January 30, 2025

Syria, Israel and a Critical Incident Exercise

Todays post was written by fellow Prepared Christian GhillieMan.

You’re in your home or office and suddenly you hear a very loud explosion. An eyewitness says Even like three blocks away, it was loud,” he said. “I mean, it just about took you to your knees.”

Then you look out of your window and see a cloud coming downwind at you. Not just a smoky cloud—but a black or discolored cloud that your discernment through The Holy Spirit tells you of eminent danger, death and destruction.


Make your choices:

1.    Freak Out. (WRONG ANSWER!)

2.    Run outside toward the explosion and smoke because you “just gotta see it and take a photo for my FaceBook page.” (This is what I call “Post and Die Syndrome”) (WRONG ANSWER!)

3.    Put on you CBRN (NBC) Gas Mask and filter while gathering your family to put theirs on and staying indoors.

4.    Shelter-In-Place (SIP): Turn OFF your outdoor HVAC, then use your stored duct tape (or 3M Scotch Blue Painters tape) to tape your thick, contractor grade plastic sheeting from the inside over doors, windows and any porous home opening.

5.    Plug in (or use your inverter on backup batteries) your HEPA air filtration system that you prepared for your SIP (filters outside air so you will not smother inside).

6.    Turn on the radio or TV (if still on the air) for more information.

7.    Place your Go-Bags inside near the exit in the event you determine an imminent grave danger in staying in your SIP and you and family must Bug-Out.

THEN, you hear the following on TV or radio:

“A spokesman for the cargo company said sodium chlorate, classified by the US transportation department as hazardous material, was on the train.  But our County Fire Chief says sodium chlorate was not in any of the train cars that set on fire.”



1.    Believe the local Fire Chief and risk your life and the lives of those whom God placed in you stewardship by taking off your gas masks and dismantle your SIP?  Suppose the news media reported it wrong, or the Fire Chief says, “Oops!  I made a mistake. The deadly toxin IS airborne!”

2.    Or do you keep your gas masks on and remain in your SIP until the danger clears?

The event described above is true.  A Baltimore County train critical incident occurred less than 2 hours away from my home, and closer for those who work in Baltimore and Washington, D.C.  A similar or worse critical incident could happen, Heaven forbid, nearly anywhere and at any time in our country. This includes those of us who live downwind of nuclear power plants and classified Federal facilities doing bio-chemical research. 



1.     Know the Prevailing Winds for your home and work location. Major, seasonal prevailing wind maps can be obtained off the internet.  Daily prevailing winds forecast apps are available for Android and Apple devices.  These can be updated daily for current wind and weather conditions and forecasted up to a week in advance. Focus on obtaining the type of app which, in case the internet or electricity is down, will still read cached (device stored) memory of current and forecasted wind patterns on your battery operated device. GET THE APPS.

2.    Obtain clear, thick (at least 6ML thick) plastic sheeting and pre-cut it to fit your SIP location windows, doors, etc.  Have plenty of blue painters tape for the sheeting, AND plenty of duct tape for a more durable and longer lasting seal.  Cut the sheeting larger than the opening you are covering.  Tape the corners of the plastic sheeting FIRST, then the remainder sides, top bottom. Amazon has a good product online here, or search “Covalence Plastics 6ML CLR 20×100 Tyco Polyethylene Plastic Sheeting.”

3.    Obtain CBRN rated (or at least NBC rated) gas masks and CBRN rated filters for you and your family. Try to get the models that allow you to drink water and fluids without having to take the gas mask off.  Remember to have one either hidden in your office or carry it with you daily in your back pack. Adult gas mask DO NOT fit small children.  If you place an adult gas mask on a small child you may be giving that child a death sentence!  You must get a YOUTH gas mask, such as here.  An example of an adult model is here. Examples of NBC rated gas mask filters which will fit the aforementioned gas mask is here. IT IS IMPORTANT TO READ THE CUSTOMERS’ REVIEWS OF THE PRODUCTS SO YOU WILL OBTAIN ADDITIONAL TIPS.

4.    Obtain at least one HEPA air filtration system which you can install yourself by getting a few components from Lowes.  Read the customer’s detailed review of a superb product here.  IT IS IMPORTANT TO READ THE CUSTOMERS’ REVIEWS OF THE PRODUCTS SO YOU WILL OBTAIN ADDITIONAL TIPS.


Prepare For The Inevitable

It appears that United States is about to enter another country’s war in the Middle East.  This time our country is getting involved in a civil war in Syria that is of no Imminent Threat to the United States.  Our nation will be aiding and abetting Muslim Islamists who are dead set in slaughtering Christians, destroying America, and murdering anyone else is who not like them.  Regardless of your politics on this issue, we have a lot to learn from the Israelis who are distributing gas mask and atropine to its citizens. But do not expect our Federal government to do the same for us—even when many of us have discerned that it is NOT IF, but WHEN God will allow a major critical incident to occur within our borders because of how our nation as a corporate entity has systemically moved away from God and institutionally replaced “One Nation Under God” with One Nation Under Abomination.  This is the same sin which God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

I have used and trained with several types of gas masks, including Scott and other brands in performing TS, SCI and “Q” related duties for our nation. Thank goodness for the Israelis! Why? For one reason, do you know of any U.S.-made gas mask that is as economical and available for any member of the U.S. public? I’m talking about “gas masks” and not “escape hoods” which the latter is a joke compared to gas masks. You may ask, “Well, what would they think about me at work if I brought in a full gas mask?” Pardon me, but if you’re dumb enough to tell them, then you can probably expect a negative reaction. Or worse, when you reach into your locked work cabinet to get it, you’ll notice it missing and see one of your coworkers wearing it while she is evacuating from the building. So store it and the sealed filter in bag and keep your mouth shut!

In the Israeli line of gas masks that is available to the general public, the Military model is far superior than the “civilian version” (the immediate visual distinction is that the civilian version has round eyepieces, while the military version has triangle-shaped eyepieces, plus a fluid intake apparatus built onto the mask.) Neither product is immediately compatible with the operator wearing eyeglasses under the mask (contact lenses are okay), as opposed to other brands (Scott) which have an attachment for Rx lenses under the mask.

One main caution: the filters that come with the Israeli masks are generally okay for low-scale toxins, but if you want a filter that will cover you for a full scope (or near full scope) of biological and chemical agents you should get some for that specific purpose. They are available (at a higher cost) over the internet. Consider chemical suits and protective clothing too. Keep the filters sealed and in airtight containers so they will last you for years. Use the NATO filters that came with your Israeli masks for training purposes for you, your family, your loved ones, and those whom you have stewardship over. Think of ideal ways to make practice fun, especially with children and the elderly!

Remember that if a time comes (a critical incident) that you DO need the higher end bio-chem-radiological filters, you probably will not be able to obtain any at least for the immediate future.


Blessings and Stay Safe.
