March 29, 2025

Reflecting Over the Last Year

Part of human nature at times is concentrating on what we don’t have, instead of seeing what we do, or how far we’ve come. As a group of people who prepare for the “what if’s,” Prepper’s can easily fall into this, as we see everything we’re still not prepared for.

This last six weeks of the year, among other things, is a time for giving thanks and reflecting over the last year. On a long journey, when concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other, it can be hard to tell how far you’ve come until you take time to look back. With that in mind, I highly suggest you take some time to look back and see how far along you’ve come in your mindset, your finances, your plans and your physical preps and, most importantly, your walk with the Lord.

To give you some idea of what I mean, here is part of my list:

I’m working! Last year at this time, I had been unemployed for several months. This means bills are still being paid, we have health insurance and, while we have had our savings depleted due to the unemployment, a new furnace and health issues for us and the dogs, we’ll soon be debt free again and be able to start saving.

Because money was tight, I wasn’t able to buy many new preps. I was, however, able to barter my services and add some food storage and other goods.

I have spent a lot of time thinking about our country and how things are run. I used to vote down the party line, but came to the realization that the enemy of my enemy is not a voting strategy.

My marriage is stronger. Trudee and I have always had a strong relationship, but this year we grew closer together. If we had an argument, or difference in opinion, we took time to understand the others side, instead of just digging in our heels and not hearing the others point of view. Don’t get me wrong, I am right, she is wrong, (and I let him believe that…even though he KNOWS I proofread every one of his articles! LOL ~Trudee) but at least I know where she is coming from 😉 Seriously though, a strong relationship is one of the biggest preps you can have. It makes life easier on the best of days, and bearable on the worst.

We don’t have plans at the moment to leave the country, or any real desire to, but we got our passports. I think they are good to have, call it an advanced prep. They do take some time to get, and we decided if we did ever want to travel abroad, we don’t want to have to wait.

I have developed my own CCW (Carrying Concealed Weapon) content and will be submitting it to the state so I can begin to certify people to carry in Minnesota. Goals for the future are to get the Practical Defense, LLC website up and running, and to get certified to certify others in Utah and Florida as well.

I managed to post to the blog usually twice a week. I have written around 450 posts and covered every topic I can think of that I know anything about. I have struggled this year to come up with topics, but God has been faithful! Several times, I have prayed for an idea, and I get one or two until the next time I pray.

Those are just some of the things I am thankful for and reflecting on. Feel free to share any of yours in the comment section.

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