February 22, 2025


Today’s article was written by a visitor named Gill Rapoza.  It was originally written to be emailed to a group of Christian friends, and he has given me permission to post it for all of you to read.

Thank you Gill!



By Gill Rapoza

Updated October 31st, 2012

I think this will become my own personal annual Prepare article.  I wrote the original a bit over a year ago.  I will update it yearly as needed.

A reoccurring theme in many of my commentaries for articles others write as well as in my own personal writings is that we would be wise to be prepared for whatever comes our way.  Perhaps it is because I am retired now that I have more time to read, study, and ponder.  Though I have recently began driving buses part time this month.  Perhaps it is, in part, because I have had some newer very good sources I did not read years earlier.  And also in part, I have had some marvelous exchanges with some of you that are members of this list.  And that would include some that I could call part time and indirect members.  There is just a wealth of information out there that many of you also hold.

This article is not so much a how to do things, but it is a how you should think and not go into shock when things happen.  And they will sooner or later, greater or smaller.  Being prepared gives you an advantage over most people.  It may help you keep your family and self out of harms way, or at least help you cope better if you end up there.  This article is only the basics to give you ideas.

I have concerns about where this country and possibly our Western civilization are going and have gone.  For the most part our morals and ethics are shot.  More importantly, we as a nation have left God out of the picture and we now very much do what is right in our own eyes.  How long will God keep up a hedge around America under these conditions?  I wish I knew.  Often enough God allows His own a way out, or a way to prepare and protect themselves.  Unless of course they join in with the bad guys.  In those cases they often get some or all of the coming judgment themselves.

I came to the realization many years ago that America is not found in Scripture.  Not in the New Testament, and not in the Old Testament.  There are minor hints of places where we might be, but really, I don’t think we are there.  If this is true, then when the time of the Second Coming arrives, I don’t see a nation of note here.  I have had some good, and civil debates on this topic.  One of the counters I hear is that it will not matter, because the Church will not be here in the end anyhow.  I have had some good exchanges there too.  I disagree, but I am not going to go into detail in this article.  All of the recent exchanges on that topic have been civil, thank you.  But either way, we have tribulation now among the members of the Church.  America has mostly been protected thus far, but God’s mercy does not last forever for those who will not turn to Him.  That is a point to remember well.

I would like to look at the possibilities of what may, not must, come our way.  Keep in mind that to be prepared is not just a motto for the Boy Scouts.


Natural Disasters

The 2011 quakes and tsunamis in Japan were awful.  9.0 is a very big quake.  Some 15,000 plus were confirmed dead.  And the numbers may have been higher.  Over 90,000 lost their homes, in part or completely.  If ever there were a people who prepare, it would be the Japanese.  As much as they lost, it would have been worse if at least some preparation were not done.  Contrast that to Haiti.  Haiti had a smaller quake in magnitude, 7.0, yet many more ended up dead.  The Haitian government gave a number of well over 300,000 dead, and twice as many, says the UN, ended up in refugee camps.  Who was prepared and what was the result?  The Japanese clearly had a better system in place, and they still could not overcome everything.  BTW, the Haitians are still in a mess, while the Japanese did a lot of rebuilding.

In our own United States we watched the people in the New Orleans area on TV as they had many reactions to the hurricane, and almost all of them were wrong.  For whatever reasons, a good portion of the residents did not leave when advised that the dikes were failing.  I would be reluctant to leave home myself, but there comes a point when reasonable decisions have to be made.  A big failure among those living below the water level in New Orleans itself was waiting for someone to come get them.  A larger failure was government officials at several levels that neglected to do anything until after the fact.

Many of us will recall large groups of people we saw on TV collectively calling out, “help, help, help” instead of figuring out something to do.  Additionally, in the New Orleans incident, officials took it upon themselves to force people out of their homes after the fact in areas they were not in danger.  Residents who had enough food and shelter had their personal weapons forcefully taken from them in some cases.  Looting was wide spread.  I have a video of two women police officers looting in a Wal-Mart.  The failure to prepare was astounding, and acting right was out of the question for too many.  We will return to the New Orleans incident later.

Know what you will do in the case of natural disasters.  Have a plan to stay in place and another to go some other place.


Supplies of All Sorts

If you have in your preparedness plan that when anything bad happens that Uncle Sugar, or some local gov entity will come to save you, you might as well not bother.  You will not be ready if the Cavalry does not show up on time if that is your thought plan.  If you have the idea you may have to do it yourself in the time of a great disaster or tragedy, you will more likely do much better.  The gov folks may come, but don’t make any bets on it.  You may be the only help that can or will do anything.

Have enough food supplies that you can either sit tight for at least a week or two, or have stuff you can take with you that will last a few days or so if you are going to relocate.  I certainly recommend a lot more than a week or two, but if that is what you have, it is a start.  If all you have food wise are the staples, then you will be among those that have enough.  God did not make us so that we actually need more than the basics.  We just like it when we have many food varieties.  When Jesus taught people to ask God for “our daily bread,” He meant our basics.  You can go a long way on basics.  The same with clothing.  Good durable clothing can go a lot further than the high priced stuff in the fancy stores.  Know what is needed to keep warm, or cool, or will withstand work.

If you use prescription meds that are essential for survival, you will want to plan on having enough if everything is shut down for a bit.  Some meds need certain temps to last.  You may have to think about how you will store those.


Political Parties – Government Entities

Never rely on political parties!  Never reply on government officials or departments for every need.  Sometimes they are the same, by the way.  Hitler made some amazing promises to the German people in the 1930’s.  And he did some good.  He was a great orator and got the highways in great shape.  That did not make him a good guy.  He was one dirty, rotten, evil, son of a gun.  I don’t care what good he did in bringing the German people together for their national pride, who by the way as a whole were no better or worse than the rest of us.  In reality, he was an ungodly, national socialist, dictator.  They only had one political party when Adolph became the big boss.  If you do not think it could happen here then you may want to check for trauma.  You may have bumped your head.

Chairman Mao Tse Tung – evil all the way through.  We heard less about him than Hitler because of the closed society he ruled over, but he killed at least 45 million of his own countrymen by an assortment of ways, including executions, tortures, and starvation.  Hundreds of thousands showed up at his rallies, carrying his “Little Red Book,” but that did not make up for his evil deeds by any means.  In Red China, you were “red or dead”.  The people were convinced that the government and the political party would save them.  They were not prepared and believed what they were told.  BTW, you might recall that a couple of years back somebody in DC had Christmas ornaments dedicated to Mao.

Do we think we are we smarter than the Germans or the Chinese?  I hope not.  Prepare for what comes your way including from political parties and government entities.  It CAN happen anyplace!

No matter how good they sound, and no matter what they promise, they are bound to fail you when it counts.  People will say and do all types of things, which will never work in the end.  All societies fall apart sooner or later.  The more corrupt ones may be sooner, but some of those take too long.  Know what you will do and what you will or will not tolerate in any society or system.  Do not accept or tolerate evil!



It is wise to look around you, where you live, and what is available to meet your needs.  Part of being prepared is knowing what you have available in the place you live.

As a rule cities have a lot more of a variety of goods and services when times are good.  Sometimes things are cheaper too, though not always.  However, there is a lot to be said for the rural areas, particularly when things are not so good.  In the 1970’s in too many areas there was fuel rationing, at least here in California.  You could only get gas every other day in San Diego.  I recall one day after filling up the tank that our family took a little visit the next county, Imperial, which was VERY rural then.  There were no issues with getting gas, no rationing, and no long lines in the Imperial Valley.  On trips driving across the country, earlier in the 1970’s, I took my family through many big and small places.  I found people to be much more civil in the rural areas than the big cities.  I will always recall one smaller town outside of Tulsa, where we broke down.  The guy in the service station not only went out of his way to help, but he gave me the keys to his truck to drive the supplies I needed to my truck.  Experiences like this greatly influence my personal preferences for the smaller places.  Even through you do not always get what you want all the time, you most always get what you need.  I have found the civility to more than outweigh not getting every thing you want.

Some of the articles I have posted and some of those I only read for my own information say you should move to a place like Montana, Idaho, Texas, Oklahoma, and even parts of Northern New England, particularly Vermont, New Hampshire, and some of Maine.  No one says Massachusetts or Southern California that I can recall.  More on this below.


Society Breaks Apart

The unexpected can creep up and mob mentality takes over quickly.  If you are at a large gathering of nearly any sorts, things can go haywire.  Sometimes it may be after a sports team loses a big game, and even if they win.  People sometimes take it upon themselves to do some very stupid things when in a crowd, and most always when it is a mob.  Part of my personal and regular observations in an area where there are a lot of people is to know where I want to stand or sit, which is generally on the outside or back, or where I can see the exits.  And I tend to watch who is around me.  The one and only Tea Party rally I went to, I purposely was off to the side and near the rear.  There was no issue there I had to be concerned about, but it is a good thing to keep your eyes open.  That San Francisco baseball fan that was kicked into unconsciousness by a couple of LA baseball fans last year certainly did not expect to be badly beaten just for having a jersey from the other team.  Preparing by leaving yourself an exit is always good.  I think the guy that got beaten at Dodger Stadium was attempting that, but too late.

Those were the short instances.  What about when things break apart for a longer term?  There were a lot of innocent people attacked and 53 killed during what was called the Rodney King riots.  People who had nothing to do with the King case, and nothing to do with the LAPD officers case, took to the streets.  They maimed, burned, robbed, rioted, beat and even killed other people who had nothing to do with either case.  Those involved used it as an excuse to do all the harm they could, because there was no police presence to stop them.  Many of us still recall the beatings several motorists took, recorded on videotape by the news helicopters.  The police did not respond, because it was not safe.  That means the populace was on their own.  I do not know that I could have made a better choice than the motorists I saw running lights and knocking people over with their cars who were bent on attacking them.  It was a short plan and the only thing they had time for prep wise was that they planned on getting out of there alive.  Works for me.

Among those I saw prepared were a small group of Korean store owners.  They stood or sat in front of their small business, or on the roofs, with shotguns and .45s in hand.  No one expected that reaction, but those mom and pop store keeps thought of it.  It did not end until many other departments and several thousand California National Guard backed the LAPD.  The riots lasted nearly a week.  Very few had the foresight of those business owners, and I say good for them.  That was 1992, here in America.

There were many New Orleans area residents that had a similar attitude to the shop keeps.  I don’t think any of them expected to see police officers illegally confiscating their legal weapons.  I read someplace that some hid their weapons from the police, but I do not know that for a fact.  More on that topic below.

For the extreme case of society coming apart, there can never be enough preparations.  I am growing some of my own food, not much, but I am working on it.  I have a fair water source if I needed right here.  I don’t have all that I think would be handy in a complete societal breakdown, but I have more work to do, and may for a long time.  In the case of what is called “TEOTWAWKI” (The End Of The World As We Know It) where there is no society, or recognizable governmental authority, or at least not a citizen friendly one, once again you are on your own.  This is one scenario none of us ever expect, but some of us think about it.  It certainly can come our way.  I am not going to go into great details in this article, but if TEOTWAWKI hits, you become the police department, the fire department, the doctor, the farmer, the small business trader, and more, like it or not.  Personally, I would not be too surprised if TEOTWAWKI hits in my lifetime right here.  America has offended God so much and so often that He is bound to pull His protection from us sooner or later at the rate we are going.

If the One World Government actually takes place, if we become complete socialists or communists as a nation, or if the country gets taken over by a corrupt dictatorship, (and we are partly there in several of these), you will not recognize the place where we live.  It CAN happen here.  The Chinese are a much bigger country population wise and the reds got them.  You will need to prepare yourself and your family as to what you will do.  Personally, I think there would be a break-up of the nation into smaller pieces and new nations if that happened, but it is hard to call.  Those that study this sort of event vary between three or as many as ten new nations in place of the one America as to what will come of it.  If I saw that coming, I would want to get out of Southern California.  My retirement income would not be there anyhow if the stuff hits the fan.



In any case or level of being prepared, the topic of weapons will come up.  Some can handle them and some not.  Some do not like them in their homes in any case.  If it is TEOTWAWKI, or just a home protection weapon, I believe they are beneficial.  When the Korean storeowners stopped the rioters, thieves and rapist from entering their business, it was the shotgun and the .45 that sang that song.  There might have been other weapons that sang the harmony.  It was not because they talked the bad guys out of it, and not because they called the police, because the police did not show up for days in some cases.  It was because they meant business and had the tools to prove it!  In the best-case scenario, as a rule, when the police are needed in seconds they will arrive in minutes.

I have only pulled a weapon on someone at my door once in my life.  He ran away, and I was happy about it.  I was thankful I did not need to shoot anyone, and I did not even point it at the intruder.  When the bad guy saw what was in my hand, it helped considerably.  I told the local sheriff’s deputy what I did, and he was real good about it.  I don’t know I would have told anyone if I lived in a big city.  The rural life works well for me in this too.

There is a woman I knew who works a local business.  Somehow the conversation got around to people that carry weapons for protection.  She said she liked the idea but was afraid that she did not know how to use one and a bad guy would take it from her.  Could be.  That is why part of being prepared means to know your weapon.  You have to also know in you mind that you could take a life if you had to.  That does not mean you ever would want to, but there is no reason to carry or to even have one in the home if you can not come to that last resort point.

I am not going to go into details here on what you should carry or keep in the home for protection.  The one that works best for you that you can safely handle is the one you want.  We can go into details later individually if any ask me.

I had someone ask me some time back if I should have a weapon as a Christian, that I might rather trust God for protection.  I have a couple of stock answers for that.  One is that I trust God will keep my hands steady and my mind clear if I should ever need to use one against another person.  The other is I tell people that Peter was packing.  When Jesus asked His followers if they had any weapons, they said they had two.  Jesus did not say get rid of them, but said they had enough.  Another good reply is that while I trust God for my healing when I get sick or injured, I still go to the doctor.  One of the Jesus’ close twelve was a doctor, Luke.


Investments: Land, Gold, Silver, Other

I have spoken with and exchanged emails with at least several people asking me what I thought about investments.  I will speak of my own experiences first, and it may not be the same for every one.  About 25 years ago, more or less, I invested in a couple of acres of land in the country.  Even back then I was thinking it could be a place to raise the family and eventually do something with it when I retired.  I paid a very reasonable price for it back then, and I added a modest home to it in 1990.  It is all paid off and has been for several years.  That was my biggest investment.  It had gone way up in value, and down a bit too.  But unless someone offers me something way over priced for it, I do not have a reason to sell it.  Paid is a wonderful word.  I did not buy fancy cars, boats or much else big through the years.  I focused on my main investment, a permanent home where no one bothers me as a rule.  It was one of the best things I could do to prepare.

I don’t play the stock market, because I don’t like the idea of taking big chances.  I have some 401K retirement funds that I can withdraw in a couple of years without a penalty.  If I ever get back to work full time, which is my goal, I know I can manage on my retirement, and would put near all the rest into some type of savings, just in case.  Part of good prep is to never spend just because you can.  I would love buy a new rifle (or a few) and take some nice long trips, but good prep says I don’t spend what I do not have.

The topic of gold and silver has come up with a few folks also.  I have limited expertise at best, and I would be very happy to listen to any who have more experience than I.  Gold or silver almost never go down from what I have seen.  If nothing else, it has the tendency to at least keep up with inflation.  I am aware that at certain times gold coins or bullion has been outlawed for most, and the US went off the gold and the silver standard a long time ago.

If somebody up top nationally got a bug to ban personal gold stores again, and got their wish, lots of things could change.  I see that the value of gold or silver will go up for those that held it.  It is possible that a law could be passed that says all US gold or silver coins will only be worth face value, legally.  That is going to be a problem for some.  The black market on gold or silver could go crazy.

But here is a twist or two.  Coins from other countries, say Canadian, or Swiss valuable metal coins might not be in that category, as they are not legal tender here.  They are just collector and investment coins.  So long as there was not another regulation saying it was illegal to hold foreign gold or silver coins, those with those coins might be safe.  I am not telling anyone to invest in anything, but if I chose gold or silver, it would only be the coins or Troy once pieces I could hold in my own hand.  The big bars would not be tradable in many circumstances because of the size, weight, and value of each.  If anyone were to buy any of these things, it may be wise to check that you got a good price without some big commission built it.

Good preparation requires that one think carefully in any kind of investment.


The Law

There are all kinds of things that involve laws of one sort or another.  This is the part where I am going to ask you to think for yourself.  I will never ask you to violate any law, but I will suggest taking into consideration God’s Law vs man’s law.  I will suggest you look at ethics and morality in individual laws.  Part of your wanting to prepare is to think what you might do in different circumstances.  Not every one will have the same thought or reactions as you.

Some laws are exactly what they should be.  It is illegal in every state to commit murder.  It is illegal to commit armed robbery.  But also in just about every place in this nation a woman may without cause, TERMINATE the child she carries within her.  Is that lawful?  Legally yes.  But is there a moral or ethical consideration?  Yes to that as well.  How about a Biblical standard?  Yes there too.  In the Law that Moses gave, that was a life and a death penalty case.  How prepared are you to think of the law in those ways?


Suppose there was a national or state law that said you had 30 days to turn in all weapons, like they did in Australia?  There would be no exceptions, save for the very few higher ranking officials, those that protect them, and some police officers.  Would you choose to take the chance and hide your weapons, disobeying the written ordinances, or take a chance that the police would ALWAYS be there to protect you from the bad guys and give up all?  Just asking.  You prepare by thinking of what you may do in advance, and not necessarily by telling others what you would do.

If you had gold, silver, or other things, do you turn in everything at face value if there was an executive order, “for the good of the nation” you know?  Maybe you would get them back if some court overturned the order?  Maybe not?  What will you risk to prepare for such a thing.

In Nazi Germany killing Jews in camps was legal.  In Mao’s China starving people for the good of the “people” was legit.  Was Stalin within the law as he said he was when he directly caused similar deaths in Russia?  Remember, I will never tell you to violate the law, but I will tell you to prepare and think what will you do.

In China, it is illegal to participate in churches not approved of by the government.  Not everyone is aware that there are many underground churches, hidden from plain view.  The people that joined them are prepared to risk it all.  I wonder what people here would do if they had to do the same?  I hear the Chinese have a lot of home church meetings there.  I wonder if many would ever be prepared for that possibility here?


Best For Last

Of all the things you may prepare for, you need to prepare for eternity.  If you get all of the above and more exactly right, but miss this last one, all would be for naught.  You need to be right with God as your first priority.

A long time ago someone confronted me as to where I was going to spend eternity.  He was right in that I did not know for sure.  I since chose repentance and the mercy of God, via the blood Jesus shed for me.  That is the short version of it.  I’d be happy to go into details with any that have questions on this.

Participation in a good church goes a long way.  And a good pastor can do a lot for you.  Learning what Scripture says on a lot of stuff is very beneficial.  Good for prep too.



I prepare daily in some kind of way.  I pray, I read, I make short term and sometimes longer plans.  Not all are the best, so I work on what I can and refine things here and there.  I learned it is wise to pick your battles.  I can not fight everything.  I can not warn everyone about all my concerns.  But if you read this far, I got something done today.

I have used this motto often enough – “Expect the best, but prepare for the worse!”  You will not go into shock so quickly if you keep that in mind and you had some plan on what to do.

I had a lot more that I could have written, but I was not planning on a book or a seminar.  If any want either of those, try http://www.the11hr.com/, by one of my preacher friends, Tyler Woods.  He does general preparedness seminars, and wrote a book on it.  I reviewed his book two years ago.  Another friend, Bill Rhetts, was doing good seminars on being prepared for terrorist threats.  I am not sure if he still does these.  His web site is http://www.hi-caliber.org/.  Bill is a private investigator by trade and a retired cop as well.  The contact info for both is on their web sites.

There is more stuff out there.  I have a copy of the Army survival manual.  Copy “fm_21-76_us_army_survival_manual” into your favorite search engine and you will find several sites that have free PDF copies you can download.

I look at these and other web site sometimes for ideas.






Gill Rapoza