March 7, 2025

What would you do: Stock Market Crash and Bank Holiday

Disclaimer: I pay attention to the overall economy but I don’t invest in the stock market and don’t follow it closely. I may use the wrong terms here but you should get the over all idea.

On Monday morning the stock market drops 500 points and another 200 hundred Monday afternoon. Tuesday sees a bloodbath of losses, over 1000 points, and markets around the world are all losing ground. On Wednesday things look like they may be turning around with a gain of 200 points. That is, until early afternoon when one of the largest stocks ever plunges 1200 points prompting authorities to announce that the market will be closing early and will be closed until next week to give them time to correct the situation.

This causes a panic and many people storm their local banks, taking out as much cash as they can. Several fights have broken out at ATM’s as they are quickly bled dry. A bank holiday has been called until early next week; the FDIC has assured people that they will have their money available at that time.

So, what would you do?

(Check the comments section to see the answers from everyone as well as to add your own.)



What Would You Do if You Witness an Assault?


You’re out in public and two people are having an increasingly loud argument.  Things are getting uncomfortable when one of the people strikes the other.

This is something that stuns people when it happens, probably because we don’t expect people to behave like that.  Having a decision made now, might not stop you from being stunned, but it will save you from having to make a plan on the spot.

So, what would you do?

(Check the comments section to see the answers from everyone as well as to add your own.)


What should you do if your car starts to skid out of control?

It was raining on my way to work one morning recently; not heavily, but enough to make the roads slick. In my rear view mirror I saw a vehicle cut another vehicle off, moving from the right lane to the left. They turned too hard and were going too fast and proceeded to violently swerve across both lanes of traffic, over-correcting and going back to the other lane, probably four times before they got things under control. I thought there would be a multi-car pileup, going 55+ MPH.

I want to approach todays “What would you do?” a little differently.  When I write these I always write the scenario and then write what I would do after.  This time I wrote down what I learned in drivers-education, then did an Internet search and found that what I was taught is a bit outdated.  It makes sense.  When I was learning to drive, front wheel drive was about as popular as rear wheel drive.  For years, the only options have been front or all-wheel drive.  There also wasn’t any such thing as ABS(anti-lock brake system) and headlights were often still turned on with your foot.

So today I would like you to think about how you would react to skidding out of control.  Then take a look at the video below that I found at Defensive and the article they wrote on “What To Do If Your Car Skids”

As a second part, what would you do if you weren’t able to pull out of it and ended up in the ditch or hit the guard rail, etc.


So, what would you do?

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What Would You Do: Imminent Wild Fire

Due to a prolonged drought and high temperatures over the course of the last three months, water reservoirs are at an all-time low.  Local governments have asked citizens to use water sparingly and there is a burning ban in effect, as well as a watering ban on all lawns.

Areas that are not normally at risk for wild fires are in danger of seeing them.  Your town has an ongoing wildfire that has already claimed ten homes and unless the winds change direction or firefighters find a way to stop it, the fire could be in your neighborhood in a matter of two to three hours.

So, what would you do?

(Check the comments section to see the answers from everyone as well as to add your own.)

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What Would You Do? Someone Needs CPR


You’re at the grocery store and the man stocking the produce grabs his left shoulder and then slumps to the ground, he does not appear to be breathing.

 So, what would you do?

(Check the comments section to see the answers from everyone as well as to add your own.)
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What Would You DO: Being Followed in Your Car

You are out running a few errands and notice that the same red car has been at the last two places you have been. You make a mental note of it and begin the drive home. A few minutes into the drive you notice the same red car a few cars behind you.

So, What Would You Do?

(Check the comments section to see the answers from everyone as well as to add your own.)



What Would You Do: “I’m coming to your house”

What would you do? You share preparedness with someone (or someone see’s your preps) and they say “I know where I’m coming if it ever hits the fan.”

Instead of doing the normal “what would you do?”, today I am going to add some comments here. Please feel free to add your comments.

One of the dangers of sharing preparedness is that other people will then know you’re prepared. This can lead to the comment, “I know where I am coming if it ever hits the fan” or a version thereof. This is a rough spot and there aren’t any easy answers to it, so I’ll give you some of my thoughts on the topic.

For me there are two groups; the people I know and the people I don’t know.

If I don’t know someone and they make a comment like this, the answer is easy. I would just tell them “I wouldn’t”. If they ask why, I would simply tell them that my number one priority is to protect and provide for my family. I would go on to say that if it hits the fan, anyone who shows up who isn’t family would be viewed as a possible threat.

Some Christians have a hard time being firm with people because they feel they’re being rude. Christ was absolutely firm with people, He told people exactly who He was and never backed down. When Peter told Him not to go to the cross, He didn’t give a timid response. Peter got an earful of “Get behind me satan!”

Excuse the soap box for a minute: I think many Christian’s mistake meek with timid. Chip Ingram gave the best description of meek that I have ever heard, he said that meekness isn’t weakness. It’s “power under control”. Okay, back to the article.

This is a bit more complicated with people I know, who are aware that I prepare. I would hope they would follow my example and prepare themselves or at least ask for my help to get them prepared. The truth is that there are some people I know who will show up. I will help with what I can but there are others who will be told “I’m sorry, I can’t do anything for you.” Will it be easy? No. Will it hurt? Yes. As I mentioned yesterday, sometimes you have to shake the dust from your feet and when you do, there can be consequences. Stay firm!

I’m not heartless. If it does hit the fan, I will try to feed (some) people when I can. It will be simple food; beans, rice, cornmeal and flatbread.

Like I said, this isn’t an easy topic, but one that is better thought through now, before you have to actually give an answer.

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What Would You Do? Civil Unrest Near Your Neighborhood

Due to high unemployment, a rising inflation rate and resentment of governmental officials, there are outbreaks of social unrest and riots that looks similar to the “Arab Spring” of 2011.

So, what would you do?

(Check the comments section to see my thoughts and anyone else’s thoughts as well as to add your own.)

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What Would You DO? Skyrocketing Food Prices

Due to drought, wild fires and wheat blight throughout several parts of the country, as well as rapidly increasing inflation, the cost of groceries is now costing most families 30% of their income compared to the roughly 10% from the year before.

So, what would you do?

(Check the comments section to see my thoughts and anyone else’s thoughts as well as to add your own.)

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What Would You DO? Your Neighborhood Has Been Quarantined

The hospitals and clinics in your city have been in communication and have seen a rapid increase in a specific set of symptoms in patients coming in over the last 24 hours. The governor has been alerted and he and local city officials have called for quarantine in your city and a neighboring city. The National Guard has been called out to help enforce it and to aid in delivering food and water and medicine to those in need. Citizens are to remain in their homes until further notice.

So, what would you do?

(Check the comments section to see my thoughts and anyone else’s thoughts as well as to add your own.)

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