March 31, 2025

Tidbits Two


This week is incredibly busy, trying to get the Preparedness Club off the ground as well as a few life issues to attend to. Today I want to give a quick update on the Preparedness Club and give a preparedness tip I learned while taking CERT.


Preparedness Club 3.png

All of the information made available to you today will continue to be free.  The Preparedness Club is a separate venture that will act like a coupon book of sorts.  There were some emails wondering about the price.  We’ve decided to charge $40 per year or $4 per month.  If money is tight and you want to take advantage of some of the discounts, save up!  When you’re ready to make some purchases, join for a month and then cancel your account if you choose.  We’re scrambling to get the finishing touches done and I am really hoping to have it running on 4-15, but it might end up the following week.

Below is a list of the companies who have agreed to support the Preparedness Club.

Ready Made Resources
LPC Survival (AKA The Berkey Guy)
Camping Survival
Portable Solar Power Biz
Lucky Gunner
Prepare NOW Outfitters
Mother Earth Products
Paladin Press
Quick Stove
Best Prices Storable Foods (AKA Internet Grocer)
Ready Reserve Food
Deepwood Handcraft
First Aid Products
Paracord City

Members will also receive 50% off on all future Prepared Christian eBooks.  I am going to try and do 1-2 per year.

I will continue to reach out to companies to try and get the Preparedness Club more discounts and deals.  If you have a company you would like to join the list of supporting companies, please let me know.  If you have an eBook and would like to offer it at a reduced price, please let me know about that as well.

One of the other benefits of joining is that I will be giving away a minimum of one item a month to Preparedness Club members.  All members will be automatically entered, a member is limited to winning one giveaway per year, in order to “spread the wealth” so to speak.

Some of the giveaways so far are: the Total Home Prep Now DVD, multiple preparedness and survival related books from Paladin Press, a copy of “Making the Best of Basics”, a Midland weather radio and more.

Thank you to everyone who entered the contest to receive one year of a free membership to the Preparedness Club, i have selected a winner and will contact them later today or possibly tomorrow.


Off Grid Survival

Rob from Off Grid Survival sent me a few questions about preparedness and faith and posted them as a Q/A.  For those interested, you can find his column here: “Is Preparedness Biblical? A Talk with Chris Ray of Prepared Christian”.



Cribbing is a skill that I learned in CERT.  I have since seen a few other ways to do it.  Cribbing is something you would use if there was someone trapped under something very heavy.  It involves a lever, a fulcrum, and supports durable enough to take the weight of the object you are trying raise.  Here is a

This is a skill that could come in handy after severe weather or an auto accident, among other scenarios.  Unfortunately, it isn’t something that I can explain very well just with text. Below are two resources, one directly from  The other is a video taken from one CERT training class.  Many fire departments have pneumatic means of cribbing that can lift very heavy objects, but there could be a scenario where the fire department is overloaded and you may not have access to their means for quite some time.

You’ll notice in the video, they have perfectly cut cribbing.  In a storm, you may have to make do with whatever is on scene.

CERT Leveraging and Cribbing.  (Click the next button once done reading the text.)