February 25, 2025

Trading Liberty for Safety

In the weeks since the Boston Marathon bombing I have noticed a few things in the MSM, other blogs and in some forums that concern me.  When there is an attack such as the Boston Marathon bombing, 9-11 or school shootings, human beings are shaken.  The emotions from the aftermath of these events, can cause things to be said and done, things that might betray our calmer, more logical and rational selves.  Here are some of the things I have seen that concern me.
What They Knew and When They Knew It
I have seen a few statements that either insinuate or flat out say that the government either knew, or had intelligence that there would be a terrorist attack.  I have seen people say that the government may have planned it and that is why there were so many first responders at the event.  There was a congressman who said there may have been information on an attack before it happened.  There may have been intelligence but I don’t believe they knew enough to know when or how the attack would occur.  If they had nonspecific information, that could be part of the reason there were so many first responders on scene. 
I do not believe that the government planned or “let” the bombing occur.  But I do believe they will, as the Presidents former Chief of Staff once said, “never let a serious crisis go to waste.”  There were many calls for changing our gun culture and many more similar statements made.  One company even took pressure cookers off the shelves.  Now Sen. Lautenberg, Frank R. [D-NJ] has introduced S.792 – A bill to strengthen the enforcement of background checks with respect to the use of explosive materials. In other words, they want to restrict and limit black powder sales.
Warrantless Searches

In desperate attempts to find the terrorists, police were given authority to carry out door-to-door searches in certain neighborhoods and they were not required to have a search warrant. Below is one of many videos that can be found on youtube of this event taking place.  Police knocked on doors and in many cases ordered innocent home owners to keep their hands above their heads and leave the house.

I have seen video of news reporters talking to people who were told to evacuate their homes, saying they were happy the police were there and happy they did their job.  I have seen on blogs and forums where people who were not in Boston believe these warrantless searches were a good thing.
Before I go any further, let me say now that I am a supporter of the police.  I have donated money to local police charities and organizations several times.  I believe that those who protect and serve are heroes and that the vast majority are stellar human beings. There were some stories about individual police going out of their way to help some civilians who were on lock down.
That being said, those searches were a complete violation of the Fourth Amendment and, while not declared, Boston was under Martial Law during that time.  People were told to stay in their homes, and in certain neighborhoods were ordered, at gun point, to leave their homes while officers then stormed in, searching for one of the bombers.

The Fourth Amendment states:

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

I fully understand that there was a set of horrible events that led up to this, but our freedoms are defined by how our authorities act in times like this.  If the police believed there was probable cause that Joe Dirtbag was in that neighborhood, they should have had an officer at every entrance and exit to watch for the suspect.  They should have knocked on every door with guns holstered, explaining to the resident that they believed the suspect was in the neighborhood.  They should have asked for permission to search the house and property.  One may say that the police did ask and the residents gave consent to the search, but nothing is consensual when the person asking you has a gun in your face.

Imagine this; a very similar attack takes place in the largest city near you.  There are reports that say the police believe the suspects have fled and have hidden in your town and are looking for them.  They have asked residents to stay in their homes for the time being.  What would you do?  If I answer that, I would say that our windows and doors would be locked and that we would be armed.  What happens if/when the police knock on your door and you give them access?  Do you think that once the police saw you were armed you would be treated as a law abiding civilian who is protecting their house and family?  Or do you think you may be treated as a potential hostile suspect, handcuffed and guns taken?

I didn’t see any reports of people saying “no”, but ask yourself what might have happened had someone said “no”.  Again, I am a supporter of the police, but I believe that when they show up with overwhelming force, “no” isn’t an acceptable answer to them.
But I Have Nothing to Hide
There are some who say, “I have nothing to hide, why should I say no?”  Pastor Niemoller once said,
“First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.  Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.  Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.  Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.”
You may not have anything to hide and you might not even be armed in the scenario I mentioned above, but what happens if we go down this slippery slope and warrantless searches become more common place?  Now, instead of only doing warrantless searches when there is a terrorist on the loose, warrantless searches become the norm for the “suspected” terrorist?  A bit further down the slope, warrantless searches are done against fundamentalist who believe marriage should be between one man and one woman and those who believe that abortion is a sin.  These people are accused of spreading hate and are suspected of planning hate crimes.  Do you have a crucifix in your home?  Have you ever had a pro-life or pro marriage sign in your yard, or on your car?  How many Bibles do you have in your home?
Think this is a stretch?  Recently, a trooper in Colorado gave a seminar on the dangers of biker gangs, and Sovereign Citizens,where he added the following:
“Among those groups, Kluczynski had listed, were those who believe America was founded on godly principles, Christians who take the Bible literally, and “fundamentalists”.  Kluczynski did not explain what he meant by “fundamentalists” but from the context it was clear he was referring again to those who took the Bible literally or “too seriously.”

We are told in scripture that we will see increased persecution.  For many Christians around the world, it is already their daily life.  We will see it escalated here inside America and every other nation.  On a side note, I know a bit about Sovereign Citizens, and they have nothing to do with Christianity.  I bring this up as it is the most recent reference accusing Christians of being potential terrorists.

I do not think the police did a great service going door-to-door, searching homes without warrants.  No, I believe it was a bad precedent to set and could very likely be used as an example of how to respond in the future.  How fruitful were these house-to-house warrantless searches?  Not at all!  Joe Dirtbag was discovered by the homeowner who owned the boat Joe Dirtbag was hiding in.
All Amendments Need to be Protected

I saw a few occasions on blogs and forums where people who previously said they would not budge an inch when it came to their Second Amendment said they thought the warrantless searches were a good thing.  Maybe they think this way because they believe the danger of the loose terrorist was greater than the danger to the Fourth Amendment.  Maybe it was done because they believe there was enough probable cause to issue house-to-house warrantless searches.  Maybe it was done out of a sense of loyalty to our police and FBI, believing they had the best of intentions.
Whatever the reason, I believe we need to exercise and protect all of our God given rights that are listed in the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights was designed to protect the average, law abiding, citizen from an over-reaching government.  If we hold a loose grip on one amendment, how much longer will it be before it, and others begin to slip away?
I’ll close with one of my favorite quotes:

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

– Benjamin Franklin
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Stopping Blood Loss

One of the most dangerous medical conditions in an emergency is uncontrolled bleeding.  Having the knowledge to stop bleeding is something each of us should have.  It can take minutes for an ambulance to get to the scene when times are normal.  In a large scale emergency or a survival situation, you may not be able to wait for the ambulance.  If it were not for the emergency first aid given to people who lost limbs and had other horrific injuries, there would have been many more than three tragic deaths in Boston.
Perfect Circumstances
In perfect circumstances, you would try to reduce or stop the bleeding until the ambulance arrives and you would have access to a well-stocked first aid kit.  You would also be able to wash your hands and put on gloves to avoid contact with the blood and spread of infection to the patient.
Basic Training

I think everyone should have some basic first aid training.  The Red Cross offers First Aid, CPR and AED trainingOur community education offers classes for a small fee as well. American Academy of CPR & First Aid, Inc. is a web based company that offers several first aid and CPR related classes online.

Basic first aid to stop bleeding; if possible have the person lie down and elevate the legs as well as the site of the bleeding.

If possible, flush the wound to remove any obvious dirt or debris.  Don’t try to remove any large debris or more deeply embedded things. 

Apply pressure to the wound, using clean bandages if you have them.  If you find yourself in a place where you don’t have many clean bandages, make do with what you have; use your hands if nothing else is available.

Do NOT remove the bandage to check on the wound!  If the bandage gets soaked through, add another to it and continue to apply pressure.

Arterial bleeding might not stop with applied pressure.  In that case, you can apply pressure to the closest pressure point.  The pressure point in the arm is on the inside of the arm, just above the elbow and below the arm pit.  Pressure points for the leg are behind the knee and in the groin.  Press the pressure point with your fingers flat, pushing against the bone.  Keep applying pressure directly on the wound with your other hand.

Tourniquets have a sort of bad rap, as complications from them can lead to tissue damage or even a loss of limb.  They should only be used when arterial bleeding cannot be stopped with direct pressure and as a last resort.   A proper tourniquet should be 1”-2” wide.  Any narrower and you may cause more damage or even cause a new cut.  The wider the tourniquet the more pressure needed to stop bleeding.  Here is a guide to applying a tourniquet.

The average first aid kit is great for stopping small amounts of blood but won’t be very effective against severe bleeding.  You can add some items to beef up your first aid kit that will make it much more effective.  Members of the Preparedness Club get a 10% discount at First Aid Products.com and they carry almost everything I am going to list. Rolls of gauze and 4″ x 4″ bandages are great for stopping bleeding, as are feminine hygiene products.
Quikclot Sport Pack and CELOX

These two products are hemostatic agents that are very effective at stopping blood loss.  There was some controversy when they first came out, as they sometimes caused tissue damage in the process.  They have since improved greatly and are in use at hospitals and clinics.  In fact, I cut my leg pretty badly a few years ago.  I applied a bandage and used an ace wrap as a pressure bandage.  When I got to the clinic for stitches, the bleeding started again as soon as the bandages were removed.  They used Qwik Clot to stop the bleeding and then stitched me up.  Trudee underwent heart catheter ablation at a local hospital last year.  When they pulled the catheters out, Qwik Clot was used to stop the bleeding.

Both companies sell a variety of products.  I personally bought these Quikclot Sport Pack pads but another type might fit your needs better.
Israeli Battle Dressing

This is a type of patented pressure dressing that can be used for stopping bleeding, splinting or as a tourniquet if needed.  Using it is hard to explain, hence the video below.  I have purchased these as well and will be making a trauma kit for the vehicles and one for the house, as an add-on for the primary first aid kit.


Other Sources of Information

Here are some articles from two sites I subscribe to, with more information on stopping blood loss.


Doom and Bloom

Wound Care in the Wilderness

To Bleed Or Not To Bleed…

Treating The Hemorrhagic Wound
The Survival Doctor

Skin Lacerations: How to Treat a Cut, Scrape, Gash, Stab Wound

How to Tell How Bad a Wound Is

Arteries Vs. Veins: How to Tell the Difference and Stop the Bleeding

When to Get Stitches

Video: How to Repair a Cut With Duct
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Preparedness Club Launch

preparedness Club smallEverything has finally come together!  I would like to reintroduce the Preparedness Club!  It is a premium membership that will offer discounts to some very big name companies who have agreed to support the Preparedness Club. If you purchase even a modest amount of preparedness related products, the membership to the Preparedness Club should pay for itself.

All articles will continue to be free, this is a new, additional, service.

Here are some of the benefits of joining the Preparedness Club:

  • Support Chris and the Prepared Christian.net ministry
  • Discounts to several preparedness vendors
  • Chance at monthly giveaways (There will be a minimum of one giveaway a month, starting in May.  Several vendors have already donated some cool prizes!)
  • 50% off all Future Prepared Christian eBooks

To find out more about the Preparedness Club supporting companies and the discounts they are offering, please click on the banner below.

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Lessons Learned From a Rollover Car Accident

I posted last week that our son rolled one of our cars.  He was wearing his seatbelt and was entirely unharmed.  Praise God he came out more than fine!  He was only a little sore the next day.  Thanks to all who prayed and gave well wishes from the other post.  Trudee and I went to the scene that night and I removed some items from the car.  I went to the impound lot the next day to get the rest.  I learned a few things and thought I would share them with you.


Passing Down Knowledge

I’m a bit embarrassed to say I don’t think we did a good enough job explaining to Logan what needs to be done after a car accident; how to get and use the escape tool (not that he could have reached the old one), how to cut the seat belt, how to break the glass, how to get into the trunk to get blankets or flares, if needed.  We didn’t explain that we call police first and then parents and we didn’t go over how to contact AAA.  Thankfully, a police officer from one town over was driving by at the time and saw the entire accident.  He contacted local police.


Car Kit

I keep a fair amount of supplies in the trunk.  There was damage to the trunk from the accident and it wouldn’t open.  The back window was blown out and I didn’t want to leave my gear in the car.  Luckily my back seats fold down to allow trunk access.  The accident happened very close to home.  If it had been more remote, it could have been longer for the police to arrive.  Knowing the kit that contains warm blankets (it’s still 30 degrees here) was there was a comfort.  As I mentioned, I don’t know that I have shown Logan how to get into the trunk that way.  You can bet I will now.


Topsy Turvey

We have the rescue tools shown below in the side pockets of the driver doors on both vehicles.  They will cut seatbelts, smash a side window and have a few other features.  We kept them in the pocket so that if we needed them, they would be within reach.  I hadn’t considered a rollover; I found the rescue tool in the back seat, well out of reach from the driver.  I have since replaced it with the ResQMe Car Escape Tool.  It is very light weight and fits on a key chain, so it WILL be within reach if needed.  It is designed so you can just pull it down to separate it from the keys.  You can then cut diagonally through the seatbelt.  To break the car window you just push one side of it into the window and a spring loaded pin will shatter the glass.

Old Rescue toolOld car ER Tool

ResQMe Car Escape Tool

Final Thoughts

Things could have been so much worse.  I know God was watching over the entire scene.  I am glad we had the opportunity to learn these lessons now, to have the chance to make changes that could make a big difference in the future.


Here is another resource with some more information on how to prepare ahead of time for an accident, by Car Insurance.org

The First Things To Disappear

A quick update on the Preparedness Club; I had a software meltdown, leading to uninstallation and the purchase another product. Which led to me being locked out of the blog for almost 24 hours. There is a good chance I’ll be ready to launch on Monday but it might be later next week.

Have a great weekend,

The First Things To Disappear




I did a post last year called ”The First 100 Things to Disappear. It’s a list someone else came up with. I just added my $.02. Camping Survival recently came up with a list called The Top 50 Things to Disappear from Store Shelves during an Emergency”. For theirs, they asked their facebook fans what they thought were the emergency supplies that stores were most likely to run out of when people start to panic. They then compiled and shared them.”

I think both lists are useful for finding things you hadn’t thought of. Take a look and see if you have any holes in your preps.
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Learning From Evil

I had planned on posting something else today but I feel the need to give some thoughts on the terrorist attack at the Boson Marathon.  First and foremost, my thoughts and prayers go out the families of those murdered and those who were brutally injured and their families as well.

We can learn from evil people and the evil deeds they inflict on others.  This article is not about me saying that those victims should have done something differently.  Instead, it is me offering something for you to grasp on to if you ever find yourself in any related type of situation.  Here are some things to keep in mind.


Avoid Brain Lock

In the book The Survivors Club, Author Ben Sherwood explores a theory developed by a man named John Leach called “The 10/80/10 rule”. In summary, the rule states that the top 10% of people in a crisis excel; they think clearly and take immediate action. The middle group comprises 80% of people; they are “quite simply stunned and bewildered”; “reasoning is significantly impaired and thinking is difficult”. The last 10% of people are the “ones you definitely want to avoid in an emergency”.

A few pages later, he explains something called ‘behavioral inaction’; “The current theory of behavioral inaction goes like this: As your frontal lobes process the site of an airplane wing on fire, they seek to match the information with memories of similar situations in the past. If you have no stored experience of a plane crash, your brain can’t find a match and gets stuck in a loop trying and failing to come up with the right response. Hence: immobility.”

One of the main reasons the following information is so important is to be able to avoid brain lock, allowing your mind to have something to pull forward.  Another way to build this skill is by mentally placing yourself in situations you see in movies or in the news and then thinking about what you might have done differently.


Situational Awareness

I have covered situational awareness in the past, as well as the Cooper Color CodeBoth of these are things that should be a part of your everyday life.  They can be harder to practice in large crowds, but that is probably the most important time to use them.  If you see someone who raises you from code yellow to orange (from the Cooper color code) try to keep tabs on them.  If something really seems off, let an authority know.  “If you see something, SAY something.”

If you find yourself in any type of terrorist attack, from a bombing to a mass shooting, situational awareness can save your life.  By practicing situational awareness, you can keep track of the closest exit, or fastest way to safety.  It can also help you avoid Mr. Dirtbag, who is committing the act of terror.


Cover and Concealment

I have explained Cover and Concealment previously but it is worth mentioning again.  Concealment is something that hides you, but will not stop a round.  Cover will stop a round and will usually hide you, except in the case of bullet proof glass for example.  If you are caught near a terrorist attack, getting away from the primary danger should be your first goal.  I suggest finding cover as a part of that goal.


Lone Wolves and Swarm Terrorist Attacks

I have written an article called Terrorism: Lone Wolf and Swarm Attacks, which goes into these types of attacks in more detail.   I think these are the types of terror attacks we will see more of.  Because these types of attacks consist of very few people, they are much easier to keep quiet and can be done on a very low budget.  A swarm attack of 10 people killed 160 people in Mumbai, India.  If there is one Mr. Dirtbag, there is always a chance he has a friend or two.  For this reason, if Mr. Dirtbag does show up, keep practicing situational awareness and the Cooper Color Code.


Emergency First Aid

I read about some of the carnage that occurred yesterday.  While absolutely tragic, that only three people died is a miracle.  There may have been some medical personnel on site but my guess is that the average Joe and Jane stepped in and assisted those who were in need.

Would you be able to assist a stranger or a loved one who needed emergency first aid?  I can’t recommend taking a first aid class strongly enough.  You can find a class from the Red Cross.

There are also items you can carry that will aid in stopping blood loss; QwikClot and Israeli Battle Dressings.  I will cover these items in more detail next week.



I think we need to learn from evil every chance we get.  Sadly, we’re given far too many chances to do just that.  By doing so, we can be more prepared to avoid brain lock and can put the above mentioned items into play.


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The Assault on Gold to Save the Dollar

gold coin

Today is going to be a quick post, but something I think is important.  I want to thank AlertsUSA for tipping me off to the video below, which is an interview of Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, a former Assistant US Treasury Secretary.  In it, he explains that gold manipulation is real and that the Fed is behind it, in an effort to keep the dollar strong.  The true reason behind the talk of gun confiscation is also covered.  It is just over 22 minutes long, but well worth the time.

I’m not an expert on the economy, but what I saw in the video and what I read in the article ring true.  I don’t think you need to be a “gold bug” to see that what Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says makes sense; our economy has been in trouble for roughly five years. With the EU taking money from the bank accounts of the people of Cyprus and our President saying there should be a cap on retirement funds, with the Federal Reserve using Quantitative Easing, I see the potential for much harsher economic times ahead.

The article Dr. Paul Craig Roberts wrote that sparked this interview is called The Assault On Gold

7 Very Real Reasons to Start Prepping

Today’s article is a repost of an article written by Rob Richardson of Off Grid Survival called 7 Very Real Reasons to Start Prepping.


 7 Very Real Reasons to Start Prepping

We often get comments and emails from readers asking how they can convince their friends and family to start prepping.

From friends and family members that truly believe the government will save them during a time of crisis, to those that have been brainwashed into believing that preppers are all  tinfoil hat wearing nutjobs, prepping can often be a touchy or even taboo subject to talk about.

Here are 7 reasons that might help convince your friends and family that it’s time to become a prepper.

1. Unemployment

According to the most recent numbers, the actual unemployment rate in this country is close to 22%. The average time it takes to find employment is at a record high of 39.2 weeks. Even those that see little value in prepping for a SHTF situation should understand the need to prep for the possibility of being hit by unemployment.

Prepping isn’t always about preparing for an end of the world scenario. It’s also about being prepared for those small scale events in life that can feel cataclysmic if we’re not prepared

2. Economic Problems

You don’t have to buy into the possibility of a total economic collapse, but you should at least realize that our country is in big financial trouble. With over 16 trillion dollars in debt, and unfunded obligations that make the actual debt number about $120 trillion, it doesn’t take an economist to see that we are in for some major trouble in the months and years ahead.

3. Natural Disasters

A number of people woke up real quick after seeing what happened during Hurricane Katrina. In under 24 hours, the city of New Orleans became a prime example of how quickly civilization could break down. Before our eyes we got a glimpse of what would happen during a full scale collapse; as people took to the streets to loot, riot, rape and even murder their fellow citizens.

4. It’s just like buying Insurance

Some people find the subject of prepping to be a little bit out there. When I come across these people, I often ask them if they have health or vehicle insurance. In my opinion, having a dedicated section in your budget for prepping is no different than buying vehicle insurance or a health insurance policy.

5. Shooters, Lunatics and the Extreme Fringe of Society

While active shooter situations and terrorist attacks are still pretty rare, it’s a phenomenon that does seem to be increasing in regularity. From the recent mass shootings to the growing number of terrorist attacks around the globe, these events do happen and they are something that we need to be prepared for.

6. The Cyber Threat

Our society is becoming increasingly dependent on cyber technologies; but according to Cyber Security expert Eugene Kaspersky, co-founder of the Kaspersky Lab, that dependence has left us extremely vulnerable. In fact, he is warning that emerging cyber threats could spell “the end of the world as we know it”. The threat is real, and the threat has the ability to set the world back 200 years in a matter of days.

7. The Pandemic Threat

According to Jason Tetro, a microbiologist and coordinator for two research centers at the University of Ottawa, the Emerging Pathogens Research Centre (EPRC) and the Centre for Research on Environmental Microbiology (CREM), “the world is becoming increasingly more likely to see a major (pandemic) event.”

When that happens, it will affect our infrastructure severely. By not having the human resources to work, protect and maintain our antiquated infrastructure, things will begin to rapidly deteriorate and leave us even more vulnerable to attack.



Its been one of those days…I mistakenly deleted this post the first time I put it up, I apologize if you got more than one notice.

Let me first say that I am not complaining, but simply letting you all know where things stand.  I have been putting in a lot of hours on website related things, getting ready for The Preparedness Club.  Due to this, I haven’t had much of a chance for writing.  I had planned on working through the weekend to try and get some of the software hiccups resolved and to write for next week.

Unfortunately, my oldest son rolled one of our cars last night.  Praise God he is fine, but the car is totaled.  With all of the added stress and unexpected new tasks, I will have less time today and tomorrow to get things accomplished. I have decided to take all weekend off to try and decompress a bit.

I have a guest post ready to post tomorrow and I will try to get an article or two written for next week, though they may be a bit shorter than the articles I write normally.

I am hoping to still launch the Preparedness Club next week.  Pending any software snags, it might be the week of 4-22.

You may see some changes that might look unfinished while I make the changes for the Preparedness Club.

Thank you for your patience.  God bless!

Tidbits Two


This week is incredibly busy, trying to get the Preparedness Club off the ground as well as a few life issues to attend to. Today I want to give a quick update on the Preparedness Club and give a preparedness tip I learned while taking CERT.


Preparedness Club 3.png

All of the information made available to you today will continue to be free.  The Preparedness Club is a separate venture that will act like a coupon book of sorts.  There were some emails wondering about the price.  We’ve decided to charge $40 per year or $4 per month.  If money is tight and you want to take advantage of some of the discounts, save up!  When you’re ready to make some purchases, join for a month and then cancel your account if you choose.  We’re scrambling to get the finishing touches done and I am really hoping to have it running on 4-15, but it might end up the following week.

Below is a list of the companies who have agreed to support the Preparedness Club.

Ready Made Resources
LPC Survival (AKA The Berkey Guy)
Camping Survival
Portable Solar Power Biz
Lucky Gunner
Prepare NOW Outfitters
Mother Earth Products
Paladin Press
Quick Stove
Best Prices Storable Foods (AKA Internet Grocer)
Ready Reserve Food
Deepwood Handcraft
First Aid Products
Paracord City

Members will also receive 50% off on all future Prepared Christian eBooks.  I am going to try and do 1-2 per year.

I will continue to reach out to companies to try and get the Preparedness Club more discounts and deals.  If you have a company you would like to join the list of supporting companies, please let me know.  If you have an eBook and would like to offer it at a reduced price, please let me know about that as well.

One of the other benefits of joining is that I will be giving away a minimum of one item a month to Preparedness Club members.  All members will be automatically entered, a member is limited to winning one giveaway per year, in order to “spread the wealth” so to speak.

Some of the giveaways so far are: the Total Home Prep Now DVD, multiple preparedness and survival related books from Paladin Press, a copy of “Making the Best of Basics”, a Midland weather radio and more.

Thank you to everyone who entered the contest to receive one year of a free membership to the Preparedness Club, i have selected a winner and will contact them later today or possibly tomorrow.


Off Grid Survival

Rob from Off Grid Survival sent me a few questions about preparedness and faith and posted them as a Q/A.  For those interested, you can find his column here: “Is Preparedness Biblical? A Talk with Chris Ray of Prepared Christian”.



Cribbing is a skill that I learned in CERT.  I have since seen a few other ways to do it.  Cribbing is something you would use if there was someone trapped under something very heavy.  It involves a lever, a fulcrum, and supports durable enough to take the weight of the object you are trying raise.  Here is a

This is a skill that could come in handy after severe weather or an auto accident, among other scenarios.  Unfortunately, it isn’t something that I can explain very well just with text. Below are two resources, one directly from CitizenCorps.gov.  The other is a video taken from one CERT training class.  Many fire departments have pneumatic means of cribbing that can lift very heavy objects, but there could be a scenario where the fire department is overloaded and you may not have access to their means for quite some time.

You’ll notice in the video, they have perfectly cut cribbing.  In a storm, you may have to make do with whatever is on scene.

CERT Leveraging and Cribbing.  (Click the next button once done reading the text.)