March 29, 2025


Its been one of those days…I mistakenly deleted this post the first time I put it up, I apologize if you got more than one notice.

Let me first say that I am not complaining, but simply letting you all know where things stand.  I have been putting in a lot of hours on website related things, getting ready for The Preparedness Club.  Due to this, I haven’t had much of a chance for writing.  I had planned on working through the weekend to try and get some of the software hiccups resolved and to write for next week.

Unfortunately, my oldest son rolled one of our cars last night.  Praise God he is fine, but the car is totaled.  With all of the added stress and unexpected new tasks, I will have less time today and tomorrow to get things accomplished. I have decided to take all weekend off to try and decompress a bit.

I have a guest post ready to post tomorrow and I will try to get an article or two written for next week, though they may be a bit shorter than the articles I write normally.

I am hoping to still launch the Preparedness Club next week.  Pending any software snags, it might be the week of 4-22.

You may see some changes that might look unfinished while I make the changes for the Preparedness Club.

Thank you for your patience.  God bless!