March 25, 2025

The Shemitah, Four Blood Moons and the Most Important Preparation

The Shemitah, Four Blood Moons and the Most Important Preparation

I know I haven’t been posting regularly for some time, but I believe I would be doing a disservice to all of you for not commenting on a few things. Some of you may be aware of them. Others may be hearing it for the first time. I also want to comment on a few current news stories that I feel may tie in.

I’m talking about the Shemitah and the Four Blood Moons.
The Shemitah

I became aware of a book called The Harbinger, a book by Messianic Jew Jonathan Cahn, thanks to some of you a couple years ago, which I then read. The follow up book to it is called The Mystery of the Shemitah. While Trudee and I are still reading it, I have listened and watched enough from Jonathon Cahn to understand the core of it.

The Shemitah is a command God gave the Jews to let the land rest and lay fallow for one year. At the end of that year, all debts were forgiven. It is a way for the land to be renewed, and for the finances of each household to be renewed as well.

Mr. Cahn stipulates that the Shemitah is also prophesy. In his book The Harbinger, he draws a comparison between America and the 9/11 attacks to the destruction of Ancient Israel. If the links he draws are in fact true, they are very concerning. The Mystery of the Shemitah comes from a small part of his original book, but expounds on it. You see the 9/11 attacks came on the opening of the Shemitah in 2001, and 7 years later came the great recession. Now, 7 years later, we find ourselves in another Shemitah year that began on September 13th.

He says that the previous two Shemitah’s were acts of God trying to get America’s attention and wake us up. Mr. Cahn is careful not to date set or say that something will happen, but that if God wanted to continue in this vein, this Shemitah could be very eventful.
The Four Blood Moons

I found out about The Four Blood Moons from some of you as well. They have been popularized by the preaching of Pastor John Hagee in a movie call “The Four Blood Moons”, which, by the way, is available to stream on Netflix.

Only four times in the last 500 years have there been four blood moons appearing back to back, coinciding with Jewish high holy days.

In 1493 Cristobal Colon, AKA Christopher Columbus, rescued Spanish Jews from the inquisition and brought them to America.


On May 14th, 1948 Israel declared sovereignty. Less than 24 hours later Israel was attacked by Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. All were defeated by Israel. The armistice was signed on July 20 1949.

With the armistice signed, Jews from around the world begin to return to Israel. Many have likened this return to the Jews being called out of Egypt and being led to Israel.


On June 7, 1967 Jews claimed victory in taking Jerusalem, in the Six Day War and blew the Shofar at the Western Wall. This was the first time in 2,000 years Jews had been in control of Jerusalem.


For the first time in history, the Tetrad occured in a Shemitah year; the final Blood Moon occurs on Monday September 28, 2015. (Keep different time zones on different continents in mind here.)
Jubilee Year

The Jubilee Year was to provide for a double portion of rest every 50th year. Each 49th year would be a Sabbath Year, followed by a Jubilee Year in the 50th, so that for two consecutive years the people would restore the land, personal and economic freedom and to be dependent on God.

The Shemitah and the Jubilee year just started and will continue until September 2016.
My Take

My opinion of the Mystery of the Shemitah is that I think Jonathon Cahn sensationalizes things in his books a bit. There has been a time or two in both the Harbinger and the Shemitah that I rolled my eyes a little. That’s not to say there is not good information in them, but I’m not certain he isn’t stretching ancient prophecy to fit America.

There is no doubt it was a command for the Jews. Could it be a prophecy and one that is being given to modern day America? That I don’t know; but if it is not, it is quite a coincidence that out of the last six Shemitah’s, all of them had either a market crash or a recession occur during the Shemitah year.
2008 ~ Housing Bubble Burst and Ensuing Recession

S&P 500 loss: 56.4 percent
Duration: 17 months
2001 ~ Dot Com Bubble Burst, Recession and 9-11 Market Aftermath

Loss: 49.1 percent
Duration: 30 months
1994 ~ The Great Bond Market Massacre
Loses: The biggest bond market collapse in US history. Not only that, $1.5 trillion was lost worldwide.
1987 ~ Black Monday, October 19th
Loss: 33.5 percent
Duration: 3 months
1980 ~ Increased interest rates of nearly 20% caused a recession.
S&P 500 loss: 27.8 percent
Duration: 21 months
1973 ~ Israel’s Yom Kippur War lead to an Arab oil embargo that sent energy prices soaring, leading to a recession.
Loss: 48.0 percent
Duration: 21 months

Yes we have had several stock market crashes and recessions throughout our history, but never in the pattern of every seven years, falling on the Shemitah year. When I discovered this, I wondered what may have happened in 1973 and did some research; Abortion was legalized. Now I am not saying it is related, and I’ll take this time to say that as believers, we need to be cautious of numerology, astrology and making links that are not necessarily connected. I think we, as watchmen, need to be aware of God’s word, His prophecies and current events.

I do believe God sends us signs. The Bible is full of them! Just use discernment.

I don’t think any Bible believing follower of Christ could say that America doesn’t deserve judgment. Like Billy Graham once said when asked if America deserve to be judged, “If not, then God owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology”.

In the last 40 years, our country has accelerated in sin. Once we legalized abortion, many other countries followed suit. We export sin to other countries in the form of pornography.

Since our current President has taken office, we have seen:
“Don’t ask, Don’t tell” abandoned and open homosexuality allowed in the military.
The Supreme Court making the decision that any ban of gay marriage is illegal.
The White House bathed in “Rainbow” colors in celebration of that decision.
Christian bakers and florists charged and fined for refusing to cater to homosexual clients.

These are to name just a few.
The World is a Powder Keg

A little known portion of the Iran deal states that if Israel attacks Iran, we will defend Iran. It rewards Iran for training and finding terrorists with billions of dollars in oil revenue. The attempts to limit their obtaining a nuclear bomb are laughable.

We’ve been shown that China has the power to destroy the world economy, as was seen on August 7, 2015.

Russia has its fighters and nuclear capable bombers fly just shy of several countries’ borders, including off the coast of Alaska and California. Russia has also recently sent fighter and other armaments to Syria to aid Assad.

The Violence in Syria has seen tens of thousands of refugee’s flee into Europe. Rape, child abuse and other acts of violence are being reported from some refugee camps. Some are concerned that members of ISIS are hiding among the refugee’s to sneak into Europe and America.

North Korea makes a new nuclear threat against the USA. They are also restarting uranium enrichment and attempts to launch a satellite, which is viewed as testing of an ICBM missile.

Oh yeah, this is all in the last two months!
So What Should We Do?

The Most Important Preparation!

First and foremost, get right with God. If you’ve not asked God to enter your life, don’t wait any longer. Tell Him you know you’re a sinner, repent, which means to confess your sins and do them no more; and ask Him to come into your life.

If you are saved, get rid of anything that could keep you from Him. I recently decided not to watch anything I would not feel comfortable watching with my mom. I came to this after spending a few days with her and discovering how many things on Netflix I might normally watch, but felt uncomfortable watching with her. I could say I won’t watch anything I wouldn’t watch with God, but I have watched things that were not spiritually healthy, knowing He would not approve, for years.

Men, you are the spiritual head (the Priest) of the home; be that example! I didn’t know how to be this, so I started with saying I wanted to pray before meals. I also started reading the Bible every morning, even if it meant getting up 10 minutes earlier. I started praying with Trudee before bed every night. Pray over your family, and bless them. As a part of being the example, and not being a hypocrite, be aware of sin you might be taking part in. Even if your family doesn’t know you’re sinning, both sides of the spiritual war do!

Women, our culture has, for lack of a better way to phrase this, “bred this out of modern men”; If your husband takes steps to be the spiritual head of the home, allow and encourage him! If he won’t, then the job falls to you!
Other Preparations

I never recommend going into debt to get prepared, but I will admit I did take a loan out on my 401k. I used the money to increase preps that I had on the back burner, but felt very compelled to get taken care of. The 401k loan is taken out of my paycheck, and I will pay myself back with interest.

Make sure you have a way to purify water, as much food stocked as you can afford, with alternate ways to cook, and a way to defend your loved ones. Once those major needs are taken care of, prayerfully consider investing in precious metals.

If your preps have holes, prayerfully consider filling them as soon as you can. I have covered every topic that deals with preparedness essentials, just use the search function. If you don’t see what you are looking for, send me an email Chris preparedchristian net and I will either write a reply to you, or write a post about it and share it with everyone.

I am not one given to hysteria, but I do feel like we’re on the verge of something big. I have felt this way before, and nothing came of it. Then again, there wasn’t this much tension in America, or the world for that matter, not to mention the significance of the blood moons and the Shemitah.

Monday September 28th is the last blood moon but we have almost a full year of the Jubilee left.

While God doesn’t have to do anything with any of this information, He sure left plenty of signs pointing to the possibility that He could if He wanted to!

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