March 7, 2025

Twenty Great Gifts for Prepper’s

Before I get to today’s article, I want to let you know about a special thank you to subscribers of Prepared Christian.  If you are already a subscriber or become a subscriber by Friday December 14th, you’ll be entered into a drawing to win one of the eleven gifts highlighted below.

To enter simply reply to any of the e-mails you receive alerting you of an update at Prepared Christian.  In the e-mail just wish me a Merry Christmas!  I will respond letting you know that you have been entered.  I will contact he winners to get your mailing address so I can mail you your present.

You have until Friday, December 14th at 5:00 pm Central Time to enter.  I will be contacting the winners on Friday to get your address.  The sooner you let me know, the sooner I place the order, there should be plenty of time for the winners to have a gift from Prepared Christian under their tree!

Thank you all so much and Merry Christmas!



Twenty Great Gifts for Prepper’s


If you have a prepper in your life and are looking for some gift ideas, here are twenty great ideas at many different price points.  Everything on this list is either something I own and may have reviewed, or would like to own (hint hint to my beautiful wife).  As I said above, I will be giving away more than half of these gifts in a drawing for subscribers to the updates as a thank you.

I’ll start off with the least expensive on top.


Tactical Bible Stories: Personal Security Tips from the Bible Kindle $2.99 Paperback $4.00

This book written by a fellow Prepared Christian Rob Robideau, I reviewed Tactical Bible Stories earlier this year.  Rob does a great job of using Biblical examples of different aspects of self-defense.

The Survivors Club: The Secrets and Science that Could Save Your Life Kindle Edition $8.89 Paperback $6.00

I reviewed The Survivors Club earlier this year, I think it is a fantastic book and learned a lot from it.  I think this book does a fantastic job of exploring a lot of the scientific reasons why some people survive, but it also explores some emotional and spiritual reasons as well.

The Gift of Fear and Other Survival Signals that Protect Us From Violence Kindle Edition $6.39 Paperback $7.73

I also reviewed the The Gift of Fear this year as well.  I think this book should be required reading for everyone, especially woman.  I believe this so strongly that I gave over 10 copies away when I reviewed it.

ResQMe Car Escape Tool $9.95

I love this little tool, it’s small enough to go  on any key chain, which will ensure it is within reach if you need it.  It will cut a seatbelt and has a spring loaded head that will shatter a car window.

Midland HH50 Pocket Weather Radio$14.19

This is one of the Midland products we own, I did a review of it and another weather radio earlier this year.  This weather radio is small enough to fit a shirt or jean pocket, so you can easily take it with you on the go.  I am so pleased with Midland that I became an affiliate for them.

Zombie Apocalypse Survival Kit in a Sardine Can $16.99

I thought this was a pretty clever idea and a great gift for any Walking Dead fan.  More of a gag gift than anything, but the mini kit isn’t bad in and of itself.


Maxpedition Mini Pocket Organizer $16.33

I reviewed the Maxpedition Mini Pocket Organizerand gave it four stars.  This is a great organizer for your EDC, will fit in a cargo pants pocket or in the great abyss known as a purse.

Rothco All Weather Outdoor Blanket (Colors May Vary) $18.45

I recently purchased these for our BOB’s, it is a HUGE upgrade from the small folded space blanket.

Victorinox Swiss Army Climber II Pocket Knife$18.69
This SAK (Swiss Army Knife) is a step or two above the one I own.  There are others with more options, but I think this one covers all of the needed bases.

Lights Out $19.99

I reviewed Lights Out earlier this year, I thoroughly enjoyed this book.  I think it is probably the best piece of fiction I have read in the prepper genre.

Allen Company Adult Blade 4 Lens Style Combo Case (Clear, Red, Yellow, Smoke) $19.95
I reviewed these shooting glasses, I purchased them for my wife and I after trying on a pair my friend owns.  I could not believe how the yellow made things pop out.  That there are four other interchangeable lenses are a huge bonus.  I think these are great for any shooter.

Adventure Medical Kits SOL Origin Survival Tool $35.67

I don’t own this yet, but it is on my list of wanted items.  It is a great mini kit, with lots of gear in a compact design.

Gerber 22-41545 Black Diesel Multi-Plier with Sheath$52.29

This is an excellent multi-tool, with the following components needle nose pliers, wire cutter, partially serrated knife blade, cross point screwdriver, small, medium and large flat blade screwdrivers, can opener, bottle opener, file, saw and scissors.  All that and it’s a Gerber.

Complete Cold Process Soap Making Kit $44.95

If you want to learn how to make soap this complete kit is a great idea.  As stated it has everything you’ll need and will make 12 bars.  Once you know the process you can branch out and add different oils and scents.

5.11 ATAC L1 Tactical Flashlight $55.99

This is my EDC Flashlight that link will take you to a review.  I searched for almost two years for an EDC flashlight and this one is everything I wanted.  It’s small enough to fit easily in a pocket, or in the Maxpedition pocket organizer I listed above.

Adventure Medical Kits Weekender Kit $49.99

One of the things that I like about the Adventure Medical Kits is they are tailored to the adventure you’re going on.  Sure there are some over lapping pieces, but some of it is more geared for the situation you might find yourself in.  Some other kits they have are Adventure Medical Kits Hunter Kit and Adventure Medical Kits Tactical Field/Trauma with QuikClot

Katadyn Vario Multi Flow Water Microfilter $72.49

While I don’t own this filters, it has a lot of bang for the buck and would be a great addition to any BOB.  Lots of water purification from one of the industry leaders.

Wagan 400-Watt Power Dome Jump Starter with Built-In Air Compressor and LED Utility Light $99.00

I don’t own this, but when the budget permits I plan on one for each vehicle.  It can jump start a dead batter, pump air into a flat tire.  This isn’t something you might use often, but if you need it once, it’ll be very worth the money.

Powermonkey-Explorer V2 – Grey $109.95

I have looked at items like this a couple times, and it never seemed all that worth it.  Then Hurricane Sandy hit and I read about how they had generators running and turned into charging stations, so people could charge their cell phones.  This will do that for you, and it has plenty of adapters, please make sure it will work for your phone before purchasing.

Excalibur 2900 9-Tray Food Dehydrator – Black – New $219.99

I got the 9 tray dehydrator a few years ago for Christmas, I haven’t used it as much as I would like, but I love it.  It can dehydrate a HUGE amount of food at one time.  Unless you are going to dehydrate a colossal amount of food, you can save some money and go with the Excalibur 5 – Tray Dehydrator.  It won’t do as much at one time, but you can do a second batch.  Even with the five trays you’ll be surprised at how much food you can fit in it.


If you liked this article please think about sharing it on the social media listed below, thanks!


Review of After Armageddon

Earlier this year, I wrote an article called “How a True Pandemic May Look”.  In it, I explained, at a macro level, what a pandemic might look like.  JP recently sent me an email containing a link to a site hosting a YouTube video of a History Channel special called “After Armageddon”.  First, let me say that I am not posting the link to the video.  I don’t know how the copyright works with it being on YouTube.  If you want to see it, search YouTube for “After Armageddon”.  There are some videos that are broken up in 8-9 minute sections, but I did see one full length one.  I will be going into detail on some of the information covered, so if you want to watch it without me spoiling it, consider this fair warning.

All that being said, the reason I am bringing up this video is that it takes a very micro level look at how a worldwide pandemic will affect the individual.  Their disclaimer is This Program is a theoretical account of the worst case scenario for global disaster.  This is not a real emergency.”  The premise of the show is that a pandemic with high morbidity and mortality is sweeping across Europe, South America, Russia and Southern Africa.  At first the US government doesn’t acknowledge there are any confirmed cases, but just a couple weeks after the first cases are discovered abroad, there are many affected in the US.

They have a panel of experts talking about the different aspects of how a pandemic will affect everyday life.  The fictional story follows a family from Los Angeles from before there are any acknowledged cases on US soil, to years after the pandemic.  The acting was pretty bad, but I didn’t watch it for the acting.  As the shows disclaimer mentions, this is a theoretical account of a worst case scenario.  I have mentioned before that a pandemic is one of the “big ones” that concerns me the most.   We have had them multiple times in human history, and it could take weeks to months to produce a vaccine.  World travel is easier than ever before, so spreading of a pandemic would be faster than at any other time.  That being said, a large-scale, true pandemic, such as the one in 1918, is a very rare thing.

I used this show to play the “what would I do” game.  While some of the decisions the family in the show makes are not decisions I would have made, putting yourself in different scenarios and deciding the best course of action is a great way to practice “survival thinking”.

The show covered a wide range of topics throughout the entire show, touching on such things as security throughout.  I am going to cover some of the general topics instead of going along the timeline the show used.



As I mentioned, the show has a pandemic spreading worldwide after only three weeks.  Because a trip that used to take weeks can now be made in less than a day, it is completely possible for someone who is newly infected to travel to another country before they begin to show signs of sickness.  As the pandemic is really taking hold in America they say that many healthcare professionals will not show up for work.  After some time, hospitals may close their doors and not take any new patients in.  This is in part because they are full and have no more room, because they don’t have any way of treating patients and partly due to lack of staffing.  When I went through CERT, the county emergency manager said that it is expected that as many as 30% of first responders and healthcare professionals won’t go in to work.  This could be due to fear of catching the illness or because either a loved one or they, themselves, have gotten sick.

The show said that the number of dead bodies would be overwhelming, with no one to come and remove them.  I think this could be true.  Also, what would you do with them all?  The only thing I can think of is mass graves.  If you live in a town of 10,000 and the pandemic had a morbidity rate of 30% and a mortality rate of 10% that would mean that your town alone would see 300 people die from the pandemic.   It is easy to see how healthcare and those who deal with the deceased could be quickly overwhelmed.

As I mentioned, the show covered a large time frame.  One of the things they said would take place months to years after the pandemic had run its course was that there would be limited healthcare, maybe going back to what it was in the early twentieth century.  People would get sick and die from things they haven’t in ten to twenty years.  A cut that becomes infected could be deadly.



In the show, the father is a paramedic and goes to work one day to be told that the hospital has shut down.  He sneaks in and when he sees all the sick people his eyes are opened to how bad the situation is.  He goes to the store and buys whatever supplies he can find.  One of the commentators makes the statement that I am sure many of you have heard, “the average family has roughly around three days of food in their home”.  He then says, “To really go to ground you need three months or more”.  Since most of us are aware of the need to have much more than three days stored, I am going to leave this alone.

The family decides to self-quarantine until the crime rate and loss of electricity pushes them to flee for the wife’s sister in Idaho.  They soon find the major highways out of the city gridlocked and must find an alternate route.  I bring this up because, while I think that in most situations battening down is the better choice, you should know multiple routes to bug out.  These routes, as one of the commentators puts it, “should be the road less traveled.”

Along the way the family is forced to abandon the SUV and carry very little of their supplies.  The commentators talk about only carrying what is needed and that you may be forced to loot the things to keep you alive.   I wrote an article called “Is it ever okay to loot or salvage”.  If you have never considered this subject, I recommend reading that article.

It is also mentioned that you will have to think of non-traditional places to get water.  Hotel pools and water heaters are mentioned and the father gets some water from a car radiator, which is not an option for most of the year in northern states.

I’ll explain this more in the next section, but in the show, the power goes out for good and oil shipments are no more.  Due to this, it is mentioned that we will need to learn the skills our grandparents knew.  This is in relation to growing and harvesting food.  I have no way to prove this, but I imagine that just two generation ago most people either canned or knew someone who did.  I bet today there is maybe one in twenty who does.



As I mentioned above the family decided to self-quarantine and would have stayed home had the rising crime and lack of power not driven them out.  It was said that there are 102 nuclear power plants in the US, and only 5000 people know how to run them.  Due to staff and fuel shortages there are multiple power station failures.  The show didn’t get into this but it is important to be aware of.  Nuclear power plants have large generators on site to keep the pumps running that keep the rods cool.  I have heard that these generators have a two week supply of diesel on site.  If the power doesn’t come back on line before the fuel runs out and if there is no more diesel brought in, we could be looking at a very serious situation at the end of those two weeks.

Related to the power stopping is the Internet going down.  This would impact just about every aspect of life.  I’m not talking just about email and surfing.  So many companies have integrated the internet into their business, from scheduling to inventory management, air traffic control to power management of remote systems.

Because there is no power, the water stops pumping.  This means that the toilets stop working.  The family in the show is forced to bury their waste outside.  One of the commentators says something to the affect “that due to the lack of a working sewage system this adds to the spreading of disease not associated with the pandemic.”

There is also a mention of the lack of oil and power to push water to irrigation systems.  In terms of growing food, we would be back to the 1850’s.  It is said that “without irrigation farms become wastelands.”  Because of the lack of running water for irrigation, famine pushes the death toll even higher after the pandemic has run its course.



One commentator remarks on lessons learned from hurricane Katrina (this might have been two different commentators, but the gesture is the same). “Katrina showed us how thin the polite veneer is.  It took four days to descend into anarchy.”  Another comment is made that “we’re only nine meals away from anarchy.”  I think three to four days sounds about right.  Watching your loved ones go hungry for three days or going hungry yourself for that long could drive people to use violence to try and get what they don’t have to survive.

They said that towns might take up arms, shut their borders and not allow anyone to enter or exit.  This will be done to prevent any sick from entering and also to keep Joe Dirtbag out.  In smaller towns, community food would be rationed and a triage would be set up to determine who will get to eat and how much they may get to eat.  Authority is local and can be guaranteed as long as there is a local Sheriff who is effective.  In one scene, bandits break in to steal from a small town.  They are caught and the sheriff executes them in the middle of the street.

One of the commentators, whom I believe was a professor said, “Both in destruction phase and in rebuilding phase, religion will be very popular.”  There will be a lot of apocalyptic sermons and the pandemic blamed on the sins of the past.  I think this is probably true.  I remember hearing how full churches were after 9-11.



It is said that violence will become the norm and security becomes the most important aspect.  When the family begins to run out of food, the husband goes in search of some.   He sees just how much things have deteriorated and begins to throw clothes out in the yard,  explaining to his wife how bad it is and that they have to make the house look like its already been looted and vandalized.

One night the son sees people going through their neighbor’s house and they decide to leave the next day for the wife’s sister’s home in Idaho.   As I mentioned above, they find the main route clogged and attempt another route, which ends up having a “road block” with armed men who start firing shots as the SUV turns around to avoid them.  It is said that “the road less traveled is preferred”, and that “not being seen is preferable to trying to fight.”

The commentators talk of “people forming gangs to obtain the resources they need.” And another said “They’ll be looking for food, they’ll be looking for drugs, they’ll be looking for gold or silver or something thing will have value after.”  The husband tried to barter with someone to get some food and finds that cash is worthless.  The people (thugs) with the food were still interested in his watch.

One of the commentators said something I didn’t know, or at least hadn’t thought of this way; “In a famine situation, children are often the most dangerous.  They are the most prone to violence.”


Final Thoughts

While I didn’t learn anything new, I think this show is worth watching and I am glad I did.  A pandemic happening in the manner they depict is something I pray we never see.  Those who read this article or visit other preparedness sites might be better prepared for it, but all of humanity will feel the impact.


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Review of the Glock 19

Before I purchased my first firearm, I did a lot of research.  I went to a few gun stores and held them to make sure I liked the feel.  Doing these two things helped me narrow down the list of guns I was interested in.  I then found a range that rented guns and rented my top three choices.  I chose the Glock 19.  I thought I would share some of the reasons I bought a Glock.



Caliber:                9mm
Barrel:                  4.02 inches
Overall length:    6.85 inches
Weight:                 20.99 ounces empty
Grip:                      polymer
Action:                  Glock Safe Action
Capacity:              15+1
Price:                     $599-$699

Trustworthiness and Reliability

As I mentioned, I did plenty of research before I decided on a Glock 19.  What I found was that Glock is the most commonly issued pistol in law enforcement (most law enforcement carry a .40 rather than the 9mm Glock 19).  I also found that the Glock 19 is used by Israeli special forces.  Glock, in general, and the Glock 19 specifically, is used by countless police and security organizations around the world.  These agencies have strict standards and put potential firearms through stress tests. Knowing this and knowing that they use Glock speaks volumes to me.  In the complete Book of Autopistols, August 2010 edition, the author called the Glock 19 the “Quintessential combat handgun”.  James Yeager, the CEO of Tactical Response, a firearm training company that provides tactical training worldwide, has a saying that goes something like; “All handguns should be Glocks, all Glocks should be 9mm and all 9mm should be Glock 19’s.”  I do understand that some of the above is due to personal preference, but that preference is developed from shooting hundreds of thousands of rounds.



I carry concealed for a reason; I don’t want anyone to know I am carrying, especially Joe Dirtbag.  For this reason, I chose the compact Glock 19.   With the polymer GLOCK Sport Combat Holster you cannot easily tell I’m carrying.  Depending on what I am wearing you might be able to tell from behind me, but you would have to be looking for it.


Stopping Power

Some might say a 9mm doesn’t have enough stopping power.  If you are trained and can hit what your aiming at, and are using self-defense loads that dump their kinetic energy into the target so the round does maximum damage and stays in the target, then a 9mm has plenty of stopping power.



The Glock is, by far, the easiest handgun I have disassembled, cleaned and reassembled.  We own a Walther .22 handgun and, while it’s a decent gun to shoot, it requires a special tool to disassemble.  Once you learn how to take the Glock apart, you can do so in seconds.  Once apart cleaning and greasing it are also very easy.


My Take:

I really like this firearm.  I have put thousands of rounds down range and have not had a single failure.  My wife also has a Glock 19 and has only had one failure.  Liking them is one thing, but we and so many others trust them with our lives.  That might sound a little dramatic, but I mean it.  If I am ever in a situation where I need to use a firearm to defend myself, I will be glad that I have my Glock 19.

If you don’t like the feel of the polymer grip, you can fix that with a bicycle inner-tube placed over it.  I was shown this by a firearms instructor and have since done it to all my handguns as it really helps.


I happily give the Glock 19 four stars.

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Book review of: Just In Case, how to be self-sufficient when the unexpected happens.

Just in Case: How to be Self-Sufficient when the Unexpected Happens

Book Description from Amazon:

“Just in case disaster strikes, you need a plan to ensure your family’s safety and comfort in all eventualities. What would you do if the power went out for several days in a row? Or if your family had to quickly evacuate the area?

Kathy Harrison shows you how to set up a simple home system–covering food storage, alternative heating sources, toiletries and clothing, pet supplies, emergency communication plans, and more–that will allow your household to survive comfortably for several days, or longer, with no outside services at all. Harrison also explains how to create a detailed evacuation plan–where to go, how to meet up with other family members, what to pack, and how to protect what you leave behind.

Keep a cool head and plan well; your family will be able to settle in together, stay warm, and eat well when the unexpected happens.”

This book is my wife’s go-to book; her favorite book in our preparedness library. By looking at the table of contents, one would think the book has limited information. Paging through it reveals that it covers a very extensive range of topics. Kathy Harrison, the author, does a great job explaining topics in a clear and concise manner.

It goes into more detail on some topics than others but gives you enough information on all topics covered to make you familiar with the topic. She lists other, more detailed resources for some topics as well.

I think one of my favorite parts is what she calls “Stored Food Cookbook”, where she lists several recipes using commonly stored foods. She also has section on canning, dehydrating and other means of storing food.

I think this book is a good resource for those newer to preparedness, as it covers a wide range of topics related to the headings in the table of contents. Those who’ve been Prepper’s for a while will find nuggets of wisdom as well.

I give this book four stars.

Review of PMC Bronze 9mm Luger from Lucky Gunner


I had first heard of Lucky Gunner earlier this year when a reader made a comment in another article. I decided to go and check them out. I was impressed enough with what I saw, to become an affiliate of theirs.

For full disclosure, that means that if you click on any of the links or images to Lucky Gunner, I will receive a small commission. Also for full disclosure, they provided the ammo I am going to review today PMC 9mm Luger, free of charge.

First let me tell you what impressed me enough about their site to become an affiliate. Searching is made very easy. Let’s say you’re searching for 9mm. The information you are given is the price per box, the price per round and how many they actually have in stock. If they’re out, it shouldn’t be shown on their site. The other thing that impressed me was that they guarantee same day shipping if you order by 3pm EST and next day shipping if you order after 3 PM EST, or you’ll be refunded 110%.

Now onto the Ammo Review!

I received a box of PMC 9mm Luger. PMC is a South Korean owned company. I have never fired any of their ammo and was looking forward to it. I took my stepson with me to enjoy some guy time and waft in the smell of gunpowder (insert Tim the Tool Man caveman grunt).

I fired all 50 rounds of the PMC 9mm Luger flawlessly, with the exception of one casing bouncing off the range dividers and smacking me in the face, which my stepson found humor in.

Afterward we shot a box of Winchester ammo that I had picked up at a local store. It might just be me, but it felt like it had a bit more recoil than the PMC 9mm Luger, but we didn’t have a single failure with either.

I had the targets set to 10-15 feet. It turns out that my stepson is a better shot then I am, though I think he moved the target closer while I was reloading. In any case, we both made plenty of holes in targets that would be center mass at handgun self-defense ranges.

I would happily buy from Lucky Gunner and shoot with this ammo again, even if I was not an affiliate. I give the PMC 9mm Luger four stars.

Book Review: One Second After

One Second After


Here is a book that deals with a topic many of us will be familiar with; EMP. This book made it into the mainstream and I have even heard rumors of a movie deal.

Book description, from Amazon:

New York Times best selling author William R. Forstchen now brings us a story which can be all too terrifyingly real…a story in which one man struggles to save his family and his small North Carolina town after America loses a war, in one second, a war that will send America back to the Dark Ages…A war based upon a weapon, an Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP). A weapon that may already be in the hands of our enemies.

Months before publication, One Second After has already been cited on the floor of Congress as a book all Americans should read, a book already being discussed in the corridors of the Pentagon as a truly realistic look at a weapon and its awesome power to destroy the entire United States, literally within one second. It is a weapon that the Wall Street Journal warns could shatter America. In the tradition of On the Beach, Fail Safe and Testament, this book, set in a typical American town, is a dire warning of what might be our future…and our end.


My Take:

Be forewarned, there are a few spoilers in this review. I purchased and read the book shortly after its release three years ago. I remember it, but could have a few things a little off. If I do, please let me know and I’ll make a correction.

This book brings to light a topic that I don’t think most Americans are aware of or understand the dangers of. This book shows the impact of the EMP on one man and his family and his city and the hard choices that must be made. They are, in large part, cut off from the rest of the country and must fend for themselves, soon running low on food and medicine. There are a few examples of lawlessness and the difficult choices that must be made when the systems we have come to rely on to feed us and keep us safe are no longer there.

I think the book does a good job showing the dangers of being unprepared. In fact, in one part, the main character makes a comment on wishing he had even one bag of rice. Yet in another part, they put down the “survivalists” and their food stores in the mountains.

The book does a pretty good job overall in showing how a society might react to an EMP. It might go a bit far in the huge roving hoard of cannibal raiders. If there is an event like this, there could be pockets of raiders but having a huge group of them ravaging entire cities seems a bit too much to me.

This wasn’t a book that I couldn’t put down. In fact I read it over the course of six months. That is not to say that I didn’t enjoy it. I did, it just did not draw me in and keep my attention. As I mentioned, it does a good job of showing the dangers of being unprepared at any level and also of how a community must come together to face an event of this magnitude.

I give One Second After three stars.

A note that I forgot to add that Tim made in the comment section: “Forgot to add a warning to potential readers: there is some crude language and multiple portrayals of very gruesome images. If this book were to be accurately made into a movie, it would probably be rated R, primarily for the violence.”


Review: Tactical Bible Stories: Personal Security Tips from the Bible

Personal Security Tips from the Bible
By Rob Robideau

Today I am going to review a book authored by a reader.  Make sure to read the end to see how, for one day, you can get a free copy of this book.


Description from Amazon:

 “Tactical Bible Stories” takes the most important aspects of personal security and uses Bible illustrations to make them fun and easy for anyone to understand, remember, and apply.

Did you know that the Bible has examples of tactics, concepts, and ideas that are still used and taught by modern security professionals?

Tactical Bible Stories” will help you learn how to prepare for, avoid, and deal with violent confrontations.


My Take:

Navigating self-defense and Christianity can be tricky but Rob does a very good job.  He introduces topics using scripture and paints a picture of how this self-defense principle was being used at the time the scriptures were written.  This book is aimed at someone who may have some understanding of self-defense concepts but, as Rob puts it, “was written for the readers that may not be a part of the typical “self-defense circles”.”  I consider myself fairly tuned in when it comes to self-defense and Rob still made a few points that I either hadn’t considered previously or had seen from a different perspective.

He explains that there is far more to self-defense than shooting, fighting or using any tactical gear. He covers training and gear, but also covers awareness, mindset and touches on avoidance and de-escalation as well.  However, he makes it clear that your goal is to keep you, your family and friends safe; avoiding a fight if possible, but finishing it if it is brought to you, to meet your goal of keeping your loved ones safe.

If you or someone in your life is new to self-defense concepts or has some doubts about it being biblical, this would be a good book to read.

“Tactical Bible Stories” will be launched on June 5th and Rob will be giving away the Kindle version free all day.  He will be selling the paperback version at his cost.  You don’t need to own a Kindle to read a Kindle e-book, there are free versions available for PC, Mac, Smart Phones and Tablets

Review of Reecom and Midland Weather Radios

Reecom R-1630 Weather

Shortly after we started prepping, one of our local grocery stores had a special on the Reecom R-1630 Weather Alert All Hazard Alert Radio. We had talked about getting one and my wife went ahead and got this one. Neither one of us had researched weather radios and didn’t know much about this one, but I am pleasantly surprised.

Technical details from Amazon:

  • 7 Channels with Digital PLL Tuning, S.A.M.E. (Specific Area Message Encoder) Technology, 90 dB siren, voice alert, and flashing LED
  • Easy Programming, Effective Time Display and Accurate Auto-Count Down (from 15 mins to 6 hours expiration time issued by NOAA) for Up To 25 Active Alerts Simultaneously
  • Defeat Siren Function, selectable up to 48 individual alert messages
  • E.O.M (End Of Message) Detection – Automatically go back to the state immediately before alert receiving (radio previous state)
  • 200 Hours Battery Back-up Time (with 4 ‘AA’ fresh Alkaline batteries in standard size, Energizer brand recommended) During Power Outage in Emergency Period
  • High Alert Reception Sensitivity
  • Responds to Amber Alert, All Hazards Alert and E.A.S Alert
  • Voice Alert / Siren Alert Selectable
  • 26 county memories available
  • Low battery detection and indication

We originally set it up for the county my parents live in as well as our county. I like this feature, and think it’s a plus for anyone with a BOL. We have since changed it to just our county as both counties are large and it was picking up alerts from a good distance away.
We later bought another one that I kept it in my car. Now that I am working from home, it’s in our basement.
I also like that it picks up Amber Alerts, All Hazards Alerts and the E.A.S. Alerts. If there is ever an event that isn’t weather related and they need to get word out, they can send an alert this way.

Our dogs hate it, but that’s a little humorous to me, so I’m not sure it’s a negative.

I give this weather radio 4 stars.

MIDLAND HH50 Pocket Weather Radio

We also have a couple of the MIDLAND HH50 Pocket Weather Radio
Product features from Amazon:

  • Broadcasts all hazards alert weather brought to you by NOAA for around-the-clock severe weather information
  • Automatic alert system turns on in event of dangerous weather or civil emergencies
  • Test button confirms alert function is working properly at all times
  • Constructed to be water resistant, with a 6-inch telescoping antenna for crystal-clear reception
  • Runs on 3 AAA batteries, and is backed by a manufacturer’s 3-year warranty

I really like this weather radio, you can stick it in your pocket and set it to turn on if there is an alert. It will also alert on civil emergencies. This little guy would be a great addition to a BOB, glove box or wherever.

I give this one 4 stars as well

Book Review: The Survivors Club: The Secrets and Science that Could Save Your Life

I have referenced The Survivors Club a few different times, so I thought it was about time to do a full review of it.  Here is the book description from Amazon:


“Do you believe in miracles? This collection of extraordinary tales of survival is guaranteed to astound and inspire you in equal measure. Meet ordinary people who have found extraordinary strengths facing seemingly impossible challenges – like the woman who fell from the sky, or the man who floated 300 miles out to sea after the Asian tsunami. What is it about some people that they seem born survivors, or how does someone find the incredible strength from within not to give up on hope against all odds? Are some people just lucky? These and many other true stories demonstrate the strength we all possess to come through our life’s toughest challenges, and the precious wisdom that results from surviving. It is both a fascinating exploration and an inspiring celebration of the human mind, body and spirit.”


My Take:

I’ve always been fascinated by survival stories; people who get lost at sea and are somehow found weeks later, still alive, or people who are attacked, their will to live is stronger than their attacker and they hang on,  not only surviving but thriving, despite the attack.  I’ve wondered how one person could survive an ordeal but others with them did not.  The Survivors Club looks at those questions and more.  There are interviews from survivors of different kinds; from brutal assaults, shipwrecks, bizarre accidents, etc.  What happened to them and how they survived is discussed.

The Survivors Club also explores aspects of the science of survival, with information on the body’s reaction to hypothermia and how long someone can survive in frozen water, which is longer than you would think.  The author also explores the best place to sit on a plane, the best place to have a heart attack and other practical survival related topics.  I think he does a good job exploring what it takes to survive such as resiliency, luck, faith and other factors.    

There is also a survivor profiler that you can use to find out what kind of survivor you are.  I have tried twice and it hasn’t worked for me, but that could be operator error. 

My favorite part of The Survivors Club was the part that influenced my decision to do the “What Would You Do?” subjects once a week.  I’ve always thought about what I would do in different kinds of situation and I hope you all like this portion of the content. 

I learned a lot from The Survivors Club and can’t recommend it highly enough.  I give it five stars.

The Last Water Bottle I’ll Ever Buy: Guyot 38oz stainless bottle


A few years ago I wanted to replace my plastic Nalgene bottle due to it and other plastic bottles containing Bisphenol-A (BPA).  BPA has been linked to various cancers and other maladies.  At the time, there were only a few non-plastic options available.  The one I liked the most was from Guyot Designs.  (At the time of this post their website is down for redesign but their products are still available on Amazon.)  My wife got me two bottles as gifts, one for work and the other for home.

Guyot Designs 38oz


  • Price $35.00
  • 38 ounce container
  • Made from 18/10 surgical grade stainless



  • Since it is metal it is BPA Free.
  • When sealed correctly, the lid is spill proof.
  • The wide mouth makes filling easy but also makes the splash guard a must-have.  I know we got a splash guard with each bottle but that was directly from Guyot Designs.  I don’t know what the other vendors who sell through Amazon will do.
  • The wide mouth also makes cleaning easier.
  • Even with the cap slightly on, this bottle keeps liquids surprisingly cool for an extended time.  This is my opinion from having it on my desk at work all day.
  • Because the metal isn’t wimpy it can take a tumble.  I’ve dropped mine on concrete and it has a minor ding.
  • This is a wide container with a diameter just over 3.5” and a circumference of almost 11”.  It doesn’t tip easily.
  • As it is metal, even though it says not to put hot liquids in, in an emergency you could easily boil water with it, as long as you had a hot pad of some sort, as the container would get VERY hot.
  • Since it holds 38oz, drink two a day and you’ve drank the recommended amount of water.
  • It is dishwasher safe, to insure sanitization. 



  • It is expensive for a water bottle.  Since it is the last one I will ever purchase, I see it as being frugal.  I have no problem paying for the quality of something that will last a very long time.
  • As I mentioned, my wife got me two.  There is a “rope” connecting the lid to the body.  The “rope” came loose on both of them.  This was easily remedied with a little super glue, even after repeated dishwasher cycles.
  • The width might be an issue for some, I have fairly big hands and this is a handful to be sure.  There is another Guyot bottle called The Backpacker It has a narrower base and would be easier to hold.  Incidentally, the Backpacker is around $25.00. 


My Take

Since many manufactures started using different metals and stopped using polycarbonate polymers to make their bottles, there are many more options available.  I have looked at many others and haven’t found one yet that comes close to the Guyot Designs 38oz.

I give this item four stars.


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