February 22, 2025

Merry Christmas

Today is the day we celebrate the God of the universe coming to live with us as one of us; Emmanuel!

I have been thinking about the birth of Christ this week, trying to understand what it must have been like for Mary and Joseph. Only just married, giving birth to the King of Kings and then having to bug out to Egypt to protect Him. God Himself, born in human flesh, so that He could redeem us to Him. There is nothing we could do, nothing we could give, nothing at all that could fix the chasm of our fallen nature.
Now that is a gift of all gifts.

Merry Christmas Prepared Christians!

A couple quick notes related to the site. I have been suffering from a writer’s block of sorts, not on the content itself, but on subjects. God has delivered subjects for the past few weeks, but if any of you have a subject you would like to read about, please send me an email or post it as a comment.

I have decided to take the rest of the week, just rejuvenate and not work on the site. I will still check emails and respond to comments, but there won’t be an article until after New Years.

Again, Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to all of you. May the King of Kings bless you all!