February 22, 2025

What should you do if your car starts to skid out of control?

It was raining on my way to work one morning recently; not heavily, but enough to make the roads slick. In my rear view mirror I saw a vehicle cut another vehicle off, moving from the right lane to the left. They turned too hard and were going too fast and proceeded to violently swerve across both lanes of traffic, over-correcting and going back to the other lane, probably four times before they got things under control. I thought there would be a multi-car pileup, going 55+ MPH.

I want to approach todays “What would you do?” a little differently.  When I write these I always write the scenario and then write what I would do after.  This time I wrote down what I learned in drivers-education, then did an Internet search and found that what I was taught is a bit outdated.  It makes sense.  When I was learning to drive, front wheel drive was about as popular as rear wheel drive.  For years, the only options have been front or all-wheel drive.  There also wasn’t any such thing as ABS(anti-lock brake system) and headlights were often still turned on with your foot.

So today I would like you to think about how you would react to skidding out of control.  Then take a look at the video below that I found at Defensive Driving.com and the article they wrote on “What To Do If Your Car Skids”

As a second part, what would you do if you weren’t able to pull out of it and ended up in the ditch or hit the guard rail, etc.


So, what would you do?

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