February 22, 2025

News Stories and Special Offers

I try to only post articles I write for the blog on the blog.  However, there are news stories or special offers from companies in our areas of interest that I think are important or interesting  that I post to Facebook.  There are 140 of you who have liked the Facebook fan page.  This is an invitation for the rest of you.  The banner here will take you right to the Prepared Christian Facebook fan page.

There may be some who don’t want to jeopordize your OPSEC on Facebook.  In that case you may want to drop by there once or twice a week or you might miss deals like this one:

Ready Made Resources has asked that I let all of you know about a sale they are having on Mountain House food. Right now Mountain House cans are 25% off and there is free shipping when you purchase a case (six cans of the same type).  Mountain House only allows these sales a couple of times a year.  If you’re in the market for 25+ year long term storage, freeze dried food, this may be a great time to buy.  Ready Made Resources has a huge selection.  Visit their site and take a look.