February 22, 2025

What Would You DO? Unemployed neighbors can’t afford food

The economy is much worse than it is now. The Dow has all but crashed and the unemployment rate is over 20%. You’re fortunate to still have your job, but you know a family down the road is struggling. Both parents have been unemployed for a couple of months. The man is too proud to ask for help but his wife mentions in passing that she is afraid and doesn’t know what they’ll do for groceries next week.

Disclaimer: I am not asking the following question for you to decide if you’ll be charitable or not. I’m asking it to get you thinking about how you might discreetly be charitable, if you so choose.

With the unemployment rate as bad as it is right now, there could very well be more than one family in your neighborhood who is going hungry. If you share overtly, there may be many more who request your help. I touch on this type of thinking in the article I called Being Gray.

So, what would you do?

(Check the comments section to see my and anyone else’s thoughts as well as add your own.)

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