March 31, 2025

First Aid, CPR and AED Training

First Aid, CPR and AED training are great to have. This training can prolong life until medical professionals arrive. If there is a hunting accident or a rolled ankle while hiking or on a larger scale, an event like a hurricane or even worse, the training and supplies that you have might be the only aid available.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. All information provided is based on my own research and personal experience. I would advise you to use the information I give here as part of your research.
Guided First Aid and CPR/AED Training

There are a variety of places to get hands on first aid training. My church offers a first responder course covering first aid and CPR as well as AED, which is where my wife and I got certified. You may have taken a course of this kind in the past but procedures change quickly. As an example, between the time we were certified and the writing of this article, the time span of a little over a year, breaths are no longer given in CPR, only compressions. That’s a pretty big change! The thought is that the compressions alone force enough oxygen into the system. My point is that a refresher course is a good idea, as techniques are always evolving, on top of the fact that certification requires it.
The American Red Cross

The American Red Cross offers a large selection of training classes, from baby-sitting, first aid/CPR/AED to wilderness first aid. They offer hands on training as well as some web based.
The Emergency Care and Safety Institute

The Emergency Care and Safety Institute offers a wide selection of classes as well, at a glance it looks like they may have more in the way of online training.

A note about both the American Red Cross and the Emergency Care and Safety Institute; they both base their wilderness first aid training on the Boy Scouts of America Wilderness First Aid Curriculum.

I know that there are many types of more advanced medical, wilderness first aid, first responder types of classes available nationwide. I won’t recommend any, as I haven’t taken one. If you have taken a class please feel free to mention it or link to it in the comments.
Independent Training

Here are some resources I have found over the years that will provide some independent training:

American Heart Association

The AMA offers a product called CPR Anytime, for $34.95 you can order a Mini Anne® and training DVD. I’m not sure if you can become certified with this method but the knowledge is the important thing. They also call their training DVD “Family & Friends CPR Anytime DVD” so I assume they won’t mind if you lend it to others to get the training.
Hesperian Foundation

Here is some of what they say about their organization on their website::
“Hesperian is a non-profit publisher of books and newsletters for community-based health care. Our first book, Where There Is No Doctor, is considered to be one of the most accessible and widely used community health books in the world. Simply written and heavily illustrated, Hesperian books are designed so that people with little formal education can understand, apply and share health information.”
Off grid solutions when there is no doctor – Episode 016 has an interview with Mr. David Werner, he tells of the history of “Where There Is No Doctor”.

The Download section of their website has some free documents in PDF format. I have links to the following titles: Where There Is No Doctor, Where There Is No Dentist, A Community Guide to Environmental Health, Where Women Have No Doctor, A Book for Midwives.

While the digital format is good, I personally own at least 3 of the books. There are times when having the actual book might be much more desirable than the digital copy. If you know of any missionaries in third world countries, this book might be an excellent gift.

Mayo Clinic
The Mayo Clinic has an excellent first aid section on their website.

I have come across two pet CPR and First Aid programs;

BART (Basic Animal Rescue Training)
“Veterinary Professionals empowering Fire Fighters and First Responders.” Their mission statement says “BART’s mission is to empower firefighters and other emergency personnel with the training, knowledge and equipment necessary to safely and effectively address the needs of animals encountered in emergency situations,”

Pet Tech
CPR, First Aid & Care For Your Pets. Pet Tech teaches an eight-hour pet first aid class. You can browse the variety of topics covered as well as find a trainer near you on their site.

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