March 7, 2025

Preparing for the Inevitable

As Prepper’s, we prepare for all sorts of things that MIGHT happen, but how many of you have planned for something that WILL happen? I’m talking about dying and going home to meet the Lord. I know what I want my wishes to be, but unless they’re documented, someone else could make those decisions for me.

I don’t think it’s fair to my wife or anyone else to have to endure the burden of what to do if I am in vegetative state with no chance of coming out of it. Do you want to be kept alive in any state? How about organ donation? Do you want or be buried or cremated? Where do you want to be buried?

My wife and I just recently completed our living wills at Legal It was painless, quick and fairly inexpensive, around $40 per will, including shipping.

They have some questions with multiple answers for you to choose from. You select your choice and move on. Some of the questions are hard ones, like “Do you want to be kept on a feeding tube if in a vegetative state?” These are questions you can spare your loved ones from having to answer.

Once completed, they mail you the will and you must initial in a few spots in front of two witnesses. There are probably other steps for other services. We had ours notarized as well.

Legal offers a wide variety of services, from living will and last will and testament to creating an LLC and copywriting. I only mention these things because I was a bit skeptical about how easy they claimed things would be.

I’m not an affiliate of Legal nor will I be reimbursed in anyway if you click the link. If you would rather use some other service to do this, fine, but please take the time to get it done now.