March 25, 2025

Why Should I Prepare and is it Biblical?

I appreciate you signing up to receive updates.  If you have come to this page from a direct link given from a loved one, welcome! I encourage you to sign up for updates. As a thank you, please download this free eBook I wrote called Why Should I Prepare and is it Biblical? (right click the link then choose “save target as” or “save link as”) It explores some of the rational reasons I believe you should prepare, from the economy to natural disasters.  The second half of the eBook explores some of the questions my wife and I had when we began to explore preparedness, such as “Is it a sin?” “Does it show a lack of faith?”  I also cover the verses I’ve found where God clearly tells us it is prudent and our duty to be prepared to care for our loved ones.

This eBook is free.  Please share it with anyone you feel may be blessed by it and/or benefit from it. I simply ask that you not modify it in any way.

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Thanks again for signing up.  Welcome to our community.

Chris Ray