March 31, 2025

Thoughts on Some Current Events

I don’t normally talk about news stories unless they could directly impact us. Today, however, I want to weigh in on a couple issues and give an update on the Preparedness Club.
The Preparedness Club

I have negotiated a pretty sweet deal for Preparedness Club members with Wise Foods. Preparedness Club members can now get a 12% discount on all purchases! See the member’s only page for the coupon code. Please know that registering for e-mails is different than subscribing to the Preparedness Club! Paying members have access to exclusive discount codes, while emails are sent to everyone daily for publically advertised sales free of charge.

There are many things I like about Wise foods; one is that you can call and get a free sample of an entrée, a nice option before buying a case of something, and another is that each meal comes in a single vacuum sealed bag. I actually prefer this over a #10 can, as they both have the same shelf life while closed, but, once open, the food in a #10 can needs to be eaten fairly quickly.

Nitro-Pak has agreed to offer a $10 discount on orders over $100 through October. I’m going to let anyone use this code. Simply enter PCNITRO at checkout.

In What You Need to Know About Pandemics, I give my thoughts on pandemics. Here is what I said about Ebola.

“The scare right now is Ebola. While Ebola is incredibly nasty and I mourn for the families who’ve been affected by it, it isn’t what scares me the most. Ebola most often comes from West Africa and patient zero is infected by direct contact with infected animals, some of which are used as a food supply, such as bats. It is then possible for human to human infection via the exchange of bodily fluids. Some of the numbers I have seen for mortality rate of Ebola are 50%-90%. However, I found data that suggests there have been less than 4,000 cases since Ebola was discovered in 1976, including the cases from the recent outbreaks.

What scares me is the illness that doesn’t exist yet or a mutation of an existing one that takes on more deadly qualities. For example, if a form of SARS, which has a high mortality rate, married a version of H1N1, we could then be faced with something that infects a large percentage of people and kills 15%-25% of those infected. To be clear, I am not saying that Ebola isn’t a threat. It is decimating countries in Western Africa, killing civilians and healthcare workers. We need to be vigilant and stay informed on any local cases of it. I’m just not sure Ebola has the same threat level as a more virulent strain of the flu. Here is an article from Canada published on June 23, 2014 where a physician and professor stated the following:

“If we had a case in Canada we’d isolate the case, the patient would live or die, and we’d be highly unlikely to have it transmit,”

At the time I wrote this, there had only been one confirmed case of Ebola stateside, and that was a doctor who had been flown to a hospital stateside. In the last two weeks or so AlertsUSA has done a great job of alerting me to several cases of Ebola stateside, often times before the media has the story.
In each of these reported cases, I believe the infected person traveled via airplane, risking the potential infection of everyone on board. I saw that the head of the CDC said that we could not close the boarder stating:

“Even if we tried to close the border, it wouldn’t work,” the top health official added. “People have a right to return. People transiting through could come in. And it would backfire, because by isolating these countries, it’ll make it harder to help them, it will spread more there and we’d be more likely to be exposed here.”

This might just be one of the dumbest things I have ever heard! Yes, I agree that those returning have a right to re-enter the country. If they are returning from a region with a risk of Ebola exposure, I am fine with them re-entering once they have passed a screening. They do not have the right to get anyone else here sick!

By isolating those countries, it does not make it harder to help them. We can still send money to aid in their fight against Ebola. If anyone understands how, by isolating those countries it would make us more likely to be exposed here, please help me understand.

If our government was serious about protecting our citizens from Ebola, we would have already implemented restriction for entering the country from anyone who had traveled to a hot zone. They would be quarantined until passing a screening.
What Can We Do?

If you haven’t given thought to when you will implement your own quarantine to avoid exposure, now is the time to do so! If you do not have PPE (personal protective) gear, now is the time! Masks and gloves should be in every prepper’s home at a minimum. We’re actually looking at disposable suits.

Right now Ebola is transmitted by bodily fluids. I have seen some express fear of it becoming airborne. If any of you know if this is in fact possible, and what would need to occur for it to happen, please either add a comment or send me an email!

Because it is transmitted by bodily fluid, if someone is even a little sick, treat it all as infectious. If it does become air born, I plan on hunkering down and taking no chances.
Islam and Beheadings

As many of you are aware, ISIS has begun beheading Christians in Iraq and in Syria. There has recently been a woman beheaded in Oklahoma by a muslim, who first tried to convert her.

I don’t want this, or the comments to turn into a muslim bashing rant, but there are some things you need to know.

It is my understanding that when it comes to infidels, muslims must either convert them and charge them a tax, or kill them.

Quran (9:5) – “So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them.”

Of course, not all muslim’s are people that want to kill you. However, there are 1,800,000,000 (1.8 billion) muslims in the world and it is estimated that 15-25% of them are radicalized. That means that between 270,000,000 to 450,000,000 muslims are radicalized. As we have seen, they have killed several times on American soil, most recently the beheading in Oklahoma.

I am actually shocked we have not seen this style of attack sooner, and I believe we will see many more. What are we believers in Jesus to do?

Jesus said “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”. Here are my thoughts on this: Islamists made themselves my enemy, not the other way around. I pray for them now. I pray that they experience Christ in their lives. If an Islamist ever poses a real threat to me, I will be a danger to my enemy. If you are someone who believes Jesus called us to be pacifists, I have debunked that in an article called Should Christians Practice Self Defense?

If a muslim attempts to convert you, do not say the prayer or creed that declares Allah as the one true god and Mohamad as his prophet. This would, in fact, be turning your back on your salvation and would not guarantee your safety. One of the men beheaded on camera in Syria did, in fact, say the creed. He was killed anyway.

If a muslim does try to convert me, I realize it does not necessarily mean they have plans to behead me. They will still instantly and forever be placed in condition orange. Knowing me, I will probably poke the bear and declare myself a Christian. If this happened at work, as it did with the woman in Oklahoma, I would seriously consider breaking the rules about being armed at work.

I look forward to your input on these subjects!

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