March 31, 2025

Review of Discovery to Catastrophe

Discovery To CatastropheBy Jerry Wood

I was approached by author Jerry Wood some time ago about reviewing a book called Discovery to Catastrophe. I owe Mr. Wood an apology. With the many turns life has taken in the last year, my recreational reading time was minimal and it took me much longer than I had hoped to finish the book; for that, Mr. Wood, I apologize.

The book initially follows one family and, later, multiple families who form a house church. Latter still, they join with a small church, as they research the tribulation, and prepare for what may come. There are several scriptures provided on end times study, that are meshed well into the story line.

This is the first Christian prepper fiction book I have read and I enjoyed seeing scripture mentioned. I also enjoyed seeing how a Christian MAG worked together. It reminded me of Acts 2 and how the first church worked and formed community.

I don’t want to give any more of the story away, but I will just say this; I pray we never see a catastrophe like the one in this book.

One of the downsides of having such a large cast of characters like this book has is a lack of character development. Because I enjoyed the development of the MAG and watching how they each blessed the group with their research and work, I don’t know that I would say that the lack of character development is a negative. It works well in this case.

With the decisions and actions being God-based and the focus on a large preparedness-based community, this definitely isn’t the average prepper novel. If the book sounds interesting I hope you will read it.

I am going to leave the comment section open, for now. There was an article last week that started some pre-trib – post-trib conversation, and I put an end to it. For some reason this topic gets people riled up. On another forum, I had my faith questioned because of my belief. I have a couple important things I want to say.

This is not a salvation issue.

No matter your belief on the subject, you are talking to a son or daughter of God, so speak to them with respect and humility.

I don’t care if you believe pre, mid or post. If you have not thoroughly studied the subject, you should. If you believe in one position because it is what you were taught as a child and you always accepted it as truth, try to look into this from a neutral point of view.

As I mentioned, I’ll allow comments for now. You can say something about your position, but as I stated above, keep it respectful. I don’t want to see any arguing or telling someone else they’re wrong. If I see that, I’ll just delete your comment.

If you liked this article please think about sharing it on the social media listed below, thanks!
