March 27, 2025

Herbal Medicine Kit – Bites, Stings, Splinters Parts 2 and 3

Here are parts two and three of Herbal Medicine Kit – Bites, Stings & Splinters written by Kat Yorba, of Simply Living Simply.


herbannerbitestings2 Herbal Medicine Kit   Bites, Stings & Splinters Part 2
“The air was fragrant with a thousand trodden aromatic herbs, with fields of lavender, and with the brightest roses blushing in tufts all over the meadows…”~William Cullen Bryant

Herbal Medicine Kit – Bites, Stings & Splinters Part 2

Bites, Stings & Splinters….continued!

We have already looked at the milder forms of Bites or Stings…our very industrious Ants and annoying Mosquitoes…now we take it up a notch with Bees; whom we love for what they do for us and provide for us (honey), and Spiders…well…we will just say some are beneficial and some are very beautiful and!

For the more severe stings and bites of Bees, Wasps, Spiders and also ticks we are going to be making a Poultice of Lavender, Echinacea and Bentonite Clay. You could also add a little Tea Tree to the mix as well.

Here are the ingredients in the Poultice and what affect each has:

Bentonite Clay: Pulls the poisonous material from the bit or sting to the skins surface and keeps it from spreading.
Echinacea: Dramatically reduces any allergic response that might occur.
Lavender: Stops the itching and reduces the swelling.
Tea Tree: If you include this essential oil it will aid in the antibacterial properties of your poultice.

And here is your recipe:

Bite and Sting Poultice

Bite and Sting Poultice Tips

*Remember that applying a poultice is only the first step in treating bites and stings that might cause an allergic reaction. Give anyone who I susceptible to these reactions half a teaspoon of Echinacea Tincture every ten minutes.

*Often times an allergic response will begin then retreat as the herbs take effect.

*REMEMBER that allergic reactions can have serious consequences. If you know that someone is highly allergic to a bite or sting, do NOT depend solely on herbal first-aid. Immediate medical attention is required.

*Wheezing, swelling, and hives are all indicators of serious and possibly even fatal consequences of an allergic reaction that require IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION!

And here is another recipe

Echinacea Tincture Recipe

You will need this to make your Bite & Sting Poultice

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Recap: Today we learned a bit more about Bites and Stings, a recipe for Bite & Sting Poultice, the How To’s of making and using a Poultice, and a recipe for Echinacea Tincture.

Looking ahead: Next post we will be the last in our series about Bites and stings, we will be making a recipe for Ant Bite/Nettle Remedy, Insect Repellent and learning about the Yellowdock plant and a variety of Essential Oils including Citronella, Eucalyptus, Pennyroyal, Cedar and Rose Geranium.

Have on hand these Essential Oils and the Yellowdock, containers for all your remedies, Vodka or Everclear and Baking soda.

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Herbal Medicine Kit – Bites, Stings, Splinters Part 3

“When daisies pied, and violets blue, and lady-smocks all silver white. And Cuckoo-buds of yellow hue, do paint the meadows with delight.” ~William Shakespeare, 1595

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Today we continue our 4 part look at Bites, Stings and Splinters with Part 3. We will be looking at how to treat Splinters, looking more in-depth at the herb Yellow dock, and working on a couple more recipes!


You cringed, didn’t you??!! We all do, splinters or burrs may be small, but they are NOT fun at all! The easiest of all remedies is a Plantain Poultice. Do not pass go…do not collect $200.

Just make and apply a Plantain Poultice and your good to go!!

Ant Bites & Nettle Stings…

How many times have you been out walking in the meadow or field or alongside the roadway, perhaps even out harvesting herbs or medicinal plants and you brush up against…you guessed it…NETTLES!!

Now, we love Nettles for their medicinal uses. But we don’t like the effect they have on us unawares!


And what about our lovely Ants, how much do we love them? Not when they get into our house and cupboards and food and certainly not when they bite us!

The pain that arises from being stung by Nettles or bitten by Ants is caused by formic acid. This acid can be neutralized by a poultice of yellow dock leaf tincture and baking soda. Yellow dock has long been popular in treating formic acid stings.

“Nettle in, dock out, dock rub, nettle out!”

Ant Bite/Nettle Remedy

Ant Bite/Nettle Remedy

Yellow Dock Tincture

You Will need this tincture to make the Ant Bite/Nettle Remedy

Yellowdock Tincture

Yellow Dock


Yellow dock is a perennial herb belonging to the Polygonaceae family, commonly referred to as the knotweed family. This family also includes rhubarb, buckwheat, and sorrel. Mature yellow dock stands no more than 4 feet tall and is reddish brown in colour. Its common name refers to the yellow taproot rather than the flowers or leaves. Its other common name, curly dock, refers to the willowy, undulating leaves. The leaves are grouped around a central point at the base of the stem. Plants produce light green floppy flowers between early spring and late autumn. The flowers are arranged in loose clumps along a stalk above the leaves.

Therapeutic and Traditional Uses, Benefits and Claims of Yellow Dock:

It is the taproot of yellow dock that is most commonly used in herbal remedies as it is rich in many compounds known to have cleansing and calming qualities as well as minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorous. The root is dug up in autumn, chopped and then dehydrated for storage.

Yellow dock contains a number of anthraquinones, including emodins, which are known for their laxative action. Though small doses of yellow dock can be used as an herbal remedy for diarrhea, higher doses actually cause diarrhea. The herb acts to stimulate peristalsis, and increase mucous production and secretion of water in the colon, alleviating the discomforts associated with constipation.

This herb also has diuretic properties, which makes it a natural remedy for water retention, inflammation of the bladder and urinary stones.

Both the laxative and the diuretic properties of yellow dock make this herb a natural cleanser. The toxins are flushed out of the system through the urine and stool. Yellow dock has been used to cleanse the circulatory system, liver, spleen, kidneys and bladder. It is often blended with other cleansing herbs, such as burdock, red clover, or dandelion, to flush the body of toxins and clear the path to healing the primary inflictions such as acne, boils, eczema, psoriasis and fungal infections.

When prepared as a poultice, yellow dock has a calming effect and is used as a natural remedy for boils and burns as well as skin problems such as weeping eczema, psoriasis, nettle rash, boils and abscesses. It has even been used as an herbal remedy in the treatment of syphilis and other venereal diseases with skin outbreaks as it alleviates itching and inflammation.

Yellow dock has been used extensively to resolve issues associated with menstruation. It is a traditional remedy for menstrual pain and heavy bleeding and has also been known to be helpful for unbalanced menstrual cycles.

The root of yellow dock is rich in iron and often used as an herbal remedy for anemia. The laxative effect of this medicinal herb also reduces issues of constipation often associated with iron supplements.

Yellow dock, like many other Rumex species, contains the antibacterial compound, rumicin. This makes this herb a natural remedy for treating bacterial infections of Escherichia, Salmonella, Staphylococcus, and Bacillus.

Glycosides found in yellow dock can help stimulate the liver, which helps heal poor absorption of nutrients and increases bile production which has further detoxifying effects.

Yellow dock is an herbal treatment for the relief of symptoms associated with upper respiratory disorders such as emphysema, asthma, and bronchitis.

The list of illnesses that yellow dock has been used to treat is extensive. Besides what has already been described, this medicinal herb has been used in the treatment of anthrax, anorexia, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, common cold, cramps, depression, fever, general weakness or loss of strength, headaches, hepatitis, high cholesterol, leprosy, malaria, menopause, mental stupor, mouth sores, oral hygiene, ring worm, and tuberculosis.

Dosage and Administration:
Dosage is critical as always as it can mean the difference between a natural remedy for diarrhea and severe vomiting, or worse. The root is generally taken as tea up to three times daily. One to two teaspoons of dried root in approximately two cups of water is steeped for ten minutes. The root can also be found as a tincture with the recommended dosage up to 2 tsp, three times daily.

Another good recipe using Yellow Dock

Yellow Dock Syrup

Potential Side Effects of Yellow Dock:
As with all herbal remedies, allergic reactions to yellow dock are possible. If there are signs of allergic reaction, stop treatment and seek medical advice. Yellow dock should not be taken in conjunction with medication for controlling calcium in the blood as excess use can lead to calcium deficiency in the blood. As it has diuretic effects, it should not be take with other diuretics. Nor should it be taken if there are pre-existing kidney or liver problems as it may only aggravate conditions.

Yellow dock, like any herbal laxative, should not be taken in combination with Lasix or any other brand name furosemide used for treatment of congestive heart failure and edema as it can cause potassium depletion. In high dosage, yellow dock can cause vomiting and lead to peristalsis and acute intestinal pain and if eaten in excess, even death.

A medical practitioner should be consulted immediately if any of the following symptoms are experienced after treatment with yellow dock: intestinal pain, vomiting, nausea, confusion, fatigue, seizures, and mouth numbness

The oxalates found in the leaves of this medicinal herb can cause kidney stones and gout if consumed in large quantities, though oxalate levels in the root are safe. Yellow dock should not be used without medical supervision if pregnant or breast-feeding and should not be given to children.

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Recap: Today was the third in our series of Bites, Stings, and Splinters. We took an in-depth look at the herb Yellow Dock, and made three recipes with Yellow Dock; Tincture, Ant Bite/Nettle Remedy and a Yellow Dock Syrup.

Looking ahead: Next post we will be the last in our series about Bites, Stings and Splinters. We will making Insect Repellent and learning about a variety of Essential Oils including Citronella, Eucalyptus, Pennyroyal, Cedar and Rose Geranium.

Reminder: Have on hand these Essential Oils and the Yellowdock, containers for all your remedies, Vodka or Everclear and Baking soda.

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Nothing in this post is to be construed as medical advice, simply a sharing of things that have worked for me & my family. If you have any symptoms of serious illness, taking medication, pregnant or nursing, or have never worked with herbal materials before, please consider consulting a medical professional before use. I am unable to offer advise for your particular medical situation; please ask your doctor, nurse practitioner or naturopath for further guidance. The statements made here have not been approved by the Food & Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act.

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