February 22, 2025

Current Projects at Prepared Christian

I want to thank those of you who have been praying for me and the other employees that were recently let go. I was a bit frustrated the first day or two, but I haven’t worried at all. I know Jesus is in control and that He has a plan for me. I have been blessed and humbled by the number of people who have interceded in prayer on my behalf. Thank you again!

Today I want to share with you two projects that I’ve been working on for some time now. Since I seem to have more free time all of the sudden, I have a bit more time to dedicate to getting them ready to share with you.

The first project is an eBook. It will cover much of the material I cover on the blog, with some new. I have been asked a few times if I could give a condensed version of all posts so that people can print them. This is my answer to that. For that reason, it will be text heavy and there will only be pictures if they are needed to explain something.

I’m roughly 2/3 of the way through writing it, and hope to have it available for download in the next couple of months. I haven’t set a price, but it will be very reasonable.

The second project is something I am calling a Preparedness Club. It will be a premium membership that will offer discounts to some very big name companies that have agreed to support the Preparedness Club. If you even make a modest amount of preparedness related purchases, the membership to the Preparedness Club should pay for itself.

Here are some of the benefits of joining the Preparedness Club:

  • Support Chris and the Prepared Christian.net ministry
  • Discounts to several preparedness vendors
  • Chance at monthly giveaways (There will be a minimum of one giveaway a month and several vendors have already donated some cool prizes!)
  • 50% off all Future Prepared Christian eBooks

I haven’t settled on a price for the Preparedness Cub as of yet either but it, too, will be reasonable. I plan to have yearly and monthly memberships available. I would like to bring on a few more supporting companies before launching the Preparedness Club but I hope to be ready to launch in the next few weeks.

If you have a way that you would like to support the Preparedness Club, whether it be a discount on products or services your company offers (doesn’t have to be preparedness related), a free or discounted eBook, or any other way, please contact me at chris(at)preparedchristian(dot)net!

I recently had my second interview with Sylvia from the 21st Century HomeKeeper Radio Show. I will post the link when the show has been made available, we discussed a couple recent blog posts of mine on Frugal Preparedness, and Rules for Extended Guests.

I will also be interviewed by James Talmage Stevens (AKA Doctor Prepper), the author of Making the Best of Basics on his weekly podcast. You’ll find his book reviewed here. I’ll post a link to this interview once it goes live as well.

Thank you again for the prayer and well wishes. They are truly appreciated.
