February 22, 2025

Brrr Its Cold Outside

Brrr Its Cold Outside

In the last week or so, we have seen record low temperatures across most of America. I may be a week late, but I thought I would give a reminder about cold weather preparedness. Here in Minnesota temps are hovering around zero with wind chill around -20, but we’re used to it. I have seen reports of snow and ice in Texas and other southern states that might not get to 0, but that is still far colder than they are used to. Here are some things for you to keep in mind no matter where you live.

Hypothermia occurs when your body loses heat faster than it can create it. Normal body temperature is 98.6 and hypothermia sets in when the body temperature drops below 95 degrees. It is most often caused by exposure to cold air, water or even cold wind. Many people have a misconception that it needs to be frigidly cold to get hypothermia, but it can happen from long exposure to temperatures of less than 50 degrees as well. The elderly and infirm are more susceptible to hypothermia indoors at cold temperatures than younger and healthier people.

Some of the symptoms of hypothermia are:

  • Shivering ; constant shivering is a key sign of hypothermia
  • Clumsiness
  • Slurred speech
  • Apathy; lack of concern for one’s condition
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Drowsiness

The treatment for hypothermia depends on the severity of it. For mild cases of hypothermia getting out of the cold environment and using blankets and heaters to raise the body’s temperature can be effective. Moderate to severe hypothermia is best treated in the hospital where special treatments can be used to warm the body’s core temperature.
Dress in Layers

The reason one dresses in layers when out in cold temperatures is to make sure you’re warm enough and to give you the option of removing layers if you begin to sweat. For example, here in Minnesota the temps can get to -20, not including wind-chill. If I have to go out to shovel, I’ll normally wear a white t-shirt, thin long sleeve shirt, a sweatshirt and my winter coat, along with long underwear and jeans, wool socks and good winter boots. I’ll also wear a hat, the hood of the coat and a scarf. Even though I’m not in a survival situation, shoveling Minnesota snow can be a workout. If I start to sweat, I’ll take off the sweat shirt and put the jacket back on and maybe lower the hood. I think you get the idea. If you are in a survival situation in cold weather and are sweating, you are in danger and are increasing the odds of hypothermia. Take off a layer or two and give yourself a rest.
Cotton Kills

This is often mentioned in forums. What it means is that cotton wicks your body’s heat away from you when it’s wet. Wool on the other hand will retain your body’s heat even while wet. If you live where it gets cold, having some good wool winter gear is a good idea. Since cotton wicks away your body’s heat, it may be preferable in hot climates.
Driving in Snow and Ice

Here in Minnesota, we can have snow 5+ months out of the year. People still forget how to drive in it, so I can imagine what it must be like in places where you don’t frequently get it. Here are just a few tips that may help keep you safe.

  • Have a car kit. Follow the link to see what is in mine.
  • Leave with plenty of time to get to your destinations. During a snow storm here, it can take 2-3 times longer to travel.
  • Don’t make fast corrections. Don’t slam on the brakes, brake slowly. Before anti-lock brakes, we were taught to pump them. Don’t pump anti-lock brakes.
  • Don’t make sudden turns.
  • If you happen to get stuck, coarse kitty litter or sand can be poured under tires to give some traction.
  • Have the number for a tow truck or AAA in your phone.

If you have any other tips, please add them to the comment section. Stay warm everyone!


If you would like to repost this article, feel free to do so. Please mention that it was written by Chris Ray and provide a link back to this page.

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Two Advertisers having Mountain House Sales, China’s new ADIZ and Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

Mountain House Sale at Ready Made Resources and Camping Survival

Ready Made Resources

Ready Made Resources is offering discounts from 25%-42% until December 13th. You can mix and match cans as long as you order in increments of six cans. For free shipping you also must order in increments of cans, 6, 12, 18 etc.
Camping Survival

Camping Survival is offering 25% on #10 cans and 15% all Mountain House Pouches on all in stock Mountain House products. So if you order it today it will ship tomorrow, there won’t be any backorders or other delays.

If you plan on purchasing Mountain House, these are some great sales!

Increased Tension With China

I mentioned a few weeks ago that China aired on their state-run media that they had, as the Washington times puts it “Nuclear submarines capable of widespread attack on U.S.” Now China has implemented an Air Defense Identification Zone (ADZ). For a better understanding of why this is a problem, here is an article from CNN called Why China’s new air zone incensed Japan, U.S.. From the article:

“It declared that aircraft in the area must report their flight plans to China, maintain two-way radio and clearly mark their nationalities on the aircraft.”

This is China trying to bolster its claim over a series of Japan controlled uninhabited islands. China has said any flight that does not comply with the Air Defense Zone will face unspecified defensive actions. China sent fighter planes to inspect Japanese and US planes in the area.

First, on China having plans to destroy America with Nuclear subs, as I have previously mentioned, it doesn’t surprise me at all. In fact, it would surprise me if the homeland of Sun Tzu did not have a plan. However, what does surprise me a little, is that they released it on their public television for their public to watch. They also aired maps of strikes on Los Angeles and other west coast targets, and the potential radiation maps.

I don’t believe that this was for the consumption of the Chinese people. I think this was simply China flexing a bit.

Now onto the “Air Defense Zone (ADZ)”; this is China flexing even more. Their ADZ encroaches on our ally, Japan, and is on the northernmost part of Taiwan, another US ally. I don’t think this, in and of itself, will amount to much, but it will increase the tension in the area. The US has rightly told China to “bugger off” in not so many words, but has since told commercial flights that they should abide by the Chinese request.

I do expect more flexing, and suspect it will get more aggressive.
The Problem with Antibiotics

I have covered pandemic in the past, and have mentioned that it is one of the “big ones” that I am the most concerned with. The article I wrote called Flu and Pandemic Preps to Buy Now lists some of my thoughts and has links to other articles from me on the topic.

In a recent article from theWeek.com called Why the post-antibiotic world is the real-life version of the zombie apocalypse, it explains part of the problem we are facing with drug resistant super bugs.

The article mentions Alexander Flemming, the man who discovered the first antibiotic, Penicillin. He stated:

“It is not difficult to make microbes resistant to penicillin in the laboratory by exposing them to concentrations not sufficient to kill them… There is the danger that the ignorant man may easily underdose himself and by exposing his microbes to non-lethal quantities of the drug make them resistant.”

The article explains that it can cost pharmaceutical companies a billion dollars in research for a new antibiotic. The article also explains that since antibiotics are not an ongoing medication, there isn’t as much of an upside when compared to medications that treat chronic illnesses.

Another part of the problem that the article doesn’t cover is how frequently doctors prescribe antibiotics when they simply aren’t needed.

The bottom line is that we are seeing more and more antibiotic resistant bacteria and less new medications to combat them.

So what can we do? To be truthful, I don’t have a great answer. I do have a few thoughts. First, avoid crowds. I can’t even count how many times the kids have come home from school sick because they were subjected to a sick person in close proximity.

I don’t like crowds to begin with, but if I start to see reports of flu-like symptoms spreading, I plan on hunkering down as much as possible.

If you’re sick, realize that antibiotics will only treat bacteria, not virus, so don’t demand antibiotics for every single thing! If you are given antibiotics, take the recommended dose for the recommended time. By not doing so, you are making your body’s response to that bacteria less effective and making the bacteria more resistant to it.

Another thing we can do is look at herbal remedies. This isn’t a topic I know a lot about, maybe Jim Moore or some of the other knowledgeable people can chime in.

One item I have done a little research on is Elderberry. It can be used in a variety of ways and is effective when used against flu symptoms, the common cold, coughing and other maladies. Here is an article with some information on Elderberry Tinctures

On a side note, in Revelation 6:8 we’re told that:

“And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.”

Many of you are familiar with the verse, but have you ever considered what is meant by, “and with the beasts of the earth.”? I don’t to see a real life Jumanji, with Rhino’s, Elephants and Lions roaming the streets.

I read one person’s thoughts on the subject some time ago, that the Bible might be referring to viruses and bacteria. I’m not sure if they were right, but it would make a lot of sense.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the topics I brought up, so please chime in with a comment or send me an email.


If you would like to repost this article, feel free to do so. Please just mention that it was written by Chris Ray and provide a link back to this page.

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Five Free Practices You Can Do To Be Better Prepared

Here are Five Free Things you can do to be Better Prepared

Have you ever seen someone post a “What have you done to prepare this week?” thread on a prepper forum? I enjoy reading them, both to see how people as my friend, the Survival Sherpa, would say are “doing the stuff” and because there is a sense of accountability. Iron Sharpens Iron.

Money has been tight since I was downsized from my last job, but just because we can’t buy new things, or even replace food storage, that doesn’t give me a pass! I’ve had to get creative in the “What have I done category”, and here are five things you can do for free!


The single most important preparation one can have is knowledge. If deserted on an island, I would take five people who had a depth of knowledge on surviving over five people who had no knowledge and a weeks’ worth of supplies.

There is a saying, “knowledge is power” and it is! We are blessed to live in a time where you can learn about anything and everything, within just a few keystrokes. Of course, we need to use discernment and be wary of our sources but finding reputable sources on any subject is not a difficult task.

Practice Skills

After knowledge, I think skills are the next important item. Having book knowledge is great, but to read about starting a friction fire is much different than doing it. There are plenty of skills one can master for free or a very small investment.

Teach Others

Teaching someone else about something you know helps you to understand it in much greater detail. This website is just over three years old. In that time I have learned new things and I have a much deeper understanding of the topics I have written about.

You don’t need a blog to teach someone else. You just need someone willing to listen and learn. I talked to my son about learning how to change a tire years ago and he was never interested. Maybe I should have made him sit through it but I doubt he would have paid attention. However, a couple weeks ago he called and said he was not far from me and had a flat tire. I drove to where he was, explained what to do and watched over his shoulder as he loosened the lug nuts. I showed him where to place the jack and how to go through the rest of the motions. He was very grateful and I was glad I could pass on the skill. I know he paid attention and will be able to do it on his own in the future.

Examine and Take Stock of Existing Preps

If you have been prepping for any length of time, you’ve got who-knows-what, stashed who knows where. I had things scattered in many different places and decided to put it all together and redo the BOB’s. I had forgotten that we owned several items and was able to build a couple small kits out of the gear I’ve collected over the years. I also found some items that I need to replace when money permits.

Research Future Purchases

When you’ve gone through your existing preps and find those items that you need to replace, or items you might need, thoroughly research them. Read both the positive and the negative reviews of the item you’re considering, and also for its biggest competitor. This will ensure that you make smart purchases when you do have a bit of extra money.

Do you have any other ideas that a person can do to prepare that are free?

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If you would like to repost this article, feel free to do so, please just mention that it was written by Chris Ray and provide a link back to this page.


Creating Preparedness Classes

Over the last three years I have had several people contact me to let me know they have created a preparedness class to teach at their church or to a group they are involved in. I have also had others tell me they were considering doing so. I have developed a course and understand how big of a project it can be. In an attempt to make the process easier for those who’re working to create a preparedness class, I am offering to host the material from anyone who has already created a class and is willing to let others either use the material, modify it to their style or use it as a guideline for their own work.

If you have created a preparedness class and are interested in allowing others to use your material, feel free to send it to chris (at) preparedchristian (dot) net. If you have any stipulations for use of the materials or concerns, please let me know.

Once materials have been offered, I would ask that if you use or modify them, please give credit to the author in the materials unless otherwise specified.

If you have links to any publications that might be useful to someone creating a preparedness class, please send those to me as well. As this is a community of like-minded givers and sharers, I look forward to creating this opportunity for us!

The page where the resources can be found is located under the about and contact area and is called Creating Preparedness Class Resources
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Ten Common Mistakes Prepper’s Make

Ten Common Mistakes Prepper’s Make

I was going to call this article “Ten Mistakes New Prepper’s Make” but then it dawned on me that veteran Prepper’s make these mistakes too! One of those veteran Prepper’s might even be named “Chris”. Making mistakes is human nature. Learning from them and modifying our actions and behavior is how we grow and improve. That being said, following are ten mistakes Prepper’s make.

Getting Overwhelmed

This happens to many new Prepper’s. I think this is because when one decides to prepare, it is often due to the fact that they have awakened to the many real dangers to our modern way of life and realize how ill-prepared they are. I wrote an article called Not Prepared Enough Syndrome that covers this in further detail.

Getting overwhelmed isn’t just something that happens to new Prepper’s. There are plenty of us whose blood pressure rises when new threats pop up. We can still feel that we’re not prepared enough to face what could happen.

When this starts to happen to me, I just reaffirm that I am as prepared as I can be and will face things with the Marine slogan of “Improvise, adapt and overcome”. I also rest in the fact that things are in God’s hands and find peace in that.

Blindly Following Others

Part of the process is learning from others but when it comes to preparedness, we need to pick and choose what will work in our lives. I hope no one goes along with everything I say and tries to mold it to their lives. I do what I do because it works for me. You should take the things you like from this site and others, and apply what works for you, while getting rid of what doesn’t.

Not Storing What You Eat and Eating What You Store

This is one of the The Ten Commandments of Preparedness I came up with. This is a mistake many of us make. I know I’ve purchased some food based on its storage life and not because we eat it.

Lopsided Preparedness

I think it is common for people to have a favorite area of preparedness and it makes sense that the favored area gets more attention. Keep in mind The Five Basic Human Needs and having a well-rounded approach to preparedness is the best method. Having a safe full of guns and ammo does you little good if your family is starving. Then again, a year’s worth of food does you little good to protect you from Joe Dirtbag and his merry band of takers.

The truth is that none of us know how or when things will fall apart. Being able to cook and feed, provide and heat shelter, purify drinking water and defend yourself and your family are all musts!

Only Preparing for the Big Ones

One mistake I have seen is people preparing for the large scale events that have a small chance of happening, while ignoring the smaller scale things that actually happen in their area. I explained this in greater detail in Disaster Probability. While I think a general approach to preparedness is best, I think it also makes sense to make sure we’re prepared to face the events that are most likely to happen in our area. For my area, that includes cold, snow and ice. I know it will snow and there is a potential for power lines to come down. It makes more sense for me to prepare for that over an EMP.

Placing Gear Over Knowledge and Skill

Being prepared can mean acquiring gear but can lead to a false sense of security. There is also a chance some might think that because they have a piece of gear, they are prepared. If I’m bleeding, I would rather have someone who has a firm understanding of first aid and basic equipment over someone who had a top-of-the-line emergency medical kit but has no idea how to use it.

Loose Lips Sink Ships

For a few different reasons, I think it is a good idea to keep your prepping a secret. If people know you prepare, try to keep the extent of your preparedness a secret. Maybe you have heard of Being Gray, which is the process of blending in, keeping a low profile and maintaining OpSec (Operational Security).

If you feel led to share preparedness with others, it is best to be as vague about your own preparedness as possible. The more people who know you prepare and who also know the level to which you prepare, the more people you will either be forced to turn away or share your preparations with.

If stuff does hit the fan and you decide to share with others, for many reasons, it is best to do so in secret.

Bug Out Mistakes

There are actually a few mistakes people make when it comes to bugging out or bugging in. Some people only plan for bugging out, while others only prepare for sticking it out at home. I personally think that for the vast majority of people in the vast majority of situations, it is better to plan on staying home and riding out whatever is going on. That being said, I think everyone should have a BOB and a bug out plan. Follow this link to four Bug Out Myths. I also give a means for everyone to select multiple bug out locations, even if you don’t have a stocked bug out location.


This is probably the biggest mistake people make; getting tunnel vision and thinking the “collapse” is going to happen a certain way. This leave people vulnerable to countless other potential dangers. We should be aware that there are levels of hitting the fan and know it’s possible for the stuff to hit the fan at any time, for anyone.

Living in Fear

This might not be the most common mistake but it can be the most dangerous. We don’t know when or how things will go sideways. Even if we did, worrying about it isn’t going to do anything to keep it from happening. I wrote an article about finding joy in the darkness. In it, I give some tips on how to keep your spirits up, even when life is hard. In the end, all we can do is our best to be prepared and rest in the fact that things are in God’s hands. Find peace in that!

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A Great Contest With Three Great Prizes From Nitro-Pak

Today I want to review the Aquamira water filter bottle that was provided by Nitro-Pak.com I also want to tell you about another great contest brought to you by myself and 15 other great preparedness blogs. Nitro-Pak.com has graciously provided three great prizes, you can find out more about them after the review of the Aquamira review.

The filter has CR filtration technology, which is tested and certified to reduce chlorine, bad tastes, odors and remove 99.9% of giardia and cryptosporidium. Each filter is said to provide up to 100 gallons or 640 refills per filter.

The bottle uses patented BITE ME technology. To drink you just bite on a soft plastic mouth and suck. Squeezing will increase water flow.

Drop in cartridges can be inserted once they expire.

My Take

I think this type of water bottle is a great item in a BOB. My son took one of a different manufacturer on a canoe trip and loved being able dunk it in the lake and drink.

Notice that it says it filters 99.9% of giardia and cryptosporidium and reduces some other things. I don’t know if this is a limitation to this type of water bottle filtration system or just this one in particular. The instructions for this particular bottle state that they “suggest using Aquamira water treatment or Aquamira purifier tablets when a complete inactivation of bacteria and virus is required.”

This is a decent model but if I were going to buy one, I would compare it against others types to see if others filter out bacteria and viruses without additives.

Now onto the contest!

Our good friends at Nitro-Pak have graciously sponsored this group mega giveaway. They want to provide you with a coupon code before the giveaway ends, just in case you visit their website and see something you might need. Type in the coupon code NITROPREPPER to get 15% off any order on their website. This coupon code is good through the end of November. There is a +4 entries if you decide to sign up for Nitro-Pak email list. We highly recommend you do as they periodically send out coupon codes.

There will be three winners:

First Prize: Family Water Storage Pack-Four 30 gallon barrels. These 30 gallon size containers can supply a family of four for 2 weeks. This prize includes 5 year water stabilizer, a manual hand pump, an aluminum bung wrench, and protective seal caps. Retail value: $559.00

Water Storage System

Second Prize: Katadyn Gravidyn Drip Filter-A drip filter which uses gravity pressure to produce up to 13 gallons of crystal clear water per day (for up to a total of 39,000 gallons depending on water quality). A great way to produce safe drinking water inside and out. Retail value: $294.95

drip gravidyn filter Nitro-Pak

Third Prize: Steripen Emergency Water Purifier-An ultra-violet, portable water disinfectant system by HydroPhoton. Purifies 16 ounces of water in just 42 seconds, or 32 ounces in 90 seconds. Retail value: $49.95

Steripen Nitro-Pak Picture

Sixteen preparedness/self-reliance bloggers have teamed up with Nitro-Pak to offer you this awesome giveaway as a way to say thank you for your support!

All you have to do to enter is fill out the Rafflecopter form below by signing in with your Facebook account or email address. (We’ll need this info in order to contact you if you win.)

Start by clicking Easy Entry for Everyone (no social media accounts required) below and after that each +1 that you click is another entry to win! And of course the +4 entries mentioned above.

The giveaway begins October 28, 2013 and ends on November 4, 2013 at 11:59pm. The winners will be notified by email and will have 24 hours to respond before a new winner is drawn.

You must be 18 years or older to enter. Prizes will be shipped to U.S. residents only. Residents of other countries may enter but will be responsible for paying the shipping cost.

Good Luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Nine Meals from Anarchy; a Food Stamp Melt Down

Nine Meals from Anarchy; a Food Stamp Melt Down

“Nine Meals from Anarchy” is an expression coined by Lord Cameron of Dillington, a farmer from England who was speaking about Britain’s food supply. I believe he is absolutely correct! In modern society when the populace hasn’t eaten, whether because there was no food or it was too expensive for them to buy, civil unrest ensues.

Disclaimer: I don’t touch on politics often and sometimes get complaints when I do. I am going to get into politics today as I believe our governmental practices could have a direct impact on the populace. If you disagree, that’s fine, but keep the discussion civil please. I will tie this back into preparedness.

Over the weekend there was a problem with the EBT (think food stamps) system that was not showing the amount allowed to spend, thus leading to allowing unlimited purchases. Once discovered, the EBT system was temporarily brought down. There were two Walmart’s in Louisiana that decided to let people make purchases anyway. This resulted in crowds so large that one Police Chief said the store was so packed, it was worse than any black Friday. Many shelves were stripped bare. Once the system came up, it was obviously discovered that people were abusing the system. There were other stores that didn’t allow purchases to be made and many shoppers took to social media threatening to riot.

Civil unrest related to food is nothing new. Many of you will remember the world-wide food riots in 2008, but we can go all the way back to Marie-Antoinette (1755-1793). She was the queen of France who said “Well, let them eat cake,” when told that her people did not have bread to eat.
What is the Real Problem?

The problem is so much bigger than a computer glitch and the temporary shutdown of the EBT system. It is my opinion that we have a large portion of the population that has become takers. We have over 47,000,000 people on food stamps, which is over 1/6th of our population. These are people who CANNOT feed themselves without government assistance. I have no problem with people who have fallen on hard times and need the assistance. My parents had to use it when I was a child, welfare and food stamps are the only reason we were able to eat at times.

Unfortunately, there is a huge amount of people who are cheating the system. With a quick internet search you can find ways to game the system and claim benefits that they should just not have. There are also people who live off of government assistance as a way of life, instead of assistance during a rough time.
Cloward-Piven Strategy

Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven were professors at the Columbia University School of Social Work. Their strategy was to overload the American welfare system by having it be so large that it would lead to a crisis that would put an end to the welfare system, replacing it with a socialist guaranteed annual income. These radicals and others like them have ties to and are friends with President Obama.

We now we have over 47 million people collecting food stamps, over 12 million on welfare and roughly 5.5 million collecting unemployment. Government handing out “Obama phones”, giving subsidies for childcare to people who are not working and on and on. With the policies of this President, we are approaching that tipping point faster than ever before.
EBT Being Defunded?

On 10-15-2013 I got an alert from AlertsUSA that said:

“USDA: States told to withhold foodstamp / EBT payments for Nov due to funding lapse. If directive holds expect dangerous societal impact, partic in urban areas.”

Since I had planned on publishing this article today, I asked my contact if he has any more info. He sent me the following link; Foodstamp Program Shutdown Imminent? The article is worth reading and the video from a local Utah Newscast is worth watching. For those with limited time, I’ll summarize.

The Crossroads Urban Center in Utah obtained a memo from the USDA (the memo can be seen by following the link). Among other things, the memo states:

“understanding the operational issues and constraints that States face, and in the interest of preserving maximum flexibility, we are directing States to hold their November issuance files and delay transmission to State electronic benefit transfer (EBT) vendors until further notice.”

Essentially, because of the government shutdown, the USDA is recommending that states not fund the food stamps systems.

With this in mind, remember what I said about Cloward and Piven. It makes a person wonder if the government shutdown isn’t just a means to an end.
What Does This Mean for You?

There have been a few hiccups related to food stamps in the last few years, as well as threats of rioting. Violence, in varying degrees, has broken out each time. What kept these threats and minor violence from breaking into utter chaos and anarchy? Nine meals.

When people who have been led to believe that their government owes them money for food, rent, childcare, cell phones and other related things, and that money is either reduced, or doesn’t come for a week or two, watch out! This is purely speculation on my part, but I believe that this could lead to widespread rioting and looting after just after a few days. If you live in an area with even a moderate percentage of the population on the government teat, pay attention to stories like this in your area and have a bug out plan.

I firmly believe that a prepper should guard the fact that they prepare, as well as what they have in their preps. I have no problems if hard times fall and you feel compelled to share with others, but as I have previously written, Jesus told us to give in secret. This way, if you feel God leading you to share, you can, but it honors God and not you.

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Caffeine as a Prep Item

Caffeine as a Prep item

Have you ever been so tired that you know your judgment is impaired but for whatever reason you couldn’t get any shuteye? What about getting up in the morning and feeling more tired than when you went to bed?

As I pointed out in Keeping Watch Once It’s Hit the Fan, if things go sideways there might be a need for you to stand watch. If it’s just you and your family, how can you make sure you stay alert enough to stand watch and keep everyone safe? The potential solution to this problem is caffeine.
The Upside

Caffeine is a naturally occurring stimulant that is found in a variety of plants. It can heighten your alertness and provide a boost of energy. Caffeine is commonly found in coffee, tea, chocolate, soft drinks, energy drinks as well as some medications.

A safe daily limit is 200 – 300 milligrams, which equates to 2-4 cups of coffee. When used in moderation, caffeine can be used to wake you up in the morning or help you keep going through the day.
The Downside

As was just stated, caffeine used in moderation has an upside. However, overuse can lead to dependency. If you’re drinking four cups of coffee to get going, a diet soft drink mid-morning, another with lunch and a couple throughout the rest of the day, there is a good chance you’re dependent on it. Diet Dr. Pepper is my drink of choice. I used to drink 8-10 a day! I used to say caffeine had no effect on me, that I could drink a Diet Dr. Pepper right before bed, go to bed and fall asleep just fine. I was abusing it and was dependent on it.

Once dependent on caffeine, the withdrawal headaches can be horrific. If you decide to being limiting your intake, it is suggested to cut it in half for a day or two, and then in half again and on and on until you’re consuming a healthy amount.
Final Thoughts

I am now only consuming two cans of Diet Dr. Pepper a day. I made the mistake of having a couple cans late one evening and I am definitely affected by it now; I think I saw the clock strike 02:00.

The idea of getting some of those energy shot drinks has occurred to me in the past. Before I limited my intake I took one on a day with little sleep, and surprise, surprise, it didn’t affect me. It only made me yawn louder. Now however, I think having a few on hand to help me be aware, should I ever need to be awake and alert late at night, is probably a good idea.
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Shaving After the Stuff Hits the Fan

Shaving After the Stuff Hits the Fan

I have no proof of this, but I believe that the majority of people who shave do so either with an electric razor or with disposable blades. I actually use both, which got me thinking about what I would do in a prolonged “stuff hitting the fan” situation where the trucks weren’t bringing disposable razors and the grid was down. While I might be tempted to go Grizzly Adams or Duck Dynasty and just grow a manly mane, the Beautiful Mrs. Ray would oppose. (Yep, absolutely! ~Trudee) In truth, the facial hair wouldn’t bother me but I started shaving my head years ago as a pre-emptive strike against my balding genetics. I happen to like this style better than when I had hair and would still want to shave my head in a prolonged event. But I digress.

I knew about straight razor shaving and discovered safety razors. For full disclosure, I haven’t used either, but I have researched them and thought I would share my thoughts with you.

Straight Razor
Straight Razor

You’ve probably seen a straight razor used in a movie or on TV. This was the way men shaved for centuries, either by themselves or going to a barber and paying for a hot towel shave. With a straight razor, you will also need a hone to keep it sharp and a strop to keep the metal aligned on the edge.

This is probably the most difficult shave to master and the most dangerous if you’re not careful. It is also the most expensive upfront cost, with razors costing from $100 – $300, strops ranging from $50 – $200 and hones from $50 – $100. Like I said, it’s the most expensive upfront. However, it is my understanding that a well maintained razor will outlast you.

Saftey razor
Safety Razor

A safety razor has a guide that limits exposure to the blade, thus limiting the risk of a serious cut. Safety razors were the first major leap from straight razors. Safety razors have a disposable one or two sided blade that can be discarded after it dulls. There are a few different types of safety razors that the link can explain far better than I. There is also a variety of blades available, varying in degree of sharpness, among other traits. Some blades will work better for you than others and there are often sample packs offered so you can try a variety at a low price. Safety Razors range in price from $25 – $100, blades range from 5 count packages for $2.00 to 100 count packages for $18.00 – $20.00.
Shaving Brushes

There are a few different types of brushes. From my research, Badger brushes are the best quality. The quality of lather you can get from a good brush and a traditional shaving cream or soap has a much better quality than from modern canned creams.

Shaving Lather

Soaps and Creams

Aside from the disposable blades for safety razors, creams, soaps and after shave are the only other consumables that would have to be replaced. There are many different creams and soaps. Some are slicker than others and they vary by scent as well. There are two types of shaving soaps; glycerin based and hard soaps. Prices range greatly by size and manufacturer. Glycerin based soaps are cheaper and can last for roughly two months with daily use. Hard soaps are made with heavier oils and can last 4 – 6 months with daily use.
General Thoughts

I hate shaving. I always have. So much so that I usually only shave twice a week. During my research, I read a few accounts from men who hated shaving also. They say that once they began to use a straight or safety razor and found some shaving soaps and creams they liked, they began to actually enjoy it.

As I mentioned, I don’t currently use a straight or safety razor. I would like to use a straight razor but I’m not sure how feasible that is for shaving my head when I can’t easily see the back of it. Because of this, when money permits, I would really like to get a safety razor and start using that full time now.

Stocking soaps and blades to last years is easily affordable, so even if the stuff hits the fan I can maintain a clean shaven appearance.
Resources on Shaving

Here are just some of the links I have on shaving. Some are informational and others offer products.

Shaving 101
The Art of the Straight Razor Shave
Classic Shaving
West Coast Shaving
Badger and Blade

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