March 13, 2025

quick updates

Over the last few years I have had people complain to Internet filtering companies and search engines. I believe it is the “Christian” in Prepared Christian they take offense with. The claim is that I engage in hate speech or some other ridiculous thing.

Normally, all it takes to clear things up is jumping through a few hoops and an email and is removed from the banned or blocked list. Most recently, Yahoo has blocked email both coming and/or going to I have jumped though their hoops but I can’t get a response from them explaining why this has happened or what else needs to be done to correct it.

If you have a have a Yahoo email account and need to contact me, as of now, it will not be delivered. Because of this, I have created the following account and will check it daily going forward. chris.ray72 (at) outlook (dot) com

Camping Survival Giveaway

I wanted to remind you all that Camping Survival is giving away one Bible and ten pocket Constitution (Declaration of Independence and Constitution). With last week being the Fourth of July, traffic to the site was pretty low, so the odds of winning are really good for those who enter. To enter just send an email to contest (at) The final day is 7-11-2014. I will email the winners to get their shipping addresses.