February 22, 2025

Overlooked Preparedness Items.

Here are some items that are often overlooked as preparedness items. Some of them you use often, some maybe not at all, but all of them would be missed if you needed them in a pinch.
Toilet paper

This is something that is frequently used and yet many homes have just enough to get through the week. It doesn’t have to be expensive or the kind you use every day, so stack it high and wide. Even the cheap stuff is better than making due with a phone book. Since TP isn’t subject to drastic temperatures it can be stacked in the attic or in the rafters.
Feminine hygiene products

Another item that often doesn’t have a large supply. If any of you gentleman have had to run to get more, then you understand how important having a good supply is, to make sure that this never, ever happens…ever.
Shoe laces

A broken lace can make a shoe worthless; having some cheap laces on hand can save a bug out, a hike or moonlit walk gone awry.
Stomach aids

One very common way that the human body reacts to stress is varying types of upset stomachs. An upset stomach can make a difficult situation unbearable, so having some Pepto, Rolaids, Imodium and Colace can help things get back to normal.
Duct Tape

From sealing a broken window to impromptu cordage, it’s impossible to list all of the things duct tape can be used for.
Oral Numbing Agent

There is no pain like a tooth ache. I recently had a friend that had a nasty tooth ache on a Friday and couldn’t be seen until Monday. Imagine having no option but to go longer. Well, you could always use an ice skate (Castaway reference).
Eye glass repair kit

Anyone who wears glasses should have one of these. The extra small screws and small screw drivers are a must.
Work Gloves

I mean heavy duty gloves; the kind that can stand up to downed timber or broken glass. I paved the dogs kennel this year and couldn’t do everything I needed to with my good work gloves on; I ended up destroying two pairs of cheaper gloves. While I couldn’t wear my good work gloves for this task, it made me appreciate them all the more.

There are many uses for bandanas; protecting your mouth and nose from dust, head-wear, wound dressing, getting them wet and wrapping them around your neck to keep cool. (Oh, you can blow your nose with them too.)
Shoe Glue

In normal times buying a new pair of shoes when the sole comes loose is an easy decision. When times aren’t normal, being able to fix a worn shoe might be the only option.
Cough Drops, throat spray

A sore throat is bad, but an untreated cough can irritate your throat and lead to bronchitis.
Have More?

If you have a good item to share, post it in the notes and share it with everyone. If you would rather be anonymous, e-mail it to me and I’ll post it.
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