March 22, 2025

Christian World View

In case you are wondering where my Christian worldview comes from, let me define my statement of faith.

I believe that the Bible is the infallible word of God, inspired through the Holy Spirit and written by man. I believe that God sent His Son Jesus to reconcile humankind by taking on our sin, dying on the cross and rising again. I don’t think Christians are perfect, just aware of how much we need a redeemer and thus forgiven.

I put every aspect of my life to the acid test of scripture. If it isn’t scriptural I (eventually) get it out of my life. There are topics that I cover that are not in scripture. At those times I use logic, the common sense God gave me and I look at other scripture that might deal with a similar issue.

If you think I’m wrong on something, please let me know. I wouldn’t want to lead anyone astray, let alone myself.

If you have a comment on one of the topics please add it, if you would rather not use your name or e-mail, make one up if you like. WordPress (the blog platform) requires it; I don’t do anything with it.

Is Preparedness A Sin?
Here I explore some of the questions my wife and I had when we began to prepare. Is it a sin? Does it show a lack of faith?

Scripture Related To Preparedness
Here are the scripture verses that I believe speak about preparedness.

Eschatology And The Modern Church In America
How does eschatology relate to preparedness? How are modern American’s prepared to face persecutions? How can we prepare our spirits to stand firm in our faith?

Should Christians Practice Self-Defense?
Was Jesus a pacifist, does He call us to be? What did He mean by “turn the other cheek?”

Rising Church Crime and Security
Both violent and nonviolent crime is on the rise at churches, what security policies and procedures can be put in place to stop church crime and violence?

When Spouses Don’t Agree on Preparedness
Here are some helpful ideas on what you can do when your spouse doesn’t see a need to prepare.

Finding Joy in the Darkness
Here are some things we can do to find joy when life gets hard.

Dreams, Prophecy and Promptings
God is stirring in people, but should we take every dream, prophecy or prompting as a fact from God that it will happen?

The Future Leaders of the Church

The future leaders of the church could be…you.

Why Should Christians, Specifically, Be Preparing?
I believe all people should be preparing, but I think Christians have a specific reason to do so.

Introducing the eBook Why Should I Prepare and is it Biblical?
A free gift for signing up to receive updates, this eBook covers much of the information why you should prepare, and answers if it is Biblical.

God’s Law vs Man’s Law
What should we do when the two conflict?

The Future of America
I take a look at the secular and Christian aspects of America may look in the future.

Review: Tactical Bible Stories: Personal Security Tips from the Bible
Many lessons on self-defense taken directly from the Bible.

What Can We Do When People Won’t Listen?
Here are some things we believers can do when someone won’t listen about preparedness, or anything else.

Preserving God’s Word
I think one preparation everyone should have is extra Bibles to hand out. Here is a way to preserve them so they last a very long time.

Christian Hospitality and Preparedness
What is a Christians responsibility in terms of hospitality? When times are tough do we prepared Christians need to feed everyone?

Interviewed by Sylvia Britton of The 21st Century Homekeeper
My very first radio interview.