turn off the air conditioning or heat.
Fallout and Decontaminating

The three factors to protect from radiation are distance, time and shielding.

The more distance between you and the fallout particles the better. There are so many possible variables that it’s hard to say how far is far enough. I would say if you can still see the fallout coming down then you’re not far enough away.

Fallout radiation loses intensity over time. Since we’re talking about a dirty bomb instead of a conventional nuclear bomb, the rate should be even faster as there will be less radiation. Once the fallout stops coming down I would expect government officials to begin checking the radiation levels and to begin cleaning up and rescuing people as soon as it is safe.

If you have to shelter you want the heaviest, densest walls and barricades that you can find; concrete or brick are ideal. If you can’t find a building with sufficient walls then make a shelter in the innermost area, away from any windows.

If you have been outside it is important to decontaminate and remove fallout ASAP. You should remove outer clothing and put it in a bag and seal it. If possible rinse your hair and body off thoroughly with water before entering your home. This should remove any fallout particles. Also remember to decontaminate any pets that were outside.

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EMP’s, Solar Flares and CME’s

EMP’s, Solar Flares and CME’s

Disaster probability says that an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) or a solar storm has a small chance of happening. If they happen, a massive number of people will be affected and left without electricity. There have been two recent books that have dealt with an EMP attack, I have read and enjoyed both; they are “One Second After” by William R. Forstchen and “Lights Out” by David Crawford.
Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)

Congress established The United States EMP Commission in 2001 and reauthorized it in 2004. The EMP commission released The Critical National Infrastructures Report in 2008. This 208 page document is filled with the EMP threats to many different pieces of our infrastructure. Wikipedia has a good article on Electromagnetic pulse and has links to even more information.

From The Critical National Infrastructures Report (page 9)

“The electromagnetic pulse generated by a high altitude nuclear explosion is one of a small number of threats that can hold our society at risk of catastrophic consequences. The increasingly pervasive use of electronics of all forms represents the greatest source of vulnerability to attack by EMP. Electronics are used to control, communicate, compute, store, manage, and implement nearly every aspect of United States (U.S.) civilian systems. When a nuclear explosion occurs at high altitude, the EMP signal it produces will cover the wide geographic region within the line of sight of the detonation.”

Also from the The Critical National Infrastructures Report (page 9)

“The time required for full recovery of service would depend on both the disruption and damage to the electrical power infrastructure and to other national infrastructures. Larger affected areas and stronger EMP field strengths will prolong the time to recover. Some critical electrical power infrastructure components are no longer manufactured in the United States, and their acquisition ordinarily requires up to a year of lead time in routine circumstances.”

National Geographic covered what an EMP is and what it would look like. Here are two videos from Youtube, the first is a short 3-minute video, and the second is the full-length 45-minute video.

I have read a lot about EMP the last few years and have seen people say everything from it’s not a real threat to it’s more of a threat then conventional nuclear war. For EMP to be a viable threat our enemy would need a nuclear warhead and a missile capable of reaching our ionosphere. North Korea has nuclear capability and has threatened us with using them for participating in war games with South Korea. Do they have a weapon capable of achieving EMP? I don’t know. Pakistan also has nuclear weapons but at this time their government is friendly, though the safety of their nukes is in question because, I believe, they knew that Osama Bin Laden was living in their country and gave him support.

Most of our enemies do not have the technology to arm a missile with a warhead capable of being launched from their homeland and reaching the United States. They could however hide one in a cargo ship and fire it from fifty miles off our shore, straight into our ionosphere. It would only need to travel 200 miles straight up.

Solar Flare and Coronal Mass Ejection (CME)

These events are caused when the sun has a storm and launches huge amounts of radiation toward earth. This article from the New York Daily News called “ Dire warning: U.S. unprepared for massive solar flare storm; could lose power, communications ” explains it well; I will cover the highlights here.

“”It’s very likely in the next 10 years that we will have some impact like that described in the National Academy report,” Dr. Richard Fisher, director of NASA’s heliophysics division, told the Daily News. “Although I don’t know to what degree.”

Fisher explained that the sun works on an 11-year cycle and is now emerging from its quiet period. The next phase — the solar maximum — lasts from 2012 to 2015. During this period of time, massive solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) can occur and could be strong enough to knock out satellites, disable high-voltage transformers and cripple communications worldwide.”

Here is a Podcast by Off The Grid Radio called “ Is Your Time Machine Ready? – Episode 031” it is an interview with John Kappenman. Mr. Kappenman is an electric engineer who has testified before Congress about America’s vulnerability to solar storms. I found this interview very informative and recommend you listen to it, or a transcribed version can be found here.. I’ll cover some of the main points here.

Mr. Kappenman points out that in our electric grid, the biggest vulnerabilities to a solar storm are the transformers:

“It would be transformers that are exposed to the highest levels of these induced currents from a geomagnetic storm that would be the most at risk of being permanently damaged. In today’s world manufacturing marketplace, we really don’t have the ability to manufacture and replace large numbers of damaged transformers. We’re looking at, in the case of the US alone, something that could take four to 10 years to recover from, based on the amount of transformers that we think could be manufactured and made available to us. And that might be a bit rosy because it assumes that somewhere a manufacturer will be unaffected by that storm and be able to begin manufacturing in a normal fashion. Under this sort of planetary event, I assume that we are probably making a rosy assumption that anybody would be able to resume any kind of normal functioning from a manufacturing standpoint.”

Mr. Kappenman goes on to say that the USA has in the neighborhood of 300 or more transformers and produces roughly 50 a year. “We don’t have the manufacturing capability right now in the US to manufacture at the very highest voltage levels – 765 KV.” Those cost tens of millions of dollars and “A lot of them are made in Brazil, Japan, Korea and so forth. They’re all non-domestic sources”

Now that we know why there is a danger and how difficult a recovery may be, Mr. Kappenman will explain what an event may look like, as it would unfold. (I added the paragraphs from the transcript to make reading easier)

“The next big crisis point would be things that would degrade within a very short period of time after the initial loss of power. One of the things that would occur would be major traffic snarl-ups because of the loss of street lighting, signal lighting, things like that.

You have to worry next about the availability of potable water. Essentially, all of your municipal water treatment and sewage treatment facilities would be lost immediately. The only thing that you would have left is the available water pressure in the municipal system, and that will only last as long as the demand placed on it from users.

That demand could spike as people start to draw tap water for some sort of reserves and so forth. Probably within a matter of a couple of hours, you would have lost all of your municipal water resources as those water towers are drained and the pressure drops out of the system. In high-rise buildings and so forth, big electric pumps are needed to pump that water up to higher elevations in the buildings anyway, so that may be more immediate consequences in those sort of situations. Treatment of sewage will be a major problem going forward from that. There could be consequences there as well.

Loss of transportation systems of all sorts will become a cascading problem. You may only have available to you the amount of fuel that’s in the tank of your car at the time that the blackout occurs. You probably will not be able to count on being re-supplied in fuel in any way, because that also requires electricity to operate pumps at filling stations. They may have some standby off-grid generation of available at those sites, but again, that’s going to be rapidly depleted as they pump out their storage tanks at any particular filling station.

Foods – perishable foods – will probably be lost within 12 hours to 24 hours after the event. The same becomes a critical problem for perishable medications. Again, if you look at the statistics, there’s something like a million Type 1 Diabetes sufferers in the US alone that could be placed in serious health consequences within a matter of just a few days if they are cut off from their insulin supplies.

Telecommunications will probably be gone within a matter of two to three days. Many of the telecommunications centers have some level of backup generation that they design into the facility but the problem becomes that those generators eventually run out of fuel and the ability to re-supply fuel to them is a serious issue. Even if you’re on natural gas supply, in residences and so forth, the problem with natural gas is many of the natural gas appliances that we depend upon – furnaces in particular – also require electric power to be available in order to operate and control those furnaces. Heating could become a major issue, especially if this occurs during a severe cold snap, which could add a complicating factor. Those are the ways that these inter-dependencies we have on electric power begin to stack up and impact virtually every other critical food, water and service supply that we need in the country.”

Mr. Kappenman’d first Off The Grid Radio Interview
Imagine the lights going off suddenly…and having no power for as long as ten years – Episode 010
Final Thoughts

Because the world is so much more dependent on the grid, an EMP or a very powerful CME would be more damaging now than at any other time in world history. Earth has seen solar flares and CME’s before, and we do often have advanced warning. This would give governments a chance to shut down parts of the grid. One of the things governments can do is harden the electrical grid, which is one of the reasons that Mr. Kappenman testified before congress.

I’m not as concerned about an EMP attack as I am about a solar flare/CME. While an EMP attack could still happen, there are a lot of things that would need to align perfectly first. A small CME or solar flare could still wreak havoc on satellites causing problems with cellular connections and GPS, which mean navigation problems for aircraft and cargo ships. A large CME could shut the grid down essentially.
What can we do?

We can continue to prepare as we have been. Remember the first line of this article, “Disaster probability says that an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) or a solar storm has a small chance of happening”. These events are not something you should plan exclusively for, but they are something that you will become more prepared for, by becoming prepared for the smaller scale things that have a higher chance of happening, such as job loss, or more economic turmoil.

While a TEOTWAWKI event such as an EMP or CME has a small chance of happening, we still need to be aware. I do believe we will be affected by solar flares in the near future, as the sun goes through its eleven-year angry cycle. To increase your awareness you can subscribe for Solar Flare alerts.

While I don’t want to get in-depth on them Faraday Cage can offer some protection against EMP AND CME, by shielding the electromagnetic radiation.

Lastly, even though the chance of these events occurring is small, they should still be on our radar. I believe the timeline Mr. Kappenman offered is spot on. If there is no power, there is no water being pumped into many areas and food and other shortages will occur within days. Because of events like the looting in Minneapolis after the tornado, if we see an event of this type, you need to have a Bug Out Plan (BOP) and a Bug Out Bag (BOB) for each member of your family ahead of time. Keep in mind that the worst-case scenario in this particular instance means cars might not work due to them having circuit boards. Because of this, think of ways to bug out that allow you to move with all of your bug out gear. Securing gear to a bike and walking along side is one option. Getting permission to use a shopping cart is another. Using a game cart can work as well, if you have access to one.

In the worst-case scenario I think that civil unrest will happen pretty early. Bugging out quickly might be a good idea if you live in an urban or suburban area with a high crime rate.

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Food Shortages and Rising Food Prices

I want to cover the various reasons we prepare. I originally thought I would just knock them all out back-to-back, but the Lord showed me that small spoonfuls, spread out, is a better way to approach this. With that in mind, some of the topics I will write on can be dark and may cause fear. Please remember that fear is an emotion given by God to get us to take action and to help us avoid danger. We can’t be prudent if we don’t know what the danger is. In other words, we don’t stand in fear but we do use it to motivate us.

First in the category that I’m going to call “Signs of the Times” is about Food; what, if any, impact will shortages and rising prices have globally and what might we expect here in America.

Many of you will remember hearing about the food shortages and riots in 2008. For those unaware, doing a Google search for “2008 food riots” will yield over 5.6 million results. That was three years ago, surely things have gotten better! They have actually gotten worse and I think they will either stay the same, or get far worse.

I gathered so much data for this article that I thought I would add my $.02 and list the source, instead of reinventing a bunch of tiny little wheels. Notice the date of the articles, most of them are very current.
Is There Still a Problem?

Without a doubt there is a problem with the global food supply. There are many reasons for it, ranging from drought to an emerging middle class. Instead of covering data that has been covered by better authors than I, I’ll just connect some dots.

May 6, 2011
Clinton raises alarm on rising food prices

April 21, 2011
20 Signs That Point to a Global Food Crisis

January 22, 2011
Lester Brown: Food crisis 2011 is here

January 14, 2011
Global food chain stretched to the limit
Soaring prices spark fears of social unrest in developing world

September 2, 2010
Fears grow over global food supply
Emerging Middle Class

There are many reasons for this title. I’ll list a few and list some links as well. First off we have an emerging middle class in India and China who are increasing the foods in their diet, often to include meat. This means more grain usage as food for the livestock.

May 4, 2011
Don’t Blame Goldman Sachs for the Food Crisis, Blame The Meat-Loving Middle Class

September 5, 2010
UN calls special meeting to address food shortages amid predictions of riots Poor harvests and demand from developing countries could push cost of weekly shop up by 10%

January 7, 2008
Forget oil, the new global crisis is food
Running the Aquifers Dry (world wide)

I have heard some people say the next big crisis would be fresh water. Researching this gave me a much better understanding of what they were talking about.

March 7, 2011
US farmers fear the return of the Dust Bowl

January 23, 2010
Aquifer Depletion

Water Crisis
**Look at the section called “The concept of Water Stress”
The Result: Food Riots

As I mentioned earlier, there were food riots in 2008. Many of you are aware that a large factor for the riots in Tunisia and Egypt was due to food prices and shortages. Thus far the food riots have been in Africa or parts of third world nations.

March 9, 2011
‘Warning Of ‘Food Price Riots In The UK’

January 30, 2011
Egypt and Tunisia usher in the new era of global food revolutions

January 7, 2011
Fresh rioting breaks out in Algerian capital Algiers
Fresh rioting has broken out in the Algerian capital and several other cities, after days of unrest over food price increases and unemployment.

November 26, 2010
Chinese pupils trash dinner hall in protest at cost of meals
Could We See Shortages and Inflation in America?

I think we are already seeing inflation but I think we’ll only see higher prices. Will people starve? I doubt it but we may well see shortages and people might have to give up the fast food and get back to basics.

March 24, 2011
Prices going up, but Walmart still cheapest

May 9, 2011
Food Prices Going Up As Product Sizes Shrink

February 17, 2011
The Invisible Food Crisis
Food prices are going up everywhere. Will they start rising in America, too?

November 15, 2010
Higher Corn Prices Causing Rising Grocery Prices

October 25, 2010
USDA: Food inflation to accelerate into 2011

October 8, 2010
Soaring prices threaten new food crisis

May 13, 2011 (thanks to George for the link)
Cell Phones Caused Mysterious Worldwide Bee Deaths, Study Finds
What can we do?

Inflation is a fact of life. Whether it sticks to the 4% that the USDA claims or it gets higher, is the only variable. What this might mean is that higher food prices very well (with some fluctuations) could be here to stay.

Now that we know what the danger is, what can we do to be prudent? We can look at food differently. By that I mean, instead of just looking at food as something that is in never ending supply and easily affordable, we can look at as an investment and as an insurance policy. Any type of investment is storing wealth for later use, 401k, stocks, bonds, CD’s and precious metals. Try to looking at your food storage the same way.

Having a stocked pantry now makes possible food shortages a mild inconvenience and not an emergency. Like I said, I don’t know that we will see shortages but I don’t plan on getting in an accident either and yet I still have insurance for it.

We can also take responsibility for making some of our own food. That may be through gardening, container gardening, aquaponics, raising livestock, hunting or any other means. To have a clear conscience I have to admit that we are not having a garden this year. We have decided to evaluate the yard and use some Permaculture principles to make the most of our space. Even if you live in an apartment and the only thing you can do is one small container garden, you will be learning the skill of growing food.

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What Can We Learn From Japan?

I think by now everyone is aware of what has transpired in Japan. The 9.0 earthquake, followed by a Tsunami and now the ongoing catastrophic problems with their nuclear reactors, that are in “uncharted territory”. What many might not be aware of is that Japan leads the world in emergency management and in earthquake and Tsunami research, as explained in this CNN article Japan prepared well for tsunami . Earthquakes are so common in Japan that modern Japanese buildings often have giant hydraulic shock absorbers as part of the building code. A New York Times article Japan’s Strict Building Codes Saved Lives explains in greater detail the lengths the Japanese have gone to harden their buildings.

One of my CERT (Community Emergency Response Teams) instructors recently said something along the lines of “If this was going to happen anywhere, the Japanese are better suited to handle it than anyone else.” From where I stand, he may be right. What can we learn from the Japanese in general and this event specifically?
The People

The Japanese people themselves take part in emergency management drills. Their culture has the mindset that it is not a matter of IF but a matter of WHEN. I would guess that in general, preparedness is more of a cultural attribute and not an individual one. In other words I think they are preparedness-minded and wouldn’t consider themselves “preppers”. Another thing that I’ve noticed is that there are no reports of looting, not one. In this CNN article No Looting in Japan it is noted that: “Looting simply does not take place in Japan. I’m not even sure if there’s a word for it that is as clear in its implications as when we hear ‘looting,’” said Gregory Pflugfelder, director of the Donald Keene Center of Japanese Culture at Columbia University.
This Event

This event proves that there are some things, no matter how well prepared you are, that you are going to lose; your preparations, your home, in some cases your entire neighborhood and sadly in some cases your life or the life of a loved one.

There are those that may say that this event is too big to prepare for; look at all of the death and destruction. It is not my intent to minimize the tragedy that is occurring even as I write this. It is my intent to say that we do not prepare for the worst-case scenario, we prepare in spite of it.

I wrote in Developing A Preparedness Plan that the worst-case scenario things that will affect the largest number of people have the smallest chance of happening. That unlikely event happened for Japan and is affecting the entire nation to some extent or another. Yes there were entire neighborhoods demolished but the worst outcome in this event only affected a small percentage of the overall population of Japan.

Again please do not misunderstand, I am not making small the tragedy that is ongoing, nor am I saying that the lives lost are inconsequential. I am saying that the majority of the people that are affected are survivors.


Because there were so many people affected, the stores quickly ran out of supplies. There were accusations of panic buying and of hording many Japanese Struggling to Find Food and Water in Disaster Area . There may be some reports of this kind of behavior but I have also seen many pictures of very calm, wounded and yet dignified people. If the same event were to happen here, I am afraid we would not show the same grace that Japan has.

Government has shown that they cannot handle an event of this magnitude. This is not a knock on the Japanese government. They were and are better prepared then most, including the response to Hurricane Katrina. (On a side note, did you know that in the US, the state government has to invite the federal government to come and assist? So the blame for the slow response to Katrina doesn’t solely lie at the feet of the Bush administration, local, state and federal all share some.)
What can we learn?

There are some things that I have learned and there are some things that have been affirmed for me.

I believe it is each individual citizens responsibility to prepare for our families. Those of us who are able should be prepared, so we are not a draw on the resources of those that need them at a time when they are needed most.

I have said before that in the majority of situations, “battening down” is a better option for most people than bugging out. What happened in Japan shows the importance of having a fully stocked BOB (Bug Out Bag). Having a BOB at the ready with the ability to feed, water, clothe and render first aid for at least three days could make all the difference.

We can learn that when community is put ahead of the individual, even in disaster, there can be grace. This reminds me of the first church. Sadly I think that we are more apt to see riots such as this Drunken St. Patrick’s Day riot in New York.

I also think that we can learn that even in the worst-case scenario there is always hope. I want to ask that everyone who reads this say a prayer for the people of Japan. They have many difficult days ahead.

Lord I pray that you bless them and begin to heal their wounds. Amen

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Lessons From Tunisia and Egypt

I wrote most of this article before the rallies and protest that took place this week in Wisconsin. While the protests have been fairly peaceful so far, let’s pray they stay that way. I’ll cover some things that will help mitigate their impact if in fact things do take a turn for the worse.

There are quite a few things we can learn from the coup d’etat in Tunisia and Egypt. Before I cover the lessons, let me cover some of the event’s that took place. I am not an expert on Tunisia or Egypt, but have done a fair bit of reading on them as many have recently. These are two modern cultures, Egypt being the most populated African country and Tunisia having Africa’s largest economy. The research I did showed that both have populations of 20-40% that use facebook and other social media. In fact facebook, Twitter and You Tube were used extensively to coordinate the three R’s of a coup, Rallies, Riots and Revolution. Here are a couple of articles that show how social media was used. Tunisia: The Facebook Revolution and Egyptian government fears a Facebook revolution.

Citizens of both countries were unhappy with their government, but the spark that started the rallies and riots in Tunisia came in mid-December 2010 when a man who had his vegetable and fruit cart confiscated because he didn’t have a permit for it, lit himself on fire in protest. This led to protests, rallies and soon riots, ending in revolution. The story in Egypt is much the same, but the government exerted a bit more force and clamped down a bit more on media.

According to the Telegraph, “Egypt and Tunisia usher in the new era of global food revolutions”. “The surge in global food prices since the summer – since Ben Bernanke signaled a fresh dollar blitz, as it happens – is not the underlying cause of Arab revolt, any more than bad harvests in 1788 were the cause of the French Revolution. Yet they are the trigger, and have set off a vicious circle”

To understand this, you need to realize that in America we spend roughly 10-13% on food, in many other countries they spend 30%-50%, so when prices are increased they often do not have the money to afford paying for food.

The police stepped aside, some of whom joined protesters, leaving the security of neighborhoods to the people who lived there. These people defended their property, places of business and loved ones with sticks, knives and clubs.

In an attempt to control the masses and limit their communication, Egypt Shows How Easily Internet Can Be Silenced, I’m a fairly tech savvy guy. I would not have guessed it was as easy as they showed it to be. The Egyptian government also shut down Al Jazeera bureau..

As the rallies and riots continued, “Food staples started to run out in Egypt”, “Egyptians stock up on food, water as protests rage”. The banks were closed and with the Internet down, many businesses were forced to be “cash only”. “Egyptians Line Up for Cash as Banks Open, Currency Plummets to 2005 Low”
Lessons To Learn

The first question we need to ask is “could it happen here in America?” I don’t think we will ever see another violent revolution, at least I pray not. I think that there are a few triggers that could set any society up for civil unrest and riots.

What are these triggers? An increasingly high unemployment rate, a populace that is dissatisfied with our government, high oil prices and inflation levels that force a larger percent of income to provide food, or food shortages, as the end result is the same, people either eat less or not at all.

Our current level of unemployment is 9.8%. This does not factor in those under employed or those who have stopped looking for employment. The numbers get worse when you look at the percentage of unemployed youth, who will soon be out of school for the summer and looking for non-existent jobs.
Political satisfaction

I’m going to try to keep my writings non-political (remember I said “try”). We just had a pretty big upset in this last election. But I’m not kidding myself; I don’t think that just because the republicans took the majority that we’re going to see a huge change. It seems to me that those we’ve elected to lead us don’t often have our best interest in mind.

Obama ‘Internet kill switch’ plan approved by US Senate panel. “The bill also would allow the US president to take emergency actions to protect critical parts of the Internet, including ordering owners of critical infrastructure to implement emergency response plans, during a cyber-emergency. The president would need congressional approval to extend a national cyber-emergency beyond 120 days under an amendment to the legislation approved by the committee.” My question is, who gets to decide what a cyber-emergency is? Another concern is that the President would have the power to shut down segments or the entire Internet for 120 days. This would destroy many companies, the company I work for being one of them.
Oil prices

Oil prices are on the rise again, but here are a couple of things to keep in mind. Much like food, Americans are blessed with much lower gas prices than much of the world. In most major European countries they pay around $6.00 a gallon. Our economy is driven by cheap oil and we’re almost to $100 a barrel now. The last time we got this high was in 2008. I paid $4.10 a gallon at its highest back then. You also have to take into account that in one form or another, oil is used in every single thing you use, even if it was the gas used to transport it.

As I mentioned above, we in America have been blessed with low food prices so far, but will they stay that way? Here is a secret study from Wal-Mart from a few months ago that showed increasing inflation then. Just yesterday my wife was telling me that the pizza rolls that my boys like have gone up over a dollar in price in the past 3 months. Here is another story called “The Invisible Food Crisis”. “Food prices are going up everywhere. Will they start rising in America, too?” One more that says “Higher Corn Prices Causing Rising Grocery Prices”. Another story that states Explosive’ Food Prices the Biggest Risk. How much wiggle room do you have in your budget? How much wiggle room do you think the 43 Million Who Use Food Stamps have?

I think the chances of the United States ever seeing a coup or another violent revolution are slim. As far as rallies and protests, we had multiple this week in Wisconsin and other states and they were all peaceful. However just last fall there were 30,000 people that showed up “seeking applications for government-subsidized housing” and it turned into a riot, with 62 injured. We also have multiple riots for other reasons, such as sporting events.
Mob Mentality

Have you heard the term “Mob Mentality”? It means a group that acts together without a previous plan. Let’s take the same protests in Wisconsin or other states and add in rising grocery or gas prices. Now the level of angst and frustration is even higher. People begin to feed off of each other’s emotions. If one person acts out then some in the group might also.

Here are four suggestions for mitigation if something similar happens here;

1. Avoid groups of people that are protesting. The individual people that are protesting might be good people, but remember the mob mentality. You can be a target just by not being a part of the group.

2. Have food stored. I have written extensively on food storage, found in the Preparedness section. There are a few reasons related to the coup’s that make food storage a great idea; increasing prices, food shortages and not needing to go out and get food if there is civil unrest. Even if none of these things happen, imagine the peace of mind that comes from knowing you can feed your family for an extended length of time.

3. Have some cash on hand. If there is a loss of power, ATM’s don’t work and most store cash registers won’t work, nor will credit card machines. Some places might take checks but many don’t when things are “normal”, so I wouldn’t count on it.

4. Know your community. I don’t expect that you will have to join together to chase off any rioters but knowing who you live near is always a good idea.

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