February 22, 2025

Favorite Posts by The Survival Mom

Here are some of my favorite articles with kids in mind written by (a couple were entries written by other people) the The Survival Mom and reposted here with her permission.

INSTANT SURVIVAL TIP: Everyday Carry for Kids

Many of us have long lists of EDC items that never leave our sides, but what about our kids? Would they be ready for an emergency at school or even a friend’s house?


INSTANT SURVIVAL TIP: 7 Things Your Child Should Have in His Bedside Table

It’s important that your kids are familiar with the basic concepts of survival and emergency preparedness. For any emergency situation, whether it’s a middle of the night asthma attack or an unexpected evacuation, your child should have these five things in his bedside table (or another easy to access location) and should know how to use them.


Are your kids equipped to handle these 7 scary scenarios?

Our kids are already aware of many of the scary things that happen in the world around them. They hear about them from kids at school, on the evening news, and in conversations they overhear, so it’s not a matter of scaring them but equipping them.


32 Survival Skills Your Child Should Know and Be Able to Do ASAP!

Knowledge is something that takes time to develop, so we need to start teaching the next generation now. In case God forbid, our children are left to fend for themselves or we are injured or even just to make your family more apt to survive, every child must learn these survival skills so they can pull their own weight and contribute as much as they can. If your family learns now to be a well oiled machine, you will be more likely to survive any type of collapse.


5 Things to stock up on that will help keep your kids feeling secure

As a “Survival Mom” I think of my children first. Keeping them safe and fed in a terrible situation is most important. However, the following are 5 things in my prepping supplies to help my kids feel a little more secure if the SHTF. Physical comfort, traditions, and routines will always serve to make kids feel more secure.


INSTANT SURVIVAL TIP: Do your kids know where they are?

When I was a little girl, I had my very own chauffeur. My driver toted me around town to the mall, the movie theater, to church, while I sat in the back seat and relaxed. There was no need for me to pay attention to street signs, and I usually had no idea where I was. My driver was in charge, and I was taking it easy

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