February 22, 2025

The Downfalls of Tunnel Vision

tunnel vision
I am in a rare position. Over the years, I have received many emails from visitors to the blog. I have read thousands of comments both on Prepared Christian.net and on other blogs. I have noticed a tendency in some people that could be dangerous. Sometimes people get locked into how they think a certain event will take place and they get tunnel vision. They might then fail to see the event taking shape in a different way or other events taking place altogether.

This can take shape in different ways. One example is when people only plan for a bug out to a remote location. Having a bug out plan is a great idea. The vast majority of times, staying home and battening down is a much safer option. The second scenario takes place when people think “the event” will unfold in a certain, specific way. I have seen many people talk about society collapsing, saying there will be riots and marshal law. While this very well could happen, I doubt it will happen out of the blue. What about all of the events that led to this? Riots don’t happen out of the blue. There is always some event that sparks it. The spark is also important. Could it be a race riot sparked by a legal verdict? What about a food shortage or a pandemic? Not being prepared for the events leading up to “the collapse” could be just as dangerous as not being prepared for the collapse itself.

This is why I don’t recommend preparing for events. I recommend, instead, having a general state of preparedness. By having a general state of preparedness, you will be better prepared and can respond to different situations as they may come up. For example, let’s say someone lived in an urban setting and planned to bug out to their parent’s home an hour away. Since they planned to bug out, they kept a good portion of their preparations at their parent’s home. They kept a BOB, a couple firearms and a bit of long-term-storage food. What happens if there was a big enough event that they needed to bug out, but had broken a leg the week before and were in a cast? If things weren’t too bad, their parents might be able to come and get them. But if there were a pandemic, chemical accident, EMP or one of a host of other incidents that would make it dangerous or difficult for someone to come get them, they are left with minimal supplies.

This way of thinking doesn’t happen only with preparedness. Being open-minded and alert to all things might help keep us from being caught off guard. In fact, the Pharisees were rigid in their thoughts of what the savior would look like. So much so that they hung Him on a cross even after seeing so many miracles and other proofs first hand!

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