March 9, 2025

A Great Contest With Three Great Prizes From Nitro-Pak

Today I want to review the Aquamira water filter bottle that was provided by I also want to tell you about another great contest brought to you by myself and 15 other great preparedness blogs. has graciously provided three great prizes, you can find out more about them after the review of the Aquamira review.

The filter has CR filtration technology, which is tested and certified to reduce chlorine, bad tastes, odors and remove 99.9% of giardia and cryptosporidium. Each filter is said to provide up to 100 gallons or 640 refills per filter.

The bottle uses patented BITE ME technology. To drink you just bite on a soft plastic mouth and suck. Squeezing will increase water flow.

Drop in cartridges can be inserted once they expire.

My Take

I think this type of water bottle is a great item in a BOB. My son took one of a different manufacturer on a canoe trip and loved being able dunk it in the lake and drink.

Notice that it says it filters 99.9% of giardia and cryptosporidium and reduces some other things. I don’t know if this is a limitation to this type of water bottle filtration system or just this one in particular. The instructions for this particular bottle state that they “suggest using Aquamira water treatment or Aquamira purifier tablets when a complete inactivation of bacteria and virus is required.”

This is a decent model but if I were going to buy one, I would compare it against others types to see if others filter out bacteria and viruses without additives.

Now onto the contest!

Our good friends at Nitro-Pak have graciously sponsored this group mega giveaway. They want to provide you with a coupon code before the giveaway ends, just in case you visit their website and see something you might need. Type in the coupon code NITROPREPPER to get 15% off any order on their website. This coupon code is good through the end of November. There is a +4 entries if you decide to sign up for Nitro-Pak email list. We highly recommend you do as they periodically send out coupon codes.

There will be three winners:

First Prize: Family Water Storage Pack-Four 30 gallon barrels. These 30 gallon size containers can supply a family of four for 2 weeks. This prize includes 5 year water stabilizer, a manual hand pump, an aluminum bung wrench, and protective seal caps. Retail value: $559.00

Water Storage System

Second Prize: Katadyn Gravidyn Drip Filter-A drip filter which uses gravity pressure to produce up to 13 gallons of crystal clear water per day (for up to a total of 39,000 gallons depending on water quality). A great way to produce safe drinking water inside and out. Retail value: $294.95

drip gravidyn filter Nitro-Pak

Third Prize: Steripen Emergency Water Purifier-An ultra-violet, portable water disinfectant system by HydroPhoton. Purifies 16 ounces of water in just 42 seconds, or 32 ounces in 90 seconds. Retail value: $49.95

Steripen Nitro-Pak Picture

Sixteen preparedness/self-reliance bloggers have teamed up with Nitro-Pak to offer you this awesome giveaway as a way to say thank you for your support!

All you have to do to enter is fill out the Rafflecopter form below by signing in with your Facebook account or email address. (We’ll need this info in order to contact you if you win.)

Start by clicking Easy Entry for Everyone (no social media accounts required) below and after that each +1 that you click is another entry to win! And of course the +4 entries mentioned above.

The giveaway begins October 28, 2013 and ends on November 4, 2013 at 11:59pm. The winners will be notified by email and will have 24 hours to respond before a new winner is drawn.

You must be 18 years or older to enter. Prizes will be shipped to U.S. residents only. Residents of other countries may enter but will be responsible for paying the shipping cost.

Good Luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Tidbits Three, Giveaways and Some Important News Stories

Today I want to cover several small topics that I think might interest you but are too short for their own blog post; from giveaways to important news stories.

Threat Journal Giveaway

AlertsUSA Threat Journal is giving away a 6 month emergency food supply from Wise Food Storage. No purchase is necessary. Just subscribe to their newsletter using the signup form on their Facebook page. The drawing will be held this summer.


The Preparedness Review

The second edition of the Preparedness Review is now available as a free download. It is packed full of great information throughout its seventeen articles and over 76 pages! To download, you can either directly here, or you can visit the Preparedness Review to view the full release notes. Below are the names of the authors featured in this edition.

•Chris Ray
•James W. Rawles
•Ray Gano
•Creek Stewart
•Dr. Bones & Nurse Amy
•Tess Pennington
•David Safewater
•Joe Nobody
•Gaye Levy
•Daisy Luther
•Gary Griffin
•John Beck
•Jeff “The Berkey Guy” Gleason
•Michael Bunker
•Chris Newman


Green has kindly offered members of the Preparedness Club a 10% discount. Here is a little info about them:
“Proud builder of the World’s strongest residential greenhouses. Made from 2-1/2″ square galvanized steel beams. Able to withstand 100 MPH winds and built to last for generations. Each greenhouse is custom fabricated to every customer’s specific needs and desires yet still priced affordably enough for anyone to enjoy. We install greenhouses in the lower 48 states and can ship kits as well for those do-it-yourselfers who want to save a few bucks.””

News Events

North Korea
The news about the tensions between the US and North Korea seems to have cooled off since the Boston Marathon terrorist attack but I don’t believe the actual tensions have. Here is an article from called The Ultimate North Korean Missile Threat To America: A Nuke Power Grid Attack.. I won’t go into detail on the article, but it does a very good job at explaining what the threat is and what the White House and the DOD are doing about it. While there are some saying North Korea is just saber rattling, the article quotes an expert on North Korea:

“Victor Cha, a specialist on North Korea at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, sees the matter quite differently. “North Korea’s ballistic missile and nuclear threat is very much a near-term threat. For people to say it’s just bluster, well, the bluster may be harmless, but the steady progression in their program is not harmless.”


There are two articles that I think are very important. If you have any money in banks, I recommend you read them.

The first is called No Bank Deposits Will Be Spared from Confiscation. It does a great job explaining why money in a bank is not safe from confiscation. The article explains it far better than I can even summarize. The second article called,explains why the Cyprus style confiscations will happen again.

Why does this matter? China. China holds an incredible amount of American debt. Keep in mind that it was not Cyprus that wanted to confiscate money from bank accounts. It was the EU who had been bailing them out and owned their debt.

While true that the FDIC does insure deposits, banks hold very little cash on hand, usually less than $5,000-$10,000. If people wanted to rush to the bank to get their money out before a confiscation, they would run out of money quickly. If this happened at multiple banks, the FDIC couldn’t afford to pay it all out.

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Presenting the Preparedness Club Giveaway

One of the added benefits of joining the Preparedness Club is that each month, every member is automatically entered into a contest for a giveaway. To keep things fair, members will only be eligible for one prize per year. I will send the winner an email each month to get their mailing address.

Some of the prizes have been donated by some generous companies. I will be buying other prizes myself. Here are some of the prizes that have already been donated:

  • Midland Weather Alert Radio
  • Multiple copies of Total Home Prep Now DVD
  • Multiple books from Paladin Press
  • Multiple 100ft hanks of paracord from Paracord City
  • A copy of Making the Best of Basics
  • An exclusive (banned) pressure canner (haha) and a canning kit
  • A Bucket of Wise Food from Best Price Storable Food
  • And more

This Month, Midland Radio has been kind enough to donate a WR120
Desktop Weather Alert Radio

Radio Features are listed below.

  • SAME Localized Reception
  • Continuous Backlighting Option- Keeps the LCD on
  • 25 Programmable Counties
  • Color Coded Alert Indicators
  • Alert Override automatically switches over to warn you of impending danger
  • Alarm Clock with Snooze
  • Silent programming
  • Single, Multiple, or Any S.A.M.E program settings
  • User Selectable Warning System -Voice, Display, or Tone alert types
  • 10 Reviewable Alerts
  • 7 Preset Weather Channels
  • Public Alert Certified
  • Receives over 60 Alerts
  • Uses 3AA Alkaline batteries for emergency power back-up
  • All Hazards Alert – In addition to important weather announcements your radio will also receive other emergency announcements such as:
    • Child Abduction Emergency (Amber Alert)
    • Nuclear Power Plant Warning
    • Biological Hazard Warning
    • Civil Emergency Message
    • Fire Warning
    • Landslide Warning

Here is a video that walks you through programming the radio.


My Take:

I like the features on this weather radio. It’s easy to distinguish between watches and warnings, simply by the tones and colors of the alert indicators. I also like that you can program different alert types. The combination of the monthly siren tests and our weather radio monthly test gets the dogs howling. While funny, it isn’t always welcomed.

The Preparedness Club costs $40 a year and this radio from Midway is a $50 value!

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Reminder About the Giveaway from AlertsUSA



This is just a reminder that AlertsUSA has generously donated 5 of the radiation safety packages for Prepared Christians who sign up for the free Threat Journal weekly newsletter.

Recently AlertsUSA did a great job answering some questions in an article called “Current Threats to America with AlertsUSA” .  Following that, I posed the question “What would you do, North Korea Attacks”.

As I said in “Nuclear Preparedness: Shelter”

“While I do believe that there is a small chance of North Korea (or anyone else) dropping nukes on the United States, it is still a possibility.  If I had a crazy neighbor who hated me, who had a shotgun and said he was going to use it to kill me, I would be foolish to just dismiss his threat.  That doesn’t mean we should live in fear.  We should just be aware of the threat and have a plan for how to respond when or if the small chance becomes a reality.”

Since there is a chance that North Korea (or a terrorist group) may launch some type of nuclear attack, having a radiation safety package could come in very handy.  For those unfamiliar with NukAlert, it is a small, lightweight device that will beep when it detects radiation.  It will beep from one to ten times, depending on the level of radiation.

Getting the weekly publication, Threat Journal , is a culmination of many of the alerts through the prior week.  I’ve had it for the last two years and they always have a story or two I missed.

AlertsUSA has been kind enough to offer special pricing.  Normally, the service is $99 a year.  They are now offering their service for $75 a year for Prepared Christian readers.

This is a great opportunity to get a very nice prize.  Please share it with anyone you think could be blessed by either the newsletter or a chance to win the radiation safety package.