March 10, 2025

Getting to Know Ready Reserve Foods

I try to support local businesses whenever possible. I like that I can get to know them and their history in the area. I also like that they are a part of the community and often support it in various ways. As an extension of this kind of thinking, I like to find out about the sites on the Internet that I do business with as well. Because the Internet can make things feel more impersonal, I often research potential companies before I spend my money there.
I do the same for companies that would like me to advertise their site or give a discount to the Preparedness Club. I’m not saying I have to know them well, but I try to find out if they’re shady and how they treat their customers. Because of this, I have decided that I would give companies who advertise on the site or support the Preparedness Club the chance to let you get to know them a little better. To do this, I will make a post from time to time, giving them the chance to do a little question and answer session with me.


1. How did your company get started and what was its main goal?

Our company was started in 1972, we’re celebrating our 41st anniversary! Current ownership has been for the last 15 years, but even the current owners were dealers for the company for 5 years before purchasing the company. Ready Reserve Foods, Inc. main goal was to provide high quality, tasty foods that you could depend on being there in an emergency.
2. What major changes have you seen since then?

There have been a lot of changes over the past 20 years alone! The quality of dehydrated foods has grown leaps and bounds. The additional information that is now available about pesticides, additives, and preservatives has allowed us greater control in providing higher quality products to our customers while having the highest nutritional value. Also, the dehydration process has become more efficient. This means customers actually get more raw product and less water weight and volume for their money and space.
3. What would you like people to know about your company?

Ready Reserve Foods, Inc. has always been a premier manufacturer in emergency foods, especially since we are the oldest continually operated company in our entire industry. What makes us special is the fact that we refuse to cut corners. We don’t take the easy or cheap way, which means our customers get the best product and most dependable and safe canning method available. The nitrogen packaging system that we use is special, mostly because we are the only ones out there who take the time to do it, but also because we have been able to actually real-time test our products and have proven that our methods last for 15, 20, 25, and even 30+ years. We don’t add chemical packets to our food, almost all of our products are grown here in the USA, and we’re proud to be a family owned and operated company who has long term relationships with our customers (we get Christmas cards, birth announcements, and wedding invitations every year, and we love it!).
4. How can your company help people to be better prepared?

Ready Reserve not only has the best products, but we also have the most experience. We’ve worked on major disaster relief (FEMA, Red Cross, the Navy, etc.) as well as getting individuals, companies, and even fire houses, police stations, city centers, hospitals, and retirement homes ready in case of an emergency. We know what is needed, we understand that the process can be overwhelming, and we can work with anyone’s budget, space, or location. We’ll make it happen.

As a reminder, Preparedness Club members receive a 10% discount on food purchases from Ready Reserve Foods
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Getting to know Best Price Storable Foods

I try to support local businesses whenever possible. I like that I can get to know them and their history in the area. I also like that they are a part of the community and often support it in various ways. As an extension of this kind of thinking, I like to find out about the sites on the Internet that I do business with as well. Because the Internet can make things feel more impersonal, I often research potential companies before I spend my money there.

I do the same for companies that would like me to advertise their site or give a discount to the Preparedness Club. I’m not saying I have to know them well, but I try to find out if they’re shady and how they treat their customers. Because of this, I have decided that I would give companies who advertise on the site or support the Preparedness Club the chance to let you get to know them a little better. To do this, I will make a post from time to time, giving them the chance to do a little question and answer session with me.
The first company I will highlight is Best Prices Storable Foods


1. How did your company get started and what was its main goal?

The only real goal at first was to get prepared considering Clinton was in office. We were a couple of presidents too early. Friends of Bruce’s all agreed about Clinton so Bruce decided to become a distributor and help everyone out. They all changed their minds and he was the last man standing. He went to a show in Mesquite and sold quite a bit so he decided it would be a nice side income and he could help others too.

2. What major changes have you seen since then?

That was all in 1994. At first it was done all mail order through catalogs but in 1996 he went online with a website and has been at it ever since. The possibility of problems with computer dates in 98 and 99 brought an onslaught of orders from people who were concerned. The fact that it seemed to be a non-issue is not true. We had computer programmers order several years’ worth of food because they weren’t convinced everyone would be ready. We have been fairly steady until the last year and a half. Considering what is happening the whole industry is confused about why we aren’t experiencing another Y2K in business. There are pockets of spending but even the biggies are not seeing business where it should be. It is like everyone is holding their breath. Very Strange.

3. What would you like people to know about your company?

We have been around since 1994 as I said so we have a lot of experience in what works and what doesn’t. We brought the canned meat, cheese and butter to this market first. We have been in this for a long time and were the original designers of the 1yr for 4 unit which we split for a 1yr for 2. It was created with a dietitian, not just us throwing stuff together. It was designed for ease of use. No grain mills or extra equipment to buy. Ours was designed with a little over 2000 calories and has had a few changes due to product availability. We made sure the calorie content was the same or higher in the products we now have. Others have jumped on the 1yr for 2-4 unit band wagon and not necessarily with the same consideration for the people who will use the food as we have. Cheap doesn’t always mean good.

Bruce was a pastor at one time and he truly believes we are here to help others, not just make money. We are a family owned and run company

4. How can your company help people to be better prepared?

We take the time to answer questions. There is a lot of info on the net and not all of it is correct. Most companies have order takers on the phone and no one who knows anything about their products. Our units are a start but some would rather do their own thing and we have helped countless people with that. We are as honest as we can possibly be. If you read what our customers are saying Bruce even puts up the negative comments. There aren’t many but there will always be someone who gets angry whether justified or not. Our customer service will stand above almost anyone. A customer called because she had gotten a bunch of super pails that were bursting in her garage. We discovered we hadn’t sold them to her and would never have told her to store anything in a hot garage. We would have suggested she buy in cans because opening pails of some things unless you are feeding an army will end up being wasted by having to throw them out. We tried to help her out until she figured out who she had bought them from. We give out the benefit of our experience and quite often make no money at all. God blesses us and we hope our business is a blessing to others.
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Presenting the Preparedness Club Giveaway

One of the added benefits of joining the Preparedness Club is that each month, every member is automatically entered into a contest for a giveaway. To keep things fair, members will only be eligible for one prize per year. I will send the winner an email each month to get their mailing address.

Some of the prizes have been donated by some generous companies. I will be buying other prizes myself. Here are some of the prizes that have already been donated:

  • Midland Weather Alert Radio
  • Multiple copies of Total Home Prep Now DVD
  • Multiple books from Paladin Press
  • Multiple 100ft hanks of paracord from Paracord City
  • A copy of Making the Best of Basics
  • An exclusive (banned) pressure canner (haha) and a canning kit
  • A Bucket of Wise Food from Best Price Storable Food
  • And more

This Month, Midland Radio has been kind enough to donate a WR120
Desktop Weather Alert Radio

Radio Features are listed below.

  • SAME Localized Reception
  • Continuous Backlighting Option- Keeps the LCD on
  • 25 Programmable Counties
  • Color Coded Alert Indicators
  • Alert Override automatically switches over to warn you of impending danger
  • Alarm Clock with Snooze
  • Silent programming
  • Single, Multiple, or Any S.A.M.E program settings
  • User Selectable Warning System -Voice, Display, or Tone alert types
  • 10 Reviewable Alerts
  • 7 Preset Weather Channels
  • Public Alert Certified
  • Receives over 60 Alerts
  • Uses 3AA Alkaline batteries for emergency power back-up
  • All Hazards Alert – In addition to important weather announcements your radio will also receive other emergency announcements such as:
    • Child Abduction Emergency (Amber Alert)
    • Nuclear Power Plant Warning
    • Biological Hazard Warning
    • Civil Emergency Message
    • Fire Warning
    • Landslide Warning

Here is a video that walks you through programming the radio.


My Take:

I like the features on this weather radio. It’s easy to distinguish between watches and warnings, simply by the tones and colors of the alert indicators. I also like that you can program different alert types. The combination of the monthly siren tests and our weather radio monthly test gets the dogs howling. While funny, it isn’t always welcomed.

The Preparedness Club costs $40 a year and this radio from Midway is a $50 value!

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Preparedness Club Launch

preparedness Club smallEverything has finally come together!  I would like to reintroduce the Preparedness Club!  It is a premium membership that will offer discounts to some very big name companies who have agreed to support the Preparedness Club. If you purchase even a modest amount of preparedness related products, the membership to the Preparedness Club should pay for itself.

All articles will continue to be free, this is a new, additional, service.

Here are some of the benefits of joining the Preparedness Club:

  • Support Chris and the Prepared ministry
  • Discounts to several preparedness vendors
  • Chance at monthly giveaways (There will be a minimum of one giveaway a month, starting in May.  Several vendors have already donated some cool prizes!)
  • 50% off all Future Prepared Christian eBooks

To find out more about the Preparedness Club supporting companies and the discounts they are offering, please click on the banner below.

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