February 22, 2025

Introducing the Preparedness Club giveaway for July

Congratulations to Phyllis, the winner of the Preparedness Club monthly giveaway for June.

This month, the folks from Total Home Prep Now have donated five of their DVD’s to be given away! I did a review of Total Home Prep Now that you can see here,. A portion of the review is below
From the DVD jacket:
“In just over one hour our exclusive DVD course will teach you everything you want and need to know about getting prepared. No fluff here just practical, easy to follow, step by step video lessons that will get you prepared faster than any other product on the market.” 

My Take
There were a few things that I disagree with them on, but on every one of them, they erred on the side of caution. I also disagree that this DVD covers everything you’ll need to know, but it does cover some of the most important things.

This video would have saved me many hours of research in the beginning, and would be a great resource to anyone relatively new to prepping. If you have been at preparedness for a few years, there are probably still some things you will learn, but you’re probably familiar with most of the content.

I will be picking five random members of the Preparedness Club at the end of July. Thank you for joining the Preparedness Club and good luck!