December 22, 2024

Preparedness Club Launch

preparedness Club smallEverything has finally come together!  I would like to reintroduce the Preparedness Club!  It is a premium membership that will offer discounts to some very big name companies who have agreed to support the Preparedness Club. If you purchase even a modest amount of preparedness related products, the membership to the Preparedness Club should pay for itself.

All articles will continue to be free, this is a new, additional, service.

Here are some of the benefits of joining the Preparedness Club:

  • Support Chris and the Prepared ministry
  • Discounts to several preparedness vendors
  • Chance at monthly giveaways (There will be a minimum of one giveaway a month, starting in May.  Several vendors have already donated some cool prizes!)
  • 50% off all Future Prepared Christian eBooks

To find out more about the Preparedness Club supporting companies and the discounts they are offering, please click on the banner below.

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