February 22, 2025

The Preparedness Review

Many of you might be familiar with The Prepper Website, which is a fantastic website that lists a huge amount of preparedness articles from many sites in the preparedness community.  Todd Sepulveda, the creator of The Prepper Website has released The Preparedness Review, which is a biannual publication that will be released in the fall and spring of each year. I was honored to be asked by Todd to contribute an article for its Inaugural Edition, which has been released today.

The The Preparedness Review is in downloadable PDF format so you can read it off line.  I read through a copy yesterday and it is loaded with great information from many different authors and covers many different areas.

I want to thank Todd for all of his work with both The Prepper Website and The Preparedness Review.  He has really helped bring a lot of attention to Prepared Christian.  For that and for all of the great information he has brought to light from other sites, I am very grateful.

I highly recommend you head over to The Preparedness Review and get your copy today!