March 28, 2025

Winter Is Coming. Will You Help?

Imagine you’re awakened in the middle of the night by something so terrifying and dangerous that you only have time to get your family and flee with the clothes on your backs and maybe some minimal supplies.

As time goes on, the danger has only increased and is preventing you from returning to your home or job. You’ve taken shelter in an abandoned building and must rely on others to get by day to day.

Now imagine that the reason you fled was because of your faith and that the danger was from a mob on a murderous rampage, slaughtering others who share your faith.

This is reality for many of our brothers and sisters in Christ in Iraq and Syria who fled when ISIS gave some an ultimatum and slaughtered others.

Winter Is Coming. Will You Help.
Trudee and I use part of our tithe to give to Voice of the Martyrs and they recently sent us this:

It gets very cold in northern Iraq, and winter is coming. Christian refugees from Mosul need our help now.

When IS (Islamic State) advanced into Iraq this summer, 100,000 Christians were displaced. Many fled to the Kurdish region and camped in unfinished or abandoned buildings, schools and empty fields. Now that winter is coming, these Christian refugees need our help to stay warm for the next few months.

The Voice of the Martyrs is already at work providing warm clothing, heaters and better shelters for our brothers and sisters in need. Since this past summer, VOM has been supporting Christians in Iraq with food, generators for churches, shelter, Bibles, emergency medical care and water purifiers. Now we’re helping them prepare for winter by providing warm clothing, including coats and long underwear, and gas heaters. You can help support our ongoing efforts with a gift to “Help Iraqi Christians.”

“We thought we had been forgotten by the whole world!”


VOM2VOM partners have been distributing aid items to Christian refugees since summer, and now is your chance to personally fill an Action Pack that will be distributed to Iraqi Christians. Action Packs are special bags that you fill with approved items and send back to VOM for distribution. You will fill these Action Packs with warm clothing and other items that will be given directly to the displaced Iraqi Christians as an encouragement. Get your family or small group involved in filling several Action Packs, and include a photo and a note telling them they are not forgotten.

While this might not be a preparedness topic, it is a kingdom topic. If it is in your budget, please consider supporting persecuted Christians in Iraq.

“And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!” ~ Mathew 25:40

To donate to Iraqi Christians, just click on the image below.

Support Iraqi Christians

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