March 28, 2025

Terrorism: Lone Wolf and Swarm Attacks

There are two types of terrorist attacks that are very effective and very difficult to stop. The first is the only successful terrorist attack on American soil since 9-11; the lone wolf attack. The second type; the swarm attack. We have not yet seen a swarm attack in America but it was used in India with great effect.
Lone Wolf

There have been some elaborate attempts, such as the infamous “Underwear Bomber” and the ”Times Square Bomber” that have failed.

As I mentioned, it is my opinion the only terrorist attacks that have been successful in America since 9-11-01 have been lone wolf attacks. The reason these attacks are successful is that the terrorist can act alone with little to no support network. A lone wolf attack involves a firearm and as much ammo as they cam carry, possibly some crude explosives and a location to begin the attack, no synchronized coordination, no elaborate plan, just an evil and hate-filled heart, shooting anyone and everyone in range.
Is The Threat Real?

Fox News wrote an article called “Alleged Texas Jihad Plot Underscores Threat of Lone Wolf Terrorists Inside U.S”, that covers the Saudi National who planned to bomb a series of targets. He wasn’t discovered by police or the FBI but by a chemical supplier who was suspicious about the amount of a certain chemical he ordered and they tipped off the authorities. The article goes on to say:

“The lone wolf scenario is seen by many counterterrorism officials as one of the most concerning. The larger the plot, the more individuals who are involved, the more likely it is to find a lead and unravel the operation.

If a suspect is not e-mailing or phoning anyone to develop the plot, it can be virtually impossible to thwart. In the Texas case, it is alleged that the suspect slipped up as he was gathering the remaining components to make IEDs”

An article from ABC News explains that American-born al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn has said in the newest al Qaeda video, that American Muslims Should Buy Guns, Start Shooting People.

“Do Not Rely on Others, Take the Task Upon Yourself”, produced by al Qaeda’s media arm, as Sahab, the tape mixes Gadahn’s new message with clips from old videos of Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri and other al Qaeda leaders praising one-man attacks. They call on jihadis in the West to carry out lone wolf operations.”

I mentioned that there have been successful lone wolf attacks. The shooting at an Arkansas recruiting center, where one soldier was murdered and another wounded is one successful attack. The attack at Fort Hood is another successful attack. Twelve people were murdered and thirty-one wounded. These types of attacks are not just limited to jihadis. The shooting in Arizona by Jared Loughner proves this.
Swarm Attacks

A swarm attack consists of multiple small groups of just a few men attacking several targets at once. This type of attack was used in Mumbai, India in November of 2008. Five two-man teams were able to murder 179 people over the course of two days.

The Coming Swarm is an article by The New York Times that gives a very good explanation of what a swarm is and how this tactic has been used around the world. It hints that America should get ready for the coming swarm.

“While the specifics of the federal counterterrorism strategy are classified, what is in the public record indicates that the plan contemplates having to deal with as many as three sites being simultaneously hit and using “overwhelming force” against the terrorists, which probably means mustering as many as 3,000 ground troops to the site. If that’s an accurate picture, it doesn’t bode well. We would most likely have far too few such elite units for dealing with a large number of small terrorist teams carrying out simultaneous attacks across a region or even a single city.

Nightmare possibilities include synchronized assaults on several shopping malls, high-rise office buildings or other places that have lots of people and relatively few exits. Another option would be to set loose half a dozen two-man sniper teams in some metropolitan area — you only have to recall the havoc caused by the Washington sniper in 2002 to imagine how huge a panic a slightly larger version of that form of terrorism would cause.”
Is The Threat Real?

As I mentioned, terrorists like grand events and a swarm attack on multiple targets either in one city or multiple cities is defiantly grand. I also mentioned that the reason lone wolf attacks are so effective is that there aren’t many people involved in carrying the attack out and there isn’t a large support network for those who carry it out. I would say we are more likely to see more lone wolf attacks but a swarm attack is still a possibility. I can also see a lone wolf attack encouraging more lone wolf attacks and it turning into an unorganized swarm attack.
What can we do?

The things that you can do are the same in both of these, mainly because you likely won’t know if it was a swarm or lone wolf until afterward. That being said, what can you do? The most important thing you can do is practice situational awareness. When you are in public, be aware of what is going on around you. You should also be aware of the nearest exit.
Cover and Concealment

Cover and concealment are two important things to keep in mind. Concealment is having something big enough to hide behind and cover is something that you can hide behind that will stop bullets. As an example, the walls of most homes are built with sheetrock and studs. While you can hide behind this wall, it’s not going to stop a bullet. If you have a fireplace made of bricks or stones, this is sufficient cover to stop a bullet.
Fight or Flight

I think everyone knows about the fight or flight instinct. I don’t think there is anything wrong with either response. I have mentioned this article about Sheep, Wolves and Sheepdogs. The article is worth reading. It explains that most people are sheep and do not have the capacity for violence, except under extreme duress. Wolves have a capacity for violence and prey on the sheep. Sheepdogs also have a capacity for violence, but love and protect the sheep, keeping them safe from the wolves.

If you are a sheep, find cover if possible but concealment at the least, get to the nearest exit and call 911. If you are a sheepdog, you have a judgment call to make. You don’t have to use violence just because you have the capacity for it. However, if you decide to show the wolf your fangs (and have your CCW), keep in mind that you don’t know how many shooters there are. Find some cover and make a plan. Also keep in mind that the police are on the way. They have no real way to know that you’re on their side and not one of the wolves.

I have thought about what I might do in this situation. I have to say that the options are not great. A call to 911 can tell them that you have your CCW and are engaging the threat. Be sure they know what you’re wearing. Another option is to have someone else call police and let them know, or inform them as they come in.

There is also a company that has developed a Don’t Shoot Me Sash. I like this idea and have thought of purchasing one but there is nothing keeping the wolves from wearing one. If you see police, drop your gun; do NOT try to explain that you’re on their side.

The last thing I want to mention is something I brought up in the article about Rising church crime. I have held the belief since shortly after 9-11 that terrorists saw how churches swelled after 9-11. Should there be another attack, churches would be a second attack. American-born al Qaeda spokesperson told jihadis living in America:

“to do major damage to the enemies of Islam, waging war on their religion, sacred places, and things, and brethren,” says Gadahn. “This is a golden opportunity and a blessing.”

Keep alert at worship; they see it as a potential target.

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